Nadja Dumouchel


Это не похороны, это — воскресение
Story Editor
В горах Лесото старуха ждёт возвращения сына, работающего на рудниках в Южной Африке, но вместо этого узнаёт о его смерти. Теперь она сама мечтает поскорее распроститься с жизнь, приводит дела в порядок и договаривается о том, чтобы её похоронили на местном кладбище. Но всё планы рушатся, когда становится известно, что местные власти намерены переселить деревню, затопить весь район и построит дамбу для водохранилища. Старуха решает сама отстаивать духовное наследие общины.
Whatever Happened to My Revolution
Script Consultant
Angela was 8 years old when the first McDonald's opened in East Berlin - Since then, she has been fighting against the curse of her generation: to be born "too late" at a time of global political depression. Coming from a family of activists, her sister chose the world of business and her mother abandoned overnight her political struggle to move alone to the countryside.
Story Editor
Боснийская мусульманка Сэльма с немецким бойфрендом приехала в Боснию, чтобы похоронить останки семьи, когда-то убитой сербами. Машина застревает в лесу полном мин, и вдобавок парочка встречает двух мужчин, настойчиво предлагающих помочь.
Die schwarzen Brüder
Commissioning Editor
Up until the middle of the 19Th century, poverty stricken mountain farmers from the Ticino area of Switzerland frequently sold their children to Milan as chimney sweeps or spazzacamini. That is also young Giorgios fate. He is forced to climb through pitch black chimneys, flinging down the soot with his bare hands. But he does not lose heart. Together with his buddies sharing in the same misery, he establishes the association of Black Brothers. They stick together, struggling against their penury and getting involved in fights with the street gangs of Milan. The film tells of the gripping adventures of the chimney sweep boys and their spectacular escape back to their native land.
The Noisemaker
A provincial school is waiting for an official delegation from the Ministry who is supposed to bring a new bell. But a bell is not what the school needs... Struggling to survive, the institution is currently lacking the two pupils required by governmental quota in order to stay open. Anticipating the arrival of the delegation, the principal tries his best to hide the real number of students to avoid the unavoidable closing down of the school.