Vitor Colares


Original Music Composer
A terrified young woman is staring at a disturbing monstrosity, a kind of Pagan spirit that has sprung out of a river. Such is the opening scene of Pajeú, named after the creature, a fantastic character which follows the meanderings of the river and drives the story. Eager to get rid of a nightmare that is infecting her life, Maristela is looking into the story of Pajeú, the now forgotten figure buried in the depths of the city of Fortaleza. The film goes through successive urban transformations leading to the burying of Pajeú, a mystery imbued with supernatural elements.
Мой частный ад
Original Music Composer
Деузимар, владелица бара, грезит сбежать из мрачного, захудалого места, в котором она проработала всю жизнь. Cлучайное знакомство с моряком по имени Жарбас ставит её перед сложным выбором — остаться с любимым или пойти за мечтой.
Original Music Composer
Pedro is given leave from jail to visit his family in Patos. During his visit, he confronts old ghosts and plans a new direction for his life, while discovering in Pamela, his teenage cousin, the same flame that burned in his heart.