Claudio Orefice

Claudio Orefice


Immigrating from Sicily at the age of two, Claudio was the youngest of a poor family seeking a better life. He is all about accomplishment and the "American Dream". Claudio strongly believes in positive energy, positive visualization, and manifestation. He learned this at a young age and lives it every day. Before acting, his list of accomplishments is long. Degrees in Chemistry, Biology, MBA and attended Harvard Business School. He started seven on-going successful companies, invented many new products, ran two Boston Marathons, is a gardener, Koi pond enthusiast, a bee keeper and has written an original song. There is more but his latest passion is now acting. Claudio first attended acting school at the age of 60. After one year, on his first audition, he landed the lead role in the feature movie Know Nothins. On his second audition he landed the lead role in the movie Friendly Ben. On his Third audition he landed a feature role in the TV series Cobblestone Corridor. On his fourth audition he landed a supporting role in Date Knight. On his fifth audition, he landed a role in After The Party and more. His streak did finally end but his audition-to-bookings remains very high. He loves the challenge and the diversity of roles and stories. Directors, producers, other actors and crew members enjoy working with Claudio and is often called back for that reason.


Claudio Orefice


Johnny & Clyde
Wealthy Tycoon
Johnny and Clyde are two serial killers who are madly in love and on an endless crime spree. Alana (Megan Fox) is the confident and cunning owner of a prosperous casino that generates tens of millions of dollars each year. Johnny and Clyde decide to assemble a ragtag group of criminals and misfits to steal from Alana's casino and pull off the heist of the century. Unfortunately for Johnny and Clyde's crew, Alana has a deadly weapon at her disposal – the monstrous slasher spirit known as Bakwas.
My Father Muhammad Ali
Associate Producer
The story of champion boxer Muhammad Ali through the eyes of his only biological son, Muhammad Ali Jr., who struggled with bullying, abandonment, addiction, family and heartbreak to ultimately find peace.
Месть сталкера
Captain Peters
Несколько друзей отправиляются на выходные в домик у озера, где сталкиваются с осужденным индейским вождём, подражателем серийному маньяку и с ужасным социопатом в маске Дэймона.
Пёс под прикрытием
Main Guard
Тоби лишь внешне похож на обычного пса, который живет простой счастливой жизнью, но это лишь прикрытие. После того, как его человеческая семья засыпает, он выходит на секретную правительственную службу, помогая очищать мир от самых опасных преступников.
Легендарное ограбление
Чаще всего Дойс и Чаки грабили маленькие магазины, но однажды у них появилось желание получить добычу покрупнее. Преступники разработали хитрый план взлома хранилища, в котором находилось 30 миллионов долларов. Но есть одна проблема — эти средства принадлежат местной мафии в штате Род-Айленд. Смогут ли налётчики осуществить крупнейшее ограбление века и выжить или же их ожидает незавидная участь…
Know Nothins
Executive Producer
After a very lucrative heist, a team of five professionals celebrate at their benefactor's summer home while they wait for their safe ride out of the state.
Know Nothins
Billy Donovan
After a very lucrative heist, a team of five professionals celebrate at their benefactor's summer home while they wait for their safe ride out of the state.
Saving Christmas
A young boy, Danny, tries to prove the existence of Santa by using his intelligence and gadgets. He and his trusted group go on an intense journey to find the truth of Santa.
The Cobblestone Corridor
Dealing Santa Custodian
Allan Archer, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper club at Alfred Pierce Preparatory School, has taken on the biggest case of his academic career: investigating the suspicious termination of English department chairman, Dr. Peter Carroll.