Melchior’s bride Keterlyn happens to witness an attack on a young man. He has lost his memory and doesn’t know who he is or where’s he from. The only clue is a strange partial letter found on him that warns of grave danger. Melchior’s attempts to understand the circumstances of the young man’s memory loss lead him to uncover a hidden dead body. The partial letter gives Melchior an idea how to lure the killer into a trap... but this time the danger comes too close to home.
In the middle of the night, a drunk town guard happens to meet the daughter of a rich merchant… who drowned herself into a well 10 years ago. Soon after the town guard falls dead from the tower. This is followed by two other suspicious deaths. Doubting the existence of the ghost, Melchior has a hunch that these ‘accidents’ are part of a heinous crime. Tracking down the killer, his path will cross with heretics, old feuds and dark family secrets.
Jamal (voice)
Moving from Latvia to exotic Indonesia has proven to be quite a challenge for Paula’s (10) family. Her Mother has a hard time adapting to the country. Her sister, Kate (14), is entering puberty, and her Father’s workaholic nature is causing tension in the family. Luckily, the local boy Akhim (12) offers a ray of hope by telling Paula about special Shaman living in the jungle who has a superpower to bring Christmas everywhere. That must be Santa Claus himself! Kids join on a joyful adventure to find Christmas in the Jungle!
Два старых жулика, Маркус и Эдуард, которые провели большую часть своей жизни за стенами тюрьмы, выходят на волю. Мир снаружи изменился, и вот они, движимые прошлыми планами и мечтами, желают изменить свою жизнь. Всё происходящее с ними — новая реальность, препятствия и абсурдные ситуации, в которые они попадают — выбивает их из колеи.
Additional Voices (voice)
The main character, Helmi, is born into the house of Baron von Strandmann in Old-Town Tallinn, in 1908. The only thing that she knows for sure about her past is that her mother was an Estonian servant girl. Everything else is a discovery during a life that runs the course of a century - a life that has quite a lot of surprises in store for Helmi. In this house she finds happiness and suffering, passion and disappointment. She grows up alongside young Erik and waits for her big love to blossom. But one floor down lives projectionist Julius - a man who is far from indifferent when it comes to Helmi. All of the biggest historical events of the century leave their mark on the house. Its hardwood floors have born soldiers' gruff boots and gentleman's shiny oxfords. Its walls have held the fates of people from far and near, foreigners and locals. Helmi's home becomes a German salon, a revolution museum, and a working class commune. And as freedom comes, real estate crooks start sniffing ...
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Director of the Meat Factory
Это психологическая драма, которая происходит в современном Таллинне. Главные герои - современные люди, которые встречаются на странном предвыборном приеме, организованном общественным деятелем. В конце вечеринки они обнаруживают, что произошло нечто страшное, что изменит их жизнь и их близких. Невообразимая сумма денег теряется. Последующие события приводят к ситуации, описанной режиссером Пуустусмаа: «В катарсисе зритель отождествляет себя с церемонией пейота американских аборигенов - внутреннее я видимо только для себя». Жизни четырех главных героев, которые на первый взгляд кажутся ничем не объединенными, пересекаются и рисуют сводный портрет современного европейского человека.
The first film in the Seto language in the world speaks about the brightest heroine of a small people, the folk singer Hilana Taarka, a woman who lived her whole life as an outcast in a small chimney-less hut; as an unmarried mother of children in poverty, begging her bread, doing odd jobs and singing. She always sang the truth, sometimes bitter, sometimes funny, sometimes cruel. She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame. And she sang well. Really well. Taarka became the Mother of the Song, a legend. But as a woman, as a member of the community, the Seto people never really accepted her. Taarka - a despised woman and a worshiped singer.
Elder of Ridala
A fake historic epic on the Middle Ages and Estonia's not-so-glorious past.
Additional Voices (voice)
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Estonia is a silly place, perhaps even sillier than the agents themselves. Frank and Wendy, for whom saving the world is their daily work, achieve both mental and manual feats with the greatest of ease. It appears that nothing can prevent their ultimate victory, but go figure. The axis of evil does not wither and attacks the super-agents from where they can least expect it...
Crook #1
When two half-sisters, thirteen-year-old white-haired Sigrid and seven-year-old black-blooded Saara meet for the first time, it turns out that their common grandmother has been taken to a nursing home. The girls come up with the idea to steal him from there and hide him in the attic where they can be with her undisturbed. Everything goes well beyond expectations until drunkards, thugs and extortionists intervene and the girls have to act decisively to escape from them.
В 1939 Вениамин Флейшман начал писать одноактную оперу по повести А. П. Чехова «Скрипка Ротшильда», но в 1941 году в числе первых добровольцев с комсомольской бригадой ушёл на фронт и погиб в боях под Красным селом. Его учитель Дмитрий Шостакович посчитал своим долгом закончить и оркестровать оперу, тем самым, обессмертив ее автора, так рано ушедшего из жизни.
Nighttime at the tram depot. A closed tram car, from which a young businessman who fell asleep on the tram finds himself waking up. However, he is not alone...
A former goldminer who has run afoul of the law is made an unusual offer by the mafia. The power of money and popularity among women won't let him step down from the rollercoaster in order to make the right decisions.
Drunk Russian Soldier
Группа преступников планирует похищение золотого запаса Эстонии ($970 млн.), пятьдесят лет хранившегося в парижском банке. Это событие приурочено к моменту возвращения золота в Таллинн после получения Эстонией независимости.
Chairman of the Examination Board (uncredited)
В основе фильма - биография известного и любимого в Эстонии автора лирических песен Раймонда Валгре, охватывающая период с 1939 по день его смерти в канун Нового 1960 года. В одной из главных ролей - Лиз Таппо, мисс Эстония-1991.
After colliding with a flock of ducks, the military loses its missile in a dense forest.