Adolfo Thous


The Dark Night of the Soul
Pantheon filmmaker Carlos Saura bounced back from a handful of failures with 1989's La Noche Oscura (The Dark Night). Juan Diego stars as San Juan de la Cruz (St. John of the Cross), the legendary 16th-century poet-prophet. Galvanized into action by the spirit of Santa Teresa de Jesus, San Juan fought to install reforms in the Carmelite Order. Like many another visionary, he was regarded as a heretic, and promptly subjected to the most appalling of tortures. Writer-director Saura manages to draw several parallels between the religious persecution of the 1700s and the political despotism of Fascist Spain.
The Last Kamikaze
A cruel hitman nicknamed "Kamikaze" uses all kinds of methods to carry out his jobs. One day he will have to face an old enemy who has an old account pending with him.
Operation Mantis
A beautiful woman, apparently a sophisticated Miss, is killed while skiing in Candanchú, an accurate shot in the head. But she is more than a beautiful model. It is a secret service agent of the terrorist organization IAAT His death triggers the alarm at the headquarters of the organization and the supreme leader, the bold and elegant Mr. Alfa , decides to take matters into. Three super-they are called to investigate the case, it is the courageous Mayor Sam Stevenson (Paul Naschy), the shrewd Marcello Antonelli (JL Vazquez), and the beautiful and reckless Alferez Allyson Love (Anne Karin).
Hunting Ground
A female lawyer passionately defends criminals, believing that everyone deserves a second chance. But her latest defendants though have no qualms about making her their next victim. They steal her car, find the keys to her country villa and decide to rob the place. Unfortunately, the lawyer's family turns up at the villa mid-burglary, and her husband is killed. But that is only the beginning of the nightmare...
Padre no hay más que dos
Amalio and Florencio are two cabaret artists who divorce their wives and stay with custody of their children. An unscrupulous cheat the two rent both of them the same dilapidated house. There will have to live both trying to get ahead as a team of magicians who happens to be a failure. But thanks to the ideas of their children, both parents are a couple of musical comedy that, despite initial failures, is a great success with the participation of the kids. Moreover Amalio and Florencio try to flirt with girls that are radically different from their wives but the kids will all the impediments that have no future.
El rediezcubrimiento de México
The Crimson Night of the Hawk
A murder mystery set in the old west.
A Dog Called... Vengeance
A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog.
Gusanos de seda
Esposa y amante
Luisa's daughter attempted suicide. While attending the clinic and, contemplating the state of his daughter, Luisa recalls the early happy years of her marriage to Pedro, a popular and friendly sports journalist. Soon after came the first deception of her husband.
The People Who Own the Dark
A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.
No quiero perder la honra
In Madrid, during the postwar, Miguel, decide to live supported by women. He has two workers who doesn´t make much headway, for that reason, advised by one of his friends, he decides to go to other town to find a young girl, naive but ambitious in order to take her to the city and make her work.
The Paranoid
As a child, John watched his father murder a lover. Traumatized as an adult, his psychiatrist recommends that he sleep with his secretaries, but this awakens the most terrible memories in him and acts on him accordingly.
Cuando los niños vienen de Marsella
Las violentas
Кони Вальдеса
Чино Вальдес – ковбой, в одиночку разводящий лошадей. Он выбрал жизнь отшельника отчасти добровольно, а отчасти из-за косых взглядов, которые бросали на него в городе. Ведь в его жилах течет кровь как белых людей, так и индейцев. В поисках работы и крыши над головой к нему приходит Джимми. Чино разрешает ему остаться и обучает своему ремеслу. Но пройдет много времени, прежде чем они притрутся друг к другу…
The Legend of Blood Castle
Countess Elizabeth Bathory conspires with her husband to acquire the blood of virgins to maintain her youth and beauty.
Человек, которого звали «Полдень»
Old Mexican
Наемный убийца по прозвищу Суровый Полдень, подвергшийся неудачному покушению, частично теряет память. Спасаясь от преследователей, собирающихся с ним покончить, он встречает Раймса, такого же изгоя, как и он сам. Новым приятелям предстоит собрать по кусочкам память главного героя и узнать правду о том, что с ним произошло, и из-за чего на него устроена безжалостная охота.
Hunchback of the Morgue
Paul Naschy plays a hunchback with below average intelligence who works at the morgue. He is in love with a sickly girl who happens to be the only person who is kind to him. Each day he brings her flowers until the day she dies.
Панчо Вилья
В 1916 году знаменитый мексиканский бандит- революционер Панчо Вилья спасается от казни и начинает творить суд и расправу..
Dr. Jekyll vs. the Werewolf
(as Adolfo Tohus)
This is the fifth film to feature Spanish actor Paul Naschy as Waldemar the Wolfman. Here he comes to swinging seventies' London, seeking a cure to his malady. Unfortunately he meets Dr. Jekyll who injects him with a serum that turns him into the lascivious killer Mr. Hyde. In his top hat and black cloak, Hyde haunts the flesh pots of Soho, while two gorgeous women fight for possession of his wolfman soul... Top grade Euro-horror and definitely the craziest werewolf film ever.
1001 Nights
Omar and his friend, Ali, returning to Moorish Granada after several years in the Middle East, discover that an evil usurper is now in power. With the help of a female genie, Omar sets about restoring freedom and justice.
Молодой и честолюбивый Мигель де Сервантес , по воле случая получив должность личного секретаря посланника Папы, оказывается в Риме, в эпицентре "большой политики", как внутренней, так и внешней: идет жесткая многолетняя война двух миров - христианского и исламского... Происходят судьбоносные для Мигеля встречи с Хасан-Беем - мудрым, расчетливым посланником турецкого султана и потрясающе красивой куртизанкой Джулией )...