Key Animation
As the conflict that began in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection continues to escalate, Nanoha and her allies soon find out the troubled history between Iris and Yuri, which is related to the tragedy of Eltoria's "Planet Reclamation Committee".
Animation Director
As the conflict that began in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: Reflection continues to escalate, Nanoha and her allies soon find out the troubled history between Iris and Yuri, which is related to the tragedy of Eltoria's "Planet Reclamation Committee".
Key Animation
The alien Wulgaru's last assault against humanity was foiled by the heroic actions of the genetically enhanced humans known as the Evolved Children in their advanced AHSMB battle armor, but now a new attack has been launched against Earth under an even deadlier champion, Diorna, created from the fusion of DNA from two Wulgaru Royals. Unfortunately, Izuru Hitachi, the leader of Team Rabbits who defeated the Wulgaru Royal Jiart, is still out of action and recovering, so the task of marshalling the Majestic Princes and stopping Diorna falls upon the unready shoulders of Toshikazu Asagi. Together with the remaining members of Team Rabbits and the recently created Team Fawn, it's up to Asagi to hold the line against the most ruthless adversary yet!
Key Animation
One day, Mana Aida receives a wedding dress from her mother and grandmother that they had worn in the past. While thinking about who she would wear this beside someday, a mysterious man named Marsh appears, and Mana is thrown back into the past. She was happy to see her grandmother she loved and her old dog Maro, but she then realizes that Alice and Rikka aren't there because memories have been altered. In order to save precious memories, the future, dreams and hope, Mana transforms into Cure Heart.
Key Animation
Год назад Окабе Ринтаро удалось стабилизировать мировую линию, в которой ни один из его друзей не погибает. Однако многочисленные путешествия во времени, которые он тогда совершил, привели к возникновению множества побочных эффектов. Накопившись, они вызвали исчезновение Ринтаро из этого мира. И только его девушка Макисэ помнит о нём. Будучи талантливым физиком, она начинает искать способы вернуть любимого назад.