Kao Senami

Рождение : , Aichi, Japan


Born in 1997 in Aichi Prefecture. Participated in Takuji Suzuki’s film Randen (19) as an assistant director. Senami’s directorial debut short film Ambiguity (19) was selected to the Asian Student Films section of Gyeonggi Film School Festival 2019, and the Tokyo International Deaf Film Festival’s Film Submissions category. This is her first feature-length film.


The Rain’s Ark
Toko was roaming around a forest in the middle of a downpour. She wakes up in a home where four people of both genders reside together. However, there is something unnatural about them. As she is taught how to boil the water for the outdoor drum canister bathtub and how to wash laundry at a mountain stream, Toko slowly adapts to their self-contained way of living including procuring foodstuffs from anywhere. But then, something mysterious begins to occur.