Oskar Sima

Oskar Sima

Рождение : 1896-07-31, Hohenau an der March, Austria-Hungary

Смерть : 1969-06-24


Oskar Sima


Der Befehl
The Sweet Sins of Sexy Susan
The literal English translation of the German-titled film here is "The Hostess of the Lahn." Suzanne (Terry Torday) is the beautiful redhead who runs an inn in the town of Giessen. She is the subject of many inspirational love songs by the student population. The lyrics also reflect the Germans' resentment and hostility toward the French occupation by the army of Napoleon. Suzanne appears in various stages of undress.
Das Spukschloß im Salzkammergut
Italienische Nacht
Stadtrat Ammtsberger
Leinen aus Irland
Handelsminister Sladek
Hochzeit am Neusiedler See
Gabor Zscödelvany
Im singenden Rössel am Königssee
Mit besten Empfehlungen
Der Minister
Sing, aber spiel nicht mit mir
Direktor Sendelmohn
Unsere tollen Nichten
Out of necessity, Gunther Philipp and his male colleagues put on women's clothes again and cause a commotion in the noble ski resort of Davos as the Jolly Sisters. Their girlfriends don't take kindly to this and counterattack in men's costumes.
Die Försterchristel
Der Pastor mit der Jazztrompete
Hotelier und Bürgermeister Adam Meyer
When the Lutheran pastor Roland retires, the young priest Roll shall replace him. He plays the trumpet, loves Jazz and his methods are unconventional: From the first day on he offends the village's notables, but he doesn't care so much since he especially targets the youths, wants them to get back to the church again. However the mayor agitates against him, manages to endanger Roll's success. The conflict leads to vandalism and open violence against Roll.
Tanze mit mir in den Morgen
Franz Biedermann
Der Vogelhändler
Bürgermeister Speck
Verrückt und zugenäht
Sylvester Engel
Das süße Leben des Grafen Bobby
Benevenuto Sokrates Sacre
Graf Bobby and Baron Mucki founded the detective bureau Pfiff and Greif to finally make money. Shortly before the bankruptcy of their company, they receive a lucrative order from Benevenuto Socrates Socre regarding a gang of girl traders.
Die türkischen Gurken
Oskar Schnabel
Die Fledermaus
Basil Arabayam
So liebt und küsst man in Tirol
A music comedy by Franz Marischka.
Heute gehn wir bummeln
Mister Brown
Ein Stern fällt vom Himmel
John Michael Markus
Der Orgelbauer von St. Marien
Direktor Bertram
While on vacation, the young, Benedictine monk Markus runs into temptation in the form of his childhood sweetheart, Linda. Linda, the daughter of Baron Danning, is about to marry the rich manufacturer’s son, Walter Bertram, to save the Danning family estate from the Baron’s debtors. But her encounter with Markus is creating doubts about the sincerity of her love for Walter. So she keeps pushing back their wedding, using as a pretext the demand, that she’ll only marry when the now-silent church organ in the village once more plays. But the organ builder Franz is in a dispute with his twin brother Joseph and has no time to fix the disused organ.
… und du mein Schatz bleibst hier
Direktor Grossmüller
Season in Salzburg
The actors Heinz Doll, Hans Stiegler and Werner Mack have failed to look after the end of the last season in time for a new commitment and are now unemployed. Since they are just right that the Salzburg mountain hotel "Zum Blaue Enzian" staff looking for.
Kauf Dir einen bunten Luftballon
Hermann König
Geld sofort
Herr Ehrlich
A long time lost comedy directed by Johann Alexander Hübler-Kahla. It was discoverd in the estate of the director in Vienna in 2014.
Glocken läuten überall
August Ehrlich
Hauptmann - deine Sterne
Alois Drücker, Hotelier
Salem Aleikum
Ben Saadi
Ich bin kein Casanova
Sam Manning
Peter schießt den Vogel ab
Direktor Wilfried Adler
Peter schießt den Vogel ab is a German film comedy first released in 1959.
Visit out of the blue
Hyronimus Unterhuber
Skandal um Dodo
Gustav Pietsch
Eine Reise ins Glück
Hoch klingt der Radetzkymarsch
Anton Fischbacher
Hello Taxi
A comedy directed by Hermann Kugelstadt.
Eva küßt nur Direktoren
Herr Jäger
Wenn die Bombe platzt
Der Kaiser und das Wäschermädel
Vienna, City of My Dreams
Gesandter von Trotum
In the made-up country of Alanien, King Alexander I has been overthrown while abroad. Now, he's in Vienna with his daughter, the city of his fondest memories since studying there as a boy. It doesn't take long for the charm of Vienna to work its magic on the former king: he quickly comes to terms with the new situation and is able to enjoy the Austrian capital sans all the ceremony and trappings which would otherwise accompany him on a state visit. The princess is content with preparing herself for a career as a pianist concert, while the former king takes a job as a chauffeur in the embassy of the country he once ruled. The revolutionaries are shocked; and his days in Vienna are numbered.
Der Jungfrauenkrieg
Franz Rössmayer, Wirt
Vier Mädels aus der Wachau
Leopold Scherzinger
Familie Schimek
Johannes Zawadil
..und die Liebe lacht dazu
Salvator, Verwalter
August the Thug
Emil Rums
Roter Mohn
Ottokar Scheidl
Oberjäger Kriegler
Wo die Lerche singt
Greulich, Tierarzt
Zu Befehl, Frau Feldwebel
Feldwebel Knoblauch
Meine Tante, deine Tante
Oscar Starwasser
Kirschen in Nachbars Garten
Versicherungsvertreter Sperling
Rosmarie kommt aus Wildwest
Oskar Braun, Generaldirektor
Mädchen mit schwachem Gedächtnis
Hotelportier Huber
Anny arrives in Munich to start a career as an actress, but soon ends up without money and job, sleeping on a park bench. When the police picks her up, she pretends to have amnesia and is taken to the police station. There she's surprised to get presented to her alleged parents. Not knowing yet what kind of game they play, she goes home with them and lets the rich couple coddle her.
Lügen haben hübsche Beine
Die gestohlene Hose
Sebastian Wellner
Ich und meine Schwiegersöhne
José Pampanillo
Die wilde Auguste
Exzellenz Mussaleki
Der Jäger vom Roteck
Three from the Gasoline Station
Robert, Peter and Fritz are the best of friends ... and hopelessly broke. But they don't let that stop them and in short order, they end up renting a deserted gas station. With just a little bit of wit and some elan, they'll bring the old girl back to life and all will look rosy ... until all three of them fall in love with the same dame: Gabi, the daughter of the director of a large gasoline firm. Thanks to her, their eternal friendship is really going to be put to the test.
Die Wirtin zur Goldenen Krone
Ministerpräsident Barthel
The Congress Dances
Congress of Vienna, 1815: In order to lure certain monarchs away from the conference, the Austrians instigate a ceaseless sequence of operas and balls. Indeed, Russian Czar Alexander is distracted when he falls for a beautiful salesgirl.
О, Розалинда!
Фильм основан на оперетте Иоганна Штрауса "Летучая мышь" 1874 года, но действие происходит в 1955 году в послевоенной Вене, оккупированной четырьмя союзными державами. Торговец на чёрным рынке доктор Фальке свободно перемещается по французскому, британскому, американскому и русскому секторам, торгуя шампанским и икрой среди высших эшелонов союзных держав. После костюмированной вечеринки французский полковник Габриэль Эйзенштейн разыгрывает пьяного Фальке, помещая его спящего и одетого как летучая мышь на колени патриотической русской статуи, чтобы быть обнаруженным на следующее утро разгневанными русскими солдатами. Фальке почти арестован, пока его друг генерал Орлофски из СССР не вмешивается...
Die Försterbuben
Bürgermeister Gerald
When seminarian Martin Rufmann arrives in St. Eustachen, idyllically located in the Carinthian mountains, the local choral society is celebrating a joyous festival. Martin is the youngest son of the widowed head forester Thomas Rufmann. Martin's older brother Friedolin has inherited his father's love of hunting and is one of the best hunters in the area. He is also engaged to the pretty innkeeper's daughter Helene Schwarzaug. At the feast, Friedolin and his cronies drink heavily to the black liquor of the charcoal burner Krauthaas. Friedolin and the townspeople Günther have a loud argument in front of everyone. When Günther is found murdered a short time later, suspicion immediately falls on Friedolin. To save his brother, Martin accuses himself of the crime. The two brothers are arrested. The real culprit soon turns himself in, but in the meantime Thomas Rufmann has disappeared without a trace.
Unternehmen Schlafsack
Oberstleutnant Quent
Vater Bachinger
Wie werde ich Filmstar
Willi Glaser
Solang es hübsche Mädchen gibt
Der falsche Adam
Mr. Th. Th. Th. Meyer
Ja, so ist das mit der Liebe
Herr Lehmann
Verliebte Leute
Otto Polsterer
Tanz in der Sonne
Don Armando
Der Zigeunerbaron
Kalman Zsupan, Schweinezüchter
Die süßesten Früchte
Alvarez Petitez
Rosen aus dem Süden
Ein tolles Früchtchen
Pedro Galotti
Mailman Mueller
Herr Strobel
Postman Titus Müller returns from his daily rounds with a letter that will change the course of his modest provincial existence.
Wenn am Sonntagabend die Dorfmusik spielt
Herr Bachmeyer
Die Rose von Stambul
Eduard Effendi
Die Junggesellenfalle
Tanzende Sterne
Ferien vom Ich
Ferdinand Unterkirchner, Schrottgroßhändler, alias August
Der Obersteiger
Matthias Lampl
Mikosch rückt ein
Baron Mikosch
Ideale Frau gesucht
Don't Ask My Heart
The Count from Pappenheim
Leo Ganitschef
Directed by Richard Eichberg.
Die Försterchristl
Meine Frau macht Dummheiten
Der eingebildete Kranke
Alexander Mordius
Dr. Hartwig has settled in a small town as a doctor. One day the magical Ursel Daxenmeyer appears in his practice. Dr. Hartwig falls in love with her and wants to marry her. Beforehand, however, various obstacles have to be cleared out of the way. A very special obstacle is Ursula's father, Eusebius Daxenmeyer. He deals with mixed goods and is also a hypochondriac, that is, an ill patient. No one can tell him his imagination that he is deadly ill.
Der bunte Traum
Direktor Gelblich
Du bist die Rose vom Wörthersee
Metzgermeister Leopold Führinger
A formerly unsuccessful musician comes back to his homeland in Carinthia as a famous composer via Broadway and woos his widowed childhood sweetheart.
Nacht am Mont-Blanc
The Heath Is Green
After the end of World War II Lüder Lüdersen, the former owner of a feudal estate in the East, and his daughter Helga arrive as refugees in the Lüneburg Heath. While living a seemingly happy life on the estate of his cousin, Lüdersen hides a dark secret: he is a poacher.
Фанфары любви
Два безработных музыканта искали хоть какой-нибудь источник пропитания. Нашли — работу в женском оркестре.
Die verschleierte Maja
Die Frauen des Herrn S.
Unschuld in tausend Nöten
Weh dem, der liebt!
Erzherzog Johanns große Liebe
Весна на льду
Herbert Gordon
Группа талантливой молодежи в результате интриг Алиды, жены антрепренера Гордона, уволена из труппы, исполняющей танцы на льду. Возмущенная молодежь покидает труппу Гордона и, организовав собственный коллектив, вскоре же добивается успеха у зрителей. Гордон, лишившийся талантливых исполнителей, терпит крах и разоряется.
Czardas der Herzen
Hochzeit im Heu
Vitus Sentner
Die Dritte von rechts
Hochzeitsnacht im Paradies
Gustav Bonobom
Benno Globerger
Die Nacht der Zwölf
Schliemann, Villenbesitzer
Der Leberfleck
Bürgermeister Oberlechner
Der Millionär
Draxler, Fuhrwerksbesitzer
Leuchtende Schatten
Heinz Batovsky
Mischa Kowa, reporter
Glück bei Frauen
Sekretär Jüngling
In flagranti
Detective Schmidt
A rookie detective’s first case is to observe an engineer, but she behaves so clumsily in her job, that she’s mistaken for a thief and con artist.
Ich bitte um Vollmacht
Makler Franz Reitmayr
Белая фантазия
Josef Wildner
Молодая талантливая, да ещё и умеющая хорошо кататься на коньках, Лизль получает роль в новом ревю Венского дворцового театра просто потому, что её путают с кем-то еще. Роль была на самом деле предназначена для бездарной Лу Пантеры, подружки владельца театра Вайльднера. После серии несчастных случаев и небольших бедствий Вильднер закрывает театр до того, как произойдёт премьера спектакля. Но режиссёр постановки Эрнст Эдер, вскоре решает представить ревю на катке, принадлежащем дяде Лизль. После успешной премьеры, сначала в Вене, исполнители гастролирую в Испании, Венгрии... Ревю пользуется огромным успехом... и, конечно же, Эрнст и Лизль счастливы вместе.
Die unheimliche Wandlung des Axel Roscher
Wettrich, Besitzer des Lokals "Casino"
Die unheimliche Wandlung des Alex Roscher
Himmel, wir erben ein Schloß
Kohlhiesels Töchter
Simon Moser, genannt Jodok-Simerl
Zwei glückliche Menschen
Dr. Krautstößl
Fünftausend Mark Belohnung
Gustav Hambacher
A big explosion in a pulp mill causes a lot of damage. The police suspect a crime and put up a 5,000 Mark reward for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrator. Egged on by his wife Ursula, the insurance agent Rolf Kettner sees his chance to prove his detective capabilities and to track down the culprit.
Sieben Jahre Glück
Die heimliche Gräfin
Exzellenz Kubasta
Die heimlichen Bräute
Franz Reitmayr
Der verkaufte Großvater
Vater Haslinger
The unscrupulous dealer Haslinger has paid off a debt note worth 1000 Mark from the peasant Kreithofer and now wants the man’s farm in return for the debt settlement. Then, suddenly, a rumor pops up that Grandfather Kreithofer is a rich man, who wants to leave his entire estate to his grandchild Lois. Grandpa started the rumor to help his grandson out of the mess, who, as luck would (not) have it, is also in love with Haslinger’s daughter, Ev. But no sooner does Haslinger hear of this rumor, that he wants the old man to move in with him, leave the debt to him and give permission for the kids to marry.
Jenny und der Herr im Frack
Wetterleuchten um Barbara
Liebe ist zollfrei
Über alles in der Welt
Leo Samek
Nazi cinema produced numerous WW2 military epics, one of the most impressive of which is Ufa's first-rate 1941 production, Uber Alles in der Welt,directed by Karl Ritter (Stukas). Ritter customarily produced morale-building propaganda pictures, and this, his first propaganda film to deal with the war, as well as his finest effort, was one of the highest-grossing pictures of the Third Reich. Set largely in France, England, and Spain, the film chronicles the plight of Germans caught by the outbreak of war and their frantic attempts to return to the Fatherland to join the battle. All of Germany's enemies receive equal disdain. The British, the French, the Poles, and the Jews are portrayed respectively as warmongers, profiteers and cowards. In the end, all that is important is returning to Germany.
So gefällst Du mir
Mayor Vitus
There’s excitement in St. Johann, when the lawyer and notary Dr. Junhnickel from Vienna arrives and brings an offer from a mysterious Brazillian: On the cover of a magazine is a young girl, obviously from the country, and in the background is the village landscape of St. Johann. The Brazilian has fallen in love with the picture and wants to marry the girl. In return for finding her, the village will receive a donation of RM 5,000. Oh boy! The mayor, the shoemaker and the district clerk go off on the search for the girl! They have absolutely no luck in the photo shop, because the photographer is boiling over what he considers unfair intentions and tells them to take a hike. Nevertheless, they find the girl’s address. The model, Christl Wallner is no country girl but rather a ballet dancer, who posed for the photo to earn a litle extra money.
Sieben Jahre Pech
Trenck, der Pandur
Harun Bashi
Film about the fictitious adventures of Franz Freiherr von Trenck, who lived during the times of empress Maria Theresia of Austria garnished with espionage and twisted love affairs.
Wiener G’schichten
Klobas, Maschinist
The Hungarian noble Nikki von Kormendy is traveling incognito as a blind passenger on the Danube ferry "Fortuna". Captain Korngiebel keeps him busy with various tasks. When the young singer Anny Hofer comes on board, both men fall in love with her and compete for her affactions. Out of sheer jealousy, Korngiebel lets his ship run aground and now fears for his captain's license. But Kormendy generously acquires the boat and leases it to Peter and Anny ... with the sole condition that the ship bear his name from this date forward.
Golowin geht durch die Stadt
Gödöllö, Untersuchungsrichter
Leinen aus Irland
Der Minister
Frau im Strom
Alois, Wendelin, Schani and Franz operate an auto repair shop in Vienna. One evening, Alois fishes the suicidal Hannerl out of the Danube and takes her to live with him. The timid and taciturn woman soon disappears however, and with her, a large amount of cash out of the shop's cash register. A disappointed Alois wishes to forget about her, but his three friends look for Hannerl and the money. As it turns out, she's married to the smuggler Kerrylis, who forces her to take part in his business; that's why she tried to kill herself. When Kerrylis is found dead, Alois is suspected of being the murderer.
Marquis de Marsillac
An operetta directed by Herbert Maisch.
Der Optimist
A Night in May
Direktor Fleming Jr.
A reckless young woman has her driving license withdrawn, drives home anyway and gets involved in a traffic accident. Realizing this was a little over the top she decides that she has to flee the country. As fate has it, she misses her train and instead meets a handsom young man who imidiately falls in love with her. This marks the beginning of a long night of misunderstandings, chases and courting.
Gastspiel im Paradies
Fortsetzung folgt
Redakteur Otto
Five Millions Seek an Heir
According to his last will, the rich American uncle of vacuum cleaner salesman Peter Pett only leaves his 5 million dollars to Peter if he is married happily. Otherwise the five million will fall to Peter's Scottish cousin Patrick.
Massacci alias Gasparone
Die Austernlilli
Stöckl - Filialgeschäftsführer
The Parisian restaurant "At the Oyster King's" is looking for a new waitress, whose job would be to crack open oysters with a newfangled oyster cracker (how exciting!). But who would have thought that this newfound invention would lead to so much turmoil (they're French, aren't they?)?! Through a mix-up, Lilli Dupont gets the job. But Lilli is no waitress, but rather a talented singer, waiting in vain for an engagement. She takes the job and soon every male visitor is laying at her feet. So that Lilli doesn't constantly have to fight off all the horny men, the cashier Aristide spreads the rumor that Lilli is actually the daughter of the millionaire van Muhlen, to whom the "Oyster King" belongs (daughter of a millionaire?!? Oh yes, of course: that will dissuade potential suitors!).
Die verschwundene Frau
An official justice assistant supposes behind a letter which falls to him by chance in the hands, a crime and gets going with his crimi-sleuthing energy an unclear confusion.
Seven Slaps
Wennington Laskett
William MacPhab loses seven-pounds in the stock market and decides to slap the man who was responsible for the stock manipulation that caused him to lose his money. Astor Terbanks, the stock-market manipulator is surprised the next day when he gets soundly slapped by MacPhab, and the latter promises to deliver one more a day for the next six days. Terbank's daughter, Daisy, is amused by the procedure and is attracted to MacPhab.
Land der Liebe
The story is one of the classic operetta stories with a young princess destined to marry a king whom her mother tries to enforce while the young woman tries to escape her fate.
Aulinger, Handwerker
Old Meiseken, a gingerbread baker, has been dead for three years, but his bosses don’t know that. They’ve been paying him his pension all this time, unaware that his former landlords have been cashing the checks. When, one day, the assistant head of the bakery, Tony, pays a visit to Meiseken’s place to get a hold of an old recipe, someone’s got to play the part of Meiseken! The fraud blows up in the landlords’ faces; but in the end, Tony gets the recipe book and even a new bride.
Frauenliebe – Frauenleid
Toni Huber
Und du mein Schatz fährst mit
Revue-Regisseur Bal
Очарование Богемы
André Dupré
Двое молодых вокалистов Дениз и Рене после прослушивания приняты в трупу. С первого взгляда они полюбили друг друга, но их счастье было недолгим: тяжелая болезнь легких прервала жизнь Рене…
Kinderarzt Dr. Engel
Oskar Dillmann, Inhaber des Café Korso
Befehl ist Befehl
Der lachende Dritte
In a remote village in Southern Bavaria, hostilities run rampant between a farmer and a luxury hotel proprietor. The former has a smelly dung heap and he hopes to force the hotelier into buying him out at a large profit.
Lucky Kids
Stoddard, Reporter
After completing work on the British musical Invitation to the Waltz, Lillian Harvey returned to her adopted country of Germany to star in the comedy-with-music Glueckskinder (Children of Fortune). Harvey plays Ann Garden, an unemployed actress who ends up in night court on a loitering charge. Here she meets Gil Taylor (Willy Fritsch), a struggling songwriter temporarily employed as a court reporter. Hoping to keep her out of jail, Gil impulsively tells the judge that he's engaged to Ann -- whereupon the judge, equally impulsively, marries the couple on the spot! After this inauspicious start, Ann and Gil embark upon a rocky (but tuneful) whirlwind romance.
Schatten der Vergangenheit
Semmelweich, Verbrecher
Hans im Glück
Schwarzer Fähnrich
Film by Herlth and Röhrig.
Donogoo Tonka
Pillars of Society
A man comes back from America after years to find his reputation ruined.
Frischer Wind aus Kanada
Leichte Kavallerie
Gastwirt Pietro
Rosika, a girl from Genoa, fled her innkeeper stepfather after he tried to abuse her. She finds refuge - and a job as well - in a traveling circus. Cherubini, the owner of the big top, falls in love with the lovely young woman and makes her the star of the show 'Light Cavalry'. But unfortunately for him Rosika's heart beats for Geza, the stable boy.
Landtagsabgeordneter Pfandl
A love story based in Munich in 1852: An Austrian officer belonging to the nobility has the mission of ensuring the young Kaiser Franz Joseph doesn’t endanger his future marriage to Princess Elisabeth by his acquaintanceship with the daughters of a coffee-house owner.
Das Einmaleins der Liebe
Die Werft zum Grauen Hecht
Bernhard Münchow
Last Stop
Straßenbahninspektor Grenzing
Endstation offers the American viewer tantalizing glimpses of busy, bustling mid-1930s Vienna. Otherwise, this minor yarn of an amorous streetcar conductor is strictly formula material. The film benefits from the star power of Paul Horbiger, resplendently garbed in an elaborate conductor's uniform. Also worth noting is the performance of Maria Andergest as the woebegone hatmaker whose fate is inextricably linked with hero Horbiger. Incidentally though the direction is credited with one E. W. Emo, Paul Horbiger actually called most of the shots on Endstation.
Ein Mädel aus guter Familie
Ein Hotelportier
The Red Rider
Schopf, ein Agent
Punks kommt aus Amerika
Suburban Cabaret
Franz Ebeseder
In Vienna of 1913 a young woman coming from vaudeville theatre circles stands before the wedding with a construction draftsman; this must move to the military and sends his bride on the country, so that she cannot be enticed to the stage. However, she does it and gets by an officer's love affair so in confusion that she commits suicide. - This end environment-close and differentiates of produced melodrama was rejected by press and audience vehemently; the new second film end with the rescue of the desperate was supplied later, so that in this version only a bittersweet common melodrama with excellent actors and good photograph was left. In the rental company copy is the second version of the end jointly contain.
Love, Death and the Devil
In a harbor bazaar of the Pacific town of Kona, the young sailor Kiwe is offered a mysterious bottle, which supposedly gives her owner power and wealth and should fulfill all his wishes. The required return is however high. From now on, the soul of the new owner belongs to the devil.
Viktor Schott, daredevil and womanizer, is charged by his father, a jeweler, to go to Istanbul and purchase a valuable emerald necklace from a rich Persian and to bring it back by ship to Marseille. A pair of criminals are watching him and attractive Delia, with whom Viktor is in love, is used as bait. His boyhood friend Sibyl, who is in love with Viktor, warns him of the criminal ship owner and the captain, who intend to steal the jewel during a masked ball on board. Shortly before reaching the coast of France, an explosion causes the ship to capsize.
Miss Liselott
Jasmin, Hausverwalter
Aimless Bohemians are encouraged to find their salvation in Arbeit (Work) in this propagandistic Nazi era German production.
Schützenkönig wird der Felix
Der Bürgermeister
Der junge Baron Neuhaus
Black Fighter Johanna
Hofrat Zöllner
Germany under Napoleon. Johanna is travelling by stagecoach when one of its occupants, Major Korfes, is arrested by the French militia. Before capture, he gives Johanna a mysterious letter. To solve the mystery, she joins the German corps as the “Black Hunter”. A fantastic breeches role for the lesbian Marianne Hoppe, who two years later, married her gay film partner Gustav Gründgens to prevent persecution by the Nazis.
Heinz im Mond
Martin Fasan
Rosen aus dem Süden
Eduard Weingruber, Oberkellner
Der Schrecken vom Heidekrug
Professor Hans Rohde
Meine Frau, die Schützenkönigin
Karl Bauer
Es tut sich was um Mitternacht
Théophile Alcibiade Pépin
Film by Stemmle.
So ein Flegel
Professor Crey
First adaptation of Heinrich Spoerl's novel.
Eine Nacht in Venedig
Die Stimme der Liebe
Der Wirt
Skandal in Budapest
Direktor Roland
Eva goes to Budapest to visit her friend Tini's wedding but as soon as she arrives, the husband-to-be brakes up with Tini. When Eva decides to take things into her own hand and follows him to the Hotel Atlantik.
Money Governs the World
In this French set comedy, five million francs change hands one weekend between a man pretending to be a millionaire and a woman pretending to be a Russian countess.
Hochzeit am Wolfgangsee
Sebastian Hupfinger
Film by Behrendt.
Liebe muss verstanden sein
Ein Kriminalbeamter
Der Stern von Valencia
Heut' kommt's drauf an
A musical comedy centering around the competitors in the Golden Saxophone competition.
A Girl You Don't Forget
Max Bach
A GIRL YOU DON'T FORGET can be thought of as a backstage musical that treats the whole world as backstage. Melodies seem to be buzzing through the air, available to anyone in the right state of mind. Willi Forst always is, and he is also an actor who can transform any space into a stage. Fritz Kortner, one of the defining personalities of the German theatre scene of the 1920s, makes the most of his star’s talent in an intricately constructed romantic comedy that believes in the truth of artifice. Forst plays Paul Hartwig, a wannabe actor who is reduced to selling books in the cold streets of Berlin. While pursuing his big break, he meets Lisa Brandes (Dolly Haas), another victim of the global financial crisis who has just learned a new trick: cheating horny old men out of their money by selling promises she does not intend to keep. Dedicated theatre man Paul decides to win her over by putting on an act, but a misplaced slap leads to unintended consequences. - Lukas Foerster
Hochzeitsreise zu dritt
Rudi Holzer
A Door Opens
Franz Zengler
Detective Hans Braumüller is trying to untange the conspiracy behind a bank robbery.
Ein Madel der Strasse
The street urchin Scampolo (which means, "A Nothing"), who sleeps at night in a telephone booth and earns a little money running errands for a laundry, falls in love with a despondent, out-of-work bank manager in Depression-torn Germany, and thereby becomes a woman in the eyes of other men.
Teilnehmer antwortet nicht
Kommissär Roller
The Lucky Top Hat
Generaldirektor Andreas
An impecunious clerk falls for a blonde who also has limited resources, but when she lands a film contract, that saves them both from the poor house.
The Beautiful Adventure
Helene has agreed to marry a man that she isn't in love with. On the day of her wedding her cousin arrives just in time to rescue her and they run away together. They stay with her aged grandmother who assumes the young man (whom she doesn't know) to be the new husband and has prepared a bridal bed for them.
Zwei glückliche Tage
Herr Morawetz
A Mad Idea
A series of stupid coincidences causes the young Munich painter Paul to convert his uncle's castle into a hotel for four weeks. But he can't complain: business is good and he has plenty of guests. For exmple, there's Theo Muller with his revue troupe. For reasons of "sound", Muller calls himself "Miller", which, of course, causes more confusion. His daughter, the beautiful Evelyn, is confused with Mabel Miller, who has come to the hotel on a mission for her filthy rich father ... namely, to estimate the worth of the castle.
Kitty schwindelt sich ins Glück
The Countess of Monte Cristo
Aufnahmeleiter Spitzkopf
The two aspiring actresses Jeanette and Mimi are waiting for their big chance. But the real breakthrough is slow in coming. Jeanette especially desperately needs a big success, since her friend, the journalist Stephan, is about to lose his job. When the two have their chance to take a ride in a posh car during a shooting, Jeanette slams on the throttle and the two friends take off. Their aimless journey takes them to a fashionable winter sports’ hotel, where Jeanette reserves a name under “The Countess of Monte Christo”. Everything’s going dandy; no one suspects a thing. That is, until two impostors, Rumowski and “The Baron” take residence in the same hotel.
Girls to marry
Direktor Korten
Three brothers lead the life of bachelors and their rent is overdue. The landlord who also happens to be a matchmaker tries to marry off the oldest brother to a rich girl.
A Song, A Kiss, A Girl
Burger, Filialleiter
Peter Franke owns Supraphon record company, which has one main competitor in Lyraphon. As a commercial strategy Peter gets engaged to her counter partner Asta, to his assistant Münzer's approval. Then he meets Wally Sommer, singing saleswoman at one of his shops, and all his plans are turned upside down while they both fall in love in this light musical comedy filled with Robert Stolz music.
Things Are Getting Better Already
Sanitätsrat Dr. Hartmann
The fast-driving daughter of a car manufacturer keeps Berlin's most pricey lawyer busy as she keeps getting into scrapes.
The Unknown Guest
Jean Diener
When the master and mistress of a household are away, and the chambermaid's father visits, she pretends to be the real mistress as he is unaware of her lowly position. Slapstick complications ensue.
The bat
Film by Karel Lamac.
The Pranks
Bernard, Polizeikommissar
German-Italian crime drama with a racing milieu: The International criminal, "The Paw", who kills his victims with a prosthesis, has struck again! An engineer, who has designed a new racing car for the Italian firm Alberti has been found beaten to death. The plans for the car have been stolen. Rappis, the firm's director, takes part in the race and hits the finish line at the same time as the German racer, Peter Kruger. Then Rappis is found beaten to death, too.
The Big Attraction
Riccardo and his troupe travel around the world performing musical and dance numbers in vaudevillian and circus theaters. Dancer Kitty is so impressed when she hears him sing that she asks to enter the company, but is turned down by Riccardo. Then in the middle of a number at the Winter Garten she pops in and the audience loves it. Now she will try to win Riccardo's heart, although he has a secret from his past that might be an obstacle.
Karl Zülke, Portier
When a prostitute is murdered in a cheap Berlin boarding house, an investigating judge suspects that the killer is her boyfriend, unaware that his own son and daughter are also mixed up in the case.
I Go Out and You Stay Here
Maximilian von Wachmeister
Weimar era screwball comedy about a floor model who is required to go out evenings to escort VIPs while her boyfriend has to wait at home.
The Dancing Hussar
In this comedy, a civilian singer of opera is obliged to fulfill his duty and perform six weeks of military service.
Robert Burkhardt
When both husband and wife find romance outside their marriage, it's a shock to everyone. Sims and Maurus break up to elope with their respective lovers, only to be thrown together again when they show up at the justice of the peace.
The Merry Wives of Vienna
Exzellenz Waldmüller - Kultusminister
A dance teacher helps his ten well-bred student sisters when they leave home as a protest against their father's intended wedding. They form a café group called Die lustigen Weiber aus Wien (The merry Viennese girls).
Schubert's Dream of Spring
A love story about composer Franz Schubert based in 1827, Vienna.
Korporal Strammberger
Diener Amadée
Молодая и красивая Рене несчастлива в браке со своим уже немолодым супругом. Ее мечты о романтических приключениях не спешат сбываться, и однажды, после семейной ссоры, она решается завести интрижку с совсем не похожим на ее идеал поклонником. Однако первое же свидание прерывается самым неожиданным образом, и весьма необычное знакомство с таинственным молодым человеком непредсказуемо меняет скучное течение ее размеренной жизни...
Darling of the Gods
Also known as Darling of the Gods, this was Emil Jannings' second talkie appearance. Jannings stars as famed operatic singer Albert Winkelmann, who is greeted with cheers, applause and romantic propositions whenever he performs in his native Vienna. But when he embarks on a tour of South America, tragedy strikes. The sweltering climate causes Winkelmann to lose his voice on stage, a disaster met with hoots and cat-calls. Dispirited he returns to Europe, where he soon learns that no one is aware of what happened in South America. Intending to retire so as not to be exposed to further humiliation, Winkelmann is goaded back on stage -- where, miraculously, his gorgeous voice returns.
The Inn at the Rhine
Dr. Kümmelmeyer
The Other
Gauner Grünspecht
The Other (Der Andere) is a psychological drama based on the popular Jekyll and Hyde theme.
Scandal about Eva
Kurt Hiller
An engaged woman discovers her fiancé has a four year old son. Pretending to take a cure she travels to the boy's foster-parents to make his acquaintance.
The Alluring Goal
Toni Lechner, innkeeper at the small Tirolese village of Heiligenblut, sings in church and is happy with his mother and his girlfriend Leni. One day an impresario arrives after an auto failure and hears Toni sing, tempting him into an operatic career. Toni accepts but with time he misses his people, not knowing his jealous prima donna has kept them apart from him.
There is a woman who will never forget you
Dangers of the Engagement
A man unknowingly falls madly in love with the fiancé of a close friend who has twice saved his life.
The Immortal Vagabond
Prevented from wedding a postman's daughter (her father prefers she marry a farmer) a Tyrol schoolteacher succeeds instead in having an opera of his acceptance in Vienna. But this isn't the happiness he wanted, he becomes a hobo.
Phantome des Glücks
J. Berré
Kolonne X
Adieu Mascotte
Based on a story by Michael Linsky, Adieu Mascotte revolves around an artist's model named Mascotte (Harvey) who ekes out a hand-to-mouth existence in the Parisian art colony. In dire need of money to finance a friend's operation, Mascotte auctions herself off at an artist's ball. She is "bought" by a novelist named Jean (Harry Halm), who merely wants to teach his flirtatious wife a lesson. Discreetly keeping his distance, Jean persuades Mascotte to pose as his mistress so that his wife will become jealous and return to his arms. Of course, things don't go as planned, and before long Jean and Mascotte have fallen in love.
Женщина, которая желанна
Charles Leblanc
Молодой человек из семьи сталелитейных баронов по имени Анри Лебланк собирается жениться на очаровательной дочери богатого и малоприятного господина. Этот брак призван поправить пошатнувшиеся дела семьи. Невеста молода, прекрасна собой. Жить бы да радоваться. Однако в первый же день своего медового месяца Анри встречает в поезде прекрасную незнакомку, которая молит о помощи. Рядом с ней ошивается подозрительный тип с угрожающим видом и манерами. Молодожён ставит ради незнакомки под угрозу всё - семейную жизнь, будущее сталелитейной империи и бросается за ней в ночь в никуда...
Leontines Ehemänner
Professor Grimard
Die Geburt des Antichrist