Hong Myeong-su


Lighting Director
A comedy film about North and South Korean soldiers vying for a winning lotto ticket that crossed the demarcation line because of the strong wind.
Lighting Director
Two brothers fell in love with one woman, Hyun-jae. But she chose Chung-seo. And Jang-seo has been living bitter days ever since the betrayal of his younger brother and his lover. After 17 years passed, Jang-seo gets a call from her. He does not know why she’s coming back, but his heart is beating again.
Things That Do Us Part
Lighting Director
Things That Do Us Part is a documentary that reframes the stories of three women fighters who dove into a tragic war in modern Korean history, using witness statements and reenactments.
С Богами: Последние 49 дней
Lighting Technician
Бывший мстительный призрак Ким Су-хон предстаёт перед королём Подземного мира, и ангел смерти Кан-ним просит для него прохождение обычной процедуры — он уверен, что сможет убедить судей в невиновности своего подопечного. Король соглашается, но ставит условия: в течение 49 дней ангелы должны вознести душу старика Хо, чьё земное время давно истекло, и доказать невиновность Су-хона. Душу защищает Домовой, который мало того, что регулярно выписывает тумаков пришедшим за ней, так ещё и проявился перед дедом и его малолетним внуком и помогает им по хозяйству. При ближайшем знакомстве с Домовым ангелы выясняют, что тот помнит подробности их жизней и связь друг с другом тысячелетней давности.
С Богами: Два мира
Lighting Technician
Спасая ребёнка из горящего здания, пожарный Ким Джа-хон погибает героической смертью. И тут же три ангела смерти сопровождают его в мир мёртвых, где смертному предстоит пройти 7 судов и держать ответ перед 7-ю Богами. Ангелы будут его защитниками, и если Джа-хона признают безгрешным, он получит возможность реинкарнироваться и начать новую жизнь.
The Bacchus Lady
Lighting Director
So-young, an elderly prostitute working in Seoul, tries to take care of a young Korean-Filipino child she meets in a hospital and make ends meet. So-young's life takes a dark turn when several of her old clients try to reconnect with her.
You Call It Passion
Lighting Technician
Ra-hee is ready for the real world. She has graduated from a respectable college and begins to apply for full-time jobs but is rejected by every company that she applies to. When all hope is lost, she gets a phone call from a newspaper company and is recruited as an intern in the entertainment section. Although reluctant at first, as she believes herself to be over-qualified for the job, she soon learns and understands the passion of the press. During her rollercoaster experience as an entertainment journalist/intern, she discovers the dirty and hidden aspects of the journalism industry.
Memories of the Sword
Lighting Technician
While in medieval Korea, a young girl sets out to revenge the betrayal and the death of her mother. But therefore she must face one of the most powerful men and warriors of the Goryeo Dynasty.
How to Steal a Dog
Lighting Director
A young girl lives in a van with her little brother & her mom. Tired of the embarrassing situation which was promised to be temporary, she decides to try to fix it all on her own. But how to get the money needed first? One day, the girl comes across a flyer offering a reward for a lost dog. Under the mistaken impression that a house could also really cost just that much, she then plots to do exactly that- with the additional help of her best friend, little brother & some others, they'll find a "missing" spoiled pup, return him & get a new home just in time for her birthday! Or at least, that's the plan.. what could go wrong?
My Dictator
Lighting Technician
Sung-geun is an untalented actor who makes a living playing minor roles. He happens to land on the role as Kim Il-sung, the former leader of North Korea, for the rehearsal of the South-North Korea Summit. Sung-geun becomes passionately immersed in his role, motivated by his son who looks up to him. However, the summit is not realized, and Sung-geun ends up lost in the delusion that he really is Kim Il-sung.
Manshin: Ten Thousand Spirits
Lighting Technician
A life documentary of a woman who was shunned for being possessed by spirits as a girl, oppressed for following superstitions as an adult, how she grows to be a great shaman who embraces the pain of all people, and how she comes to be honored as a national treasure of Korea with her outstanding artistic talents throughout Korea's tumultuous history.