Dira Paes

Dira Paes

Рождение : 1969-06-30, Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil


Ecleidira Maria Fonseca Paes (Abaetetuba, June 30, 1969), better known as Dira Paes, is a Brazilian actress and presenter. Known for her versatility, she has won several awards, including a notable twelve Grande Otelo nominations, winning as best actress in 2013, three Guarani Awards, two APCA Awards, two Brazil Quality Awards, an Extra Award, as well as three Kikitos from the Gramado and five Candangos from the Brasília Festival.


Dira Paes
Dira Paes
Dira Paes
Dira Paes


"Pureza" tells a story of a mother, Pureza, who goes in search of her son, Abel, disappeared after leaving for the mining in the Amazon.
Reencountering the only man she ever loved is Gringa’s dream. She is the owner of a brothel in the interior of Brazil and even though she is blind and very sick, she insists on fulfilling her last wish: to go to Venice to apologize to the lover she abandoned decades ago. To take her to the Italian city, Tonho, Rita and the other girls who work for Gringa come up with a fantastic plan with help from a circus troupe.
Candango: Memoirs from a Festival
In 1965, a year after the military coup in Brazil, an oasis of freedom opened in the country's capital. The Brasília Film Festival: a landmark of cultural and political resistance. Its story is that of Brazilian cinema itself.
O Filme da Minha Vida
Божественная любовь
Бразилия, 2027 год. Люди обращаются к богу через кабинки автомолитв и устраивают в честь всевышнего рейв-вечеринки. Главная героиня фильма, Жоана, консультирует супружеские пары в кризисе, а свободное время посвящает религиозной общине, практикующей крайне радикальный способ сближения супругов.
The Age of Water
The film warns us about the world's water crisis and the international greed for the Amazon Forest, the largest fresh water reservoir on the planet. In addition to concentrating 20% of the world's drinking water, the Amazon is the region with the greatest chance of maintaining its water sources in the next decades, thanks to the humidity of its forest.
The real-life story of Zeneida, a girl who moves to a farm with her mother and finds herself having an unusual connection with a forest spirit.
Clara Estrela
Плюшевый монстр
Janine (voz)
Жизнь Лино — молодого парня, работающего аниматором в детском саду, кажется беспросветной: его дом того и глади развалится, девушки его не любят, а на работе целый день терроризируют дети. Отчаявшись, он решается обратиться к одному незадачливому магу, ведь тот обещает найти выход из любой ситуации. И маг находит способ кардинально изменить жизнь Лино. Но, с колдовством пошло что-то не так, и Лино превратился в огромного кота-монстра. Как все вернуть назад и стать счастливым?
Luzimar cycles each day to and from work at the local cotton mill in his hometown of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is a hard-working man, trying to make the most of what he has. One day, his childhood friend Gildo reappears, driving a fancy car and boasting of his successful life in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. As the two sit down for a beer, memories, regrets and old resentments slowly resurface.
Orphans of Eldorado
A man returns to his hometown and resumes a dangerous old affair...
Mulheres no Poder
Associate Producer
Mulheres no Poder
María Pilar
O Segredo dos Diamantes
Mãe de Ângelo
Ângelo arrives at his grandmother's house in Minas Gerais. There, a small chest full of coins and an enigma were discovered, supposedly left by a priest who, 200 years earlier, would have hidden a handful of diamonds.
Os Amigos
Théo goes to the funeral of his childhood best friend. Then, memories return.
Пограничный путь
Жоан и Дуда – дальнобойщик и беспризорник, сведенные озорницей судьбой. Суровый водила, обнаруживший малолетнего чужака в кузове своей фуры, мечтал сбагрить мальчишку властям или полиции – но не вышло, в мелких населенных пунктах, мимо которых пролегает маршрут, с шерифами проблема. Пришлось путешествовать вдвоём, и первоначальная неприязнь скоро сменилась взаимной симпатией.
E Aí... Comeu?
Associate Producer
The real first comedy about love.
E Aí... Comeu?
The real first comedy about love.
In a Brazilian coastal village where everything seems motionless, Clarice grasps her life in a single day, unlike those she meets and who are living this day like any other. She tries to understand her obscure reality and the destiny of the people around her in a circular time that haunts and disorients.
We're Together
A sensitive drama located in São Paulo, Brazil, about a young doctor who gets involved with two men and a homeless community at the same time.
Ribeirinhos do Asfalto
A little fisher village in Brazilian Amazon. Without aparent reason, the dweller start falling ill. Would it be a witchcraft? Felício looks desperatelly for the cure to save the life of his wife.
Chico e Amigos
Праздник мертвой девочки
Фильм рассказывает историю Сантиньо (в переводе с португальского имя означает «Святой»), молодого человека, которого община возвела в ранг Святого после сотворённого им чуда — «оживления» собственной матери. Теперь же жители верят, что Сантиньо — проводник посланий мёртвых. Раз в год в деревне устраивается празднество в честь мёртвых, на котором Сантиньо передает уроки мудрости живым.
Esse Homem vai Morrer - Um Faroeste Caboclo
O Afeto Que Se Encerra Em Nosso Peito Juvenil
Personal records of characters of the student movement, of the youth's cultural activity, song. poetry, and theatrical plays made by militants in the past.
Ó Paí Ó: Look at This
During the Carnival in the historical site of Pelourinho, Salvador da Bahia, we follow the lives of the tenants of a falling-to-pieces tenement house who try to get by using creativity, irony, humor, and music.
A Grande Família: O Filme
For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore
Стая зверей
В небольшой деревне неподалеку от сахарной плантации и спиртового заводика подлый и бедный Хейтор эксплуатирует свою шестнадцатилетнюю внучку Оксилиадору, заставляя ее показывать себя за деньги проезжим шоферам, остановившимся на бензозаправке. Группа местных хулиганов проводит время в оргиях с проститутками и марихуаной, а садист Сисеро домогается Оксилиадоры..
Mulheres do Brasil
2 сына Франциско
Helena Siqueira de Camargo
История Франсиско, очень простого и бедного человека, который мечтал увидеть, как его дети станут звездами кантри-музыки, и который приложил все усилия, чтобы это произошло.
Celeste e Estrela
Celeste Espírito Santo
Paulo Estrela (Fábio Nassar) is a film critic who is at the airport waiting for Celeste (Dira Paes). Meanwhile, she tells receptionist Salete (Ana Paula Arósio) how she met Celeste Espírito Santo. She is a beginner filmmaker, who found Estrela in film courses and was highly awarded for her work as a short filmmaker. Now, she plans to make her debut as a feature film director and counts on the critic's help to raise funds for production.
My Uncle Killed a Guy
Eder (Lázaro Ramos) is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca (Darlan Cunha), a 15 years old boy who is Eder's nephew, wants to prove the innocence of his uncle, he's sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend, Soraya (Deborah Secco), ex-wife of the deceased. Duca also wants to win the heart of Isa (Sophia Reis), a classmate who seems more interested in his best friend, Kid (Renan Gioelli). To be able to prove his theory, Duca gets help from Isa and Kid.
Noite de São João
Lua Cambará - Nas Escadarias do Palácio
Mango Yellow
In a poor neighborhood in Recife, the lives of exotic and bizarre characters entwine in a bar and in a very low-budget hotel. The queer Dunga works in the hotel and has a crush on the butcher Wellington that is married with the religious Kika and has an affair with his mistress Dayse. The sick necrophiliac Isaac owns a yellow Mercedes Benz and wants to have sex with Lígia that owns of Bar Avenida.
Louise's Wedding
Two women, from opposite worlds, Louise and her maid Luzia, both share a passion for music and finding the perfect man. What can happen during a luncheon where the tastes of both women coincide and clash, while in the presence of two desirable men?
Até a Vista
Chronically Unfeasible
Filmed over a five-year period, Chronically Unfeasible dissects Brazilian problems, using six people who meet in a restaurant in São Paulo as models to illustrate political, sociological and economic disparities between Brazil's upper and lower classes.
Vida e Obra de Ramiro Miguez
A painter is found dead with a gun in his hand, in his shabby studio in Lapa, a bohemian district in Rio de Janeiro. A brief note is published on a newspaper and, from then on, he becomes a national sensation.
Castro Alves - Retrato Falado do Poeta
Дона Флор и два ее мужа
The 20 episode miniseries edited into a 141 minute TV film. The beautiful Flor marries Vadinho and soon finds out he's spending all their money on gambles and has mistresses all over the city. Vadinho suddenly dies while partying during Carnival, and Flor, left helpless and full of debts, ends up marrying Teodoro, who's the exact opposite of her late husband.
Anahy de las Misiones
Told by gauchos from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguai, the legend says that Anahy de las Missiones wandered around the Plata Basin during the time of Cisplatina War (1825-1828), stealing the dead.
Corisco & Dadá
Cruel and brave Brazilian outlaw called Corisco, living in the backcountry in the Northeast, an arid region, rapes 12-year-old Dadá, who becomes his woman, following him and his gang. Although they were supposed to fight against social injustice, they terrorized the small villages along their way.
Corpo em Delito
During the Brazilian military dictatorship, a doctor forged autopsy reports to hide the victims of the regime.
The Amazonian jungle, Brazil, 1987. Ruthless landowners are evicting peasants from their land. The peasants look to the priest for help, and are contemplating taking up arms. A stranger arrives who provides an answer to their plight.
The Dolphin
According to an Amazonian legend, every month, during the full moon, a Brazilian fishing village receives a mysterious guest: the Boto, who transforms into a human to seduce and be loved by women and hated by men. One of her conquests is the daughter of a fisherman, who has a son with the Boto. He constantly reappears to seduce her, and even when she marries, he continues to look for her. This provokes the ire of the husband, who wants to kill him anyway.
Изумрудный лес
Место действия фильма — бразильские джунгли. Племя индейцев похищает пятилетнего мальчика, в то время как его отец, американский инженер, занят строительством дамбы. В течение десяти лет отец ищет сына, и после многочисленных приключений, полных экзотики, они встречаются в дебрях Амазонки.