Antonio Cabero


Proceso a una estrella
Construction Coordinator
A celebrated cabaret singer, Rosa Lucena, is accused of killing Miguel, her dance partner. She is arrested, but not finding sufficient evidence of guilt, the judges decide to investigate her past, when Rosa and Miguel acted in a theater in Madrid and she fellin love with a young doctor, leaving his career for him. This situation has a direct impact on Miguel, which fails miserably with the withdrawal of his partner.
La cesta
Construction Coordinator
Isidro el labrador
Construction Coordinator
Trampa para Catalina
Construction Coordinator
Catherine bears a strong resemblance to Silvia, daughter of a millionaire who has escaped with a bullfighter. A group of ruffians who intends to defraud the Silvia's father used to Catalina for their plans.
Farmacia de guardia
Construction Coordinator
A Pharmacy on night duty is the location for all kinds of episodes that one might imagine to happen in any night in Spain in the fifties.