Dorothea Wieck

Dorothea Wieck

Рождение : 1908-01-03, Davos, Switzerland

Смерть : 1986-02-19


Dorothea Wieck
Dorothea Wieck


Bäume sterben aufrecht
Die Revolution entläßt ihre Kinder
Frau Leonhard
Werner von Basil (a Austrian intellectual) was captured by the Nazi in 1938. The want to break him to confess smuggling. Without any mental sustenance, the only thing left to keep his mind busy is an old tactics book for chess.
Die Nacht in Zaandam
Morgen wirst Du um mich weinen
Menschen im Hotel
Notes from a Gynecologist's Diary
Sabine Hennemann
After a carnival celebration, young Erika Hansen is offered a lift by two young men in a car. The men become abusive. Erika rushes out of the car and is seriously injured. She is brought to a gynecoligal clinic for an acute operation.
Maß für Maß
Nonne Franziska
Время любить и время умирать
Frau Lieser
Фильм снят по роману Эриха Марии Ремарка "Время жить и время умирать", автор книги играет одну из ролей в фильме. Действие разворачивается на руинах Германии в последние месяцы Второй мировой войны. Унтер-офицер Эрнст возвращается домой в отпуск с Восточного фронта и обнаруживает, что его родной город разрушен бомбардировками стран антигитлеровской коалиции. Эрнст ищет своих родителей и случайно встречает друга своего детства Елизабет, дочку местного доктора. Несмотря на окружающий их ужас войны и дыхание смерти они видят надежду на светлое будущее в своей любви к друг другу.
Anastasia: the Czar's Last Daughter
Großfürstin Olga Romanow
In 1920, an unknown 24-year-old woman was fished out of Berlin's Landwehr kanal after a suicide attempt. Since she has no papers and no answers to any questions, they soon assign them to the insane asylum Dallendorf. A co-patient believes she recognizes the Czar's daughter Anastasia Romanowa - who apparently was the only one who survived the murder of the tsar's family in 1918.
Roman einer Siebzehnjährigen
Frau Berndorff
Das Forsthaus in Tirol
Dorothee Attinger, Försterwitwe
Der Froschkönig
Fürstin Taun
Der Mann meines Lebens
Schwester Brigitte
Elephant Fury
Hella Thiele
German big game hunter brings elephants back from Africa safely through enemy lines, but they go on a stampede in Berlin. Filming began during WWII in Germany, but production was stopped because story showed Third Reich police and military having problems coping with an elephant stampede; after the War, it got completed by its originator, and exported to the US with English dubbed, while removing all references to its 1940s German origins!
Behind Monastery Walls
Thomas Holinka has returned home from war and captivity. In the absence of a suitable home, he finds himself in what seems to be an abandoned monastery. When the nuns return, a conflict is inevitable because Holinka is addicted to alcohol and gambling .
No Greater Love
Therese von Gobat
Directed by Harald Braun and told from the perspective of Bertha von Suttner, the first female to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, The Alfred Nobel Story - No Greater Love chronicles the life of scientist, inventor, and businessman Alfred Nobel. Nobel built a massive fortune throughout his life, and while much if it was amassed by his inventions--dynamite being perhaps the most notable--he was also revered for his discoveries within the fields of science and economics. Upon his death, Nobel decided that his fortune was simply too great to continue in the form of an inheritance or single charitable donation, opting instead to use the money as reward for the greatest contributors to physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and, of course, peace.
Das seltsame Leben des Herrn Bruggs
Fräulein Holder
City in the Fog
Mrs. Berling
Mordprozeß Dr. Jordan
Constanze Jordan
Leb’ wohl, Christina
Julia von Gallas
Inviati speciali
Lidia Warren
An Italian film from 1943.
Андреас Шлютер
Kurfürstin Charlotte
Главный герой фильма талантливый архитектор Андреас Шлютер. После создания памятников Великому курфюрсту и его сыну Фридриху III ему поручают руководить сооружением Берлинского Городского дворца. Но спустя несколько лет из-за интриг, закрученных конкурентом, Шлютера отстраняют от работы и сажают в тюрьму.
Выше голову, Йоханнес!
Julieta Merck
Юный Йоханнес провёл детство с матерью в Аргентине, а теперь возвращается к отцу в Германию; тот, чтобы юноша быстрее адаптировался, отправляет его в военную школу-интернат.
Dein Leben gehört mir
Der Vierte kommt nicht
Dr. med. Irene Andersen
Die gelbe Flagge
Krankenschwester Dolores
Liebe kann lügen
Sigrid Mallé
Die unmögliche Frau
Ileana Manescu
The Student of Prague
Julia Stella, Opernsängerin
Prague in the 1860s: Balduin is a popular, handsome student, the best fencer in town, in amicable rivalry with his friend Dahl for the affections of Lydia, the innkeeper's niece. While the students are celebrating Lydia's birthday, the opera singer Julia Stella arrives at the inn - and Balduin's life begins to unravel. He is immediately infatuated with the glamorous singer - but she is already kept by an admirer, the wealthy and foppish Baron Waldis. How can a poor student hope to compete? The mysterious Dr. Carpis, who also has ties to Julia and is jealous of the Baron, intervenes. But the price will be higher than Balduin can ever imagine. He risks his sanity and his life - perhaps his very soul - haunted by his own reflection.
Der stählerne Strahl
Miss Fane's Baby Is Stolen
Miss Madeline Fane
Miss Madeline Fane is a famous California screen star who has been devoted to her baby son Michael since her husband's death the previous year. One morning she awakens to find Michael has been kidnapped. After a day, she calls in the police, who instantly begin an all-out search.
Cradle Song
In a deeply cloistered convent, nun Dorothea Wieck (Mädchen in Uniform) raises a foundling to be Evelyn Venable. But at 17, what if, guided by a kindly doctor, she sees the world and finds love?
Anna and Elizabeth
Elisabeth, Gutsherrin von Salis
The two main people in the story are Anna, a young girl, who is thought of having the ability to heal people mysteriously. Elisabeth is a young - middle aged aristocratic woman, that is disabled and puts all her hopes in meeting Anna and having her disability heal by her. A strange ambivalent relationship develops between the two women.
Trenck - Der Roman einer großen Liebe
Amalie, Prinzessin von Preußen
Theodor Körner
Toni Adamberger
Gräfin Mariza
Gräfin Mariza
Teilnehmer antwortet nicht
A Mad Idea
Mabel Miller
A series of stupid coincidences causes the young Munich painter Paul to convert his uncle's castle into a hotel for four weeks. But he can't complain: business is good and he has plenty of guests. For exmple, there's Theo Muller with his revue troupe. For reasons of "sound", Muller calls himself "Miller", which, of course, causes more confusion. His daughter, the beautiful Evelyn, is confused with Mabel Miller, who has come to the hotel on a mission for her filthy rich father ... namely, to estimate the worth of the castle.
Девушки в униформе
Erzieherin Fräulein von Bernburg
В школу-интернат для девочек, дочерей прусских офицеров, поступает 14-летняя Мануэла фон Майнхардис. В школе царит военная дисциплина, и всеми делами железной рукой заправляет фрау директор, Фридрих Великий в юбке. Как и все остальные девочки, Мануэла влюбляется в свою учительницу, прекрасную фройляйн фон Бернбург, которая отчасти разделяет ее чувства. После постановки школьной пьесы Мануэла, будучи одета в костюм принца и пьяна от пунша, объявляет на всю школу о своей любви к фройляйн фон Бернбург. Фрау директор клеймит подобные чувства как греховные и намеревается исключить Мануэлу из школы.
Der Fremdenlegionär
Hast Du geliebt am schönen Rhein?