John Samuel Kande

John Samuel Kande

Рождение : , Brussels, Belgium


Born in Brussels, John-Samuel Kande moved to Paris at a very young age where he fell in love with cinema watching Jean Claude Van Damme movies. Inspired by martial arts movies John-Samuel would take on MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) as an amateur and went on to win a number of trophies. John-Samuel attended school in Forest Gate (London) where he was first introduced to performing arts, however; his family was not in favour of the idea nevertheless he would later pursue his passion as a young adult. Whilst attending UEL (University of East London) owning him a performing arts degree, he would later join the Sylvia Young Theatre School and has been casted in a number of projects driving his career from strength to strength.


John Samuel Kande
John Samuel Kande


Его дом
John-Samuel Kande
Бол и Риал с дочкой бегут из охваченного войной Южного Судана. Когда группа беженцев на хлипкой лодке пересекает море, происходит несчастный случай, и девочка тонет. Через некоторое время в Великобритании пара получает статус иммигрантов и возможность адаптироваться - им выдают жильё без возможности переехать. Но первоначальная радость быстро сменяется тревогой, так как по ночам в новом доме супруги замечают потустороннюю сущность.