Mathieu Bertholet


A Real Job
Camera Operator
Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
"B" Camera Operator
A former gang member who believes his daughter is the only one who save his community from an curse uttered by a rival gang member in his dying breath.
Un petit miracle
Camera Operator
Nothing goes well for Juliette! The school where she used to teach has burned down, and her unique class will have to be dispatched to the four corners of the department. To avoid this, she proposes a surprising solution: to install her class at the Poppies, the local old people's home, the only place that can accommodate them for the time of the work. For the children as well as for the residents, the cohabitation will not be easy, but will transform them forever. Inspired by a true story.
Our Eternal Summer
Director of Photography
To live and to love at the age of 18, immersing yourself in the carefree summer days and nights, losing your best friend suddenly, and realizing that nothing lasts forever. It’s a time of decisive encounters in order to be reborn.
Джузеппе, обычного работягу с юга Италии, беды настигают одна за другой. Сначала шальной осколок скалы лишает его глаза и заработка на каменоломне, затем жена внезапно умирает от сердечного приступа во время работы на виноградниках. Пытаясь спасти своего сына от нищеты, он решает вместе с ним отправиться на заработки на тот же виноградник. Здесь всем заправляет мафия — чтобы выживать приходится во всём подчиняться ей и соглашаться на её правила.