Police Officer (voice)
Тинтин отправляется в Перу, чтобы спасти нескольких археологов от древнего проклятия инков.
Tartuffe, a hypocritical man confided in false devotion, monopolizes the confidence of Orgon, a wealthy bourgeois and undertakes to seduce his wife Elmire. Having been unmasked by the latter, he strives to precipitate the ruin of his benefactor.
The master tailor
Фильм-спектакль по одноимённой комедии Ж.-Б. Мольера в исполнении артистов знаменитого французского театра «Комеди Франсэз».
The Adventures of Cadet Rousselle that on the French Revolution left his hometown in search of fortune. He thinks he knows love with Violeta, a dancer in a band of comedians but ends up involved in a monarchist plot.