Jean-Gabriel Nordmann


The New Deal: The Man Who Changed America
Elected in November 1932, as the economic crisis ravaged the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt immediately put all his campaign promises into action: it was time for the "New Deal". This bold plan, designed to turn around a nation on the brink of collapse, where unemployment was at an all-time high and the working poor were suffering from the precariousness of the job market, was intended to give hope to a country that had been battered before anything else. Once he came to power, the new president from the Democratic Party immediately passed some fifteen laws designed to revive the economy.
I'll Go Where You Go
M. Mangin
Vali and Mina are two sisters who are polar opposites, pushed apart by life’s hardships and trials. One is a singer, a dreamer and emotional. The other is a therapist, distant and rational. Their loving father has finally found the perfect opportunity to bring them together, if only for a weekend, in order to hopefully patch things up between them: Vali has an audition in Paris and it’s mina who has to accompany her despite her contempt for her sister’s passion.
Homo Spatius
Can Homo sapiens evolve into Homo spatius? For over 50 years now, we have been testing our human nature in our effort to conquer outer space, and still 30 years away from a possible human exploration of Mars, a question remains: Can our body take such travels? Will it ever adapt? Combining human adventure and the exploration of the human body, this film offers unique insights into the physical and psychological effects of space travel on the Astronauts and measures the impact on medical sciences.
Benoît Martin
A junk dealer is trapped inside a terribly unhealthy love triangle. He sinks into a fantasy world to avoid this horrible reality and he will try to finally show who he really is.
Я, Франсуа Вийон, вор, убийца, поэт
Charles d'Orléans
Величайший из поэтов французского средневековья родился в нищете, среди мертвых и чумных в день, когда Жанна д`Арк сгорела на костре. В нем причудливым образом уживались природный дар с необузданным характером. А когда капризная муза отворачивалась, автор прекрасных баллад черпал вдохновение на самом дне человеческих пороков…
Murderous Maids
monsieur Lancelin
Based on the true story of two chambermaids (the Papin sisters) of 1930s France who murdered their employer and her daughter. Christine Papin and Léa Papin are sisters with an already troubled past. Madame Lancelin takes them into her home and employs the girls as maids. Christine sees in Madame Lancelin an ideal mother figure — in spite of her severity. But their wretched background — an indifferent mother and drunken abusive father — casts a shadow over the girls and over time their ill-fated situation darkens. The sisters withdraw into themselves and finish by committing the worst — killing Madame Lancelin and her daughter after six years of service, on the 2 February 1933 in Le Mans.
Приключения молодого Индианы Джонса: Шпионские игры
First Secretary
В Европе грохочет Первая Мировая война. Французская разведка поручает Индиане два очень важных и опасных задания. Инди будет сопровождать двух отпрысков королевской крови в столицу враждебной Австрии, где им предстоит тайно обсудить возможность подписания мирного договора с императором Карлом. Вена прямо-таки кишит зловещими агентами разведки, так что проникнуть во дворец императора будет весьма сложно… Ну а в революционном Петрограде Инди с риском для жизни выполнит еще одну ответственную миссию и познакомится с самим Лениным…
Fred's father
Max is a kind of modern Zadig embarked upon an existential and sentimental quest. Jewish and Russian all rolled into one, he quickly feels cramped in his native Ukraine. One day, he leaves his parents, family and enemies for the city of his dreams: Paris. He discovers the capital and the occasionally ferocious and complex ways of its natives.
The Man Who Lost His Shadow
Paul has left his wife and children. Now his wife and ex-mistress is on the hunt for him.
T'empêches tout le monde de dormir
A homeless street musician meets an attractive woman by chance and keeps following her until he persuades her to let him stay in her place.
Family Jewels
The head of an aristocratic family died, so everyone gather to mourn him and see who gets what from his estate. Greed, lust, love and class conflict between the family and their payed servants create a real mess rather quickly.
Et avec les oreilles qu'est-ce que vous faites?
Two friends, Arthur and Jérôme, want to make a film. After much hesitation, they give up their primary aspirations and opt for a trendy theme: eroticism! Benefiting from a tidy sum of money, all they have to do is find the ideal cast. But the tandem is far from imagining that this somewhat crazy project will completely change their existence.
Les oiseaux de la lune