José Luis de la Serna


Долгий день насилия
Production Manager
Мексика, 1914 год, революция в полном разгаре. Дни диктатуры Уэрты уже сочтены. Диего Медина, внук генерала Медины, молодой идеалист, похищает план обороны города Закатекаса, чтобы отдать его Панчо Вилья, революционному генералу и лидеру крестьянских повстанцев. Спасаясь от преследования федералов, он присоединяется к Хуану Мальпело и его банде разбойников. Диего убеждает Мальпело, чтобы он сопроводил его к Панчо Вилья, где того ждет награда в 50 000 песо и звание полковника революционной армии...
La otra residencia
Crazy and macabre comedy written and directed by Alfonso Paso, inspired by 'The Residence', a horror film by Narciso Ibanez Serrador. Two offenders commit a murder and unwittingly decide to separate. One of them found refuge in a villa. Palmiro, a boy from the house who everyone consider silly, discovered him.
Los extremeños se tocan
Production Manager
Los extremeños se tocan
Line Producer
No somos ni Romeo ni Julieta
Production Manager
Cruzada en la mar
Assistant Director
Death Knows No Time
Production Manager
Forced to abandon their land that was sold to the United States, a group of Mexicans turns into bandits. Their leader, Rojas, with the help of Trevor organizes a big robbery. But, caught by the sheriff, he is condemned to 20 years of prison. Threatening to torture Rojas' son, Trevor learns where the money is hidden, not realizing that Rojas' revenge would be so ruthless...
The Italians They Are Crazy
Assistant Director
In a German prison camp, some Italian prisoners bet with the commander that they will be able to build a church in two hours.
Estrella de Sierra Morena
Script Supervisor