Jacques Berthier

Jacques Berthier

Рождение : 1916-02-09, Paris, France

Смерть : 2008-04-02


Jacques Berthier


Vice Squad
Paul-Henri Vaugoubert de Saint-Loup
A young woman is found dead, nude and drugged with tropanyme (a powerful aphrodisiac). Inspector Corentin from the vice squad will go after this new drug and prostitution ring.
Верная женщина
Monsieur Leroy
Богатый инвестор, дуэлянт и известный любовник Чарльз в гостях у своей тетушки знакомится с Матильдой Ле Рой, добродетельной и красивой женщиной, и решает соблазнить её. Но на его пути встает один из его партнеров по преступлениям. Он посылает Матильде вероломное письмо…
Shoot First… Ask Questions Later
Kelly Butler
The White, the Yellow, and the Black (Italian: Il bianco, il giallo, il nero, also known as Shoot First… Ask Questions Later) is a 1975 Spaghetti Western comedy film. It is the last spaghetti western directed by Sergio Corbucci. Differently from his previous western films, this is openly parodic.
Une atroce petite musique
Daniel Musselet
With her nose buried in her books, a librarian broods bitterly over her failure in love. But a theft of jewelry will suddenly give her the perfect opportunity to win back her lover's heart and get rid of her rival. Will she take the plunge?
«Штуки» над Лондоном
Colonel Smith
Картина описывает драматические события 1940-го года. Фашистская Германия несет угрозу всему миру, Англия противостоит ей, но постоянные вражеские диверсии и провокации противника истощают силы страны. И на фоне всего этого — нормальные человеческие взаимоотношения…
Archduke Jean Salvator
Наследник австро-венгерского трона кронпринц Рудольф — яркая и сложная личность. Женщины, балы, приемы — за беспечным фасадом кроется тяжкий груз ответственности и неопределенности. В любой момент он может стать императором, а его судьба принадлежит Империи. Рудольф несчастлив в браке. Многие дамы хотели бы оказаться рядом с ним, но только баронесса Вечера смогла зажечь в нем настоящее чувство. Их яркая, сумасшедшая любовь была заранее обречена. Влюбленные ушли из жизни в мрачном замке Майерлинг.
Tiffany Memorandum
Colonel Callaghan
A journalist and secretary get involved in espionage.
Sheriff with the Gold
Sheriff Jeff Randall
La 99ème minute
Commissaire Bignon
Death live! In the middle of filming a detective drama, the main actor Gérard Gérard dies from a gunshot. This returning star was hated by her partners... So, suicide, accident or crime? The investigation takes place before our eyes until the 99th minute. Let the masks fall!
Colorado Charlie
"Wild Bill" Danders
When Sheriff Bill marries, he moves to another village to lead a more peaceful life. His replacement is killed by Colorado Charlie and his gang. The town sends for Bill, who returns unarmed because his wife has hidden his gun. When Colorado Charlie demands a shoot-out, Bill's wife relents and gives him back his weapon After Bill kills the bandit, his wife agrees to his return as sheriff.
The Old Testament
The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.
79 A.D.
Intrigue at the Roman Emperor's court prior to its destruction by Vesuvius.
Ladies' Man
Docteur Nollet
A famous FBI agent's vacation is interrupted by murder. His investigation leads him on the trail of three women of the local upper middle class.
Три мушкетёра: Месть Миледи
Вот уж правда, счастье и несчастье идут рука об рука. Вспомните, как повезло Д`Артаньяну: его полюбила прелестная госпожа Бонасье, сама королева вознаградила его за отвагу, а главные забияки мушкетерского полка назвали гасконца своим другом. У Д`Артаньяна появился могущественный враг - сам кардинал Ришелье. Он не может простить мушкетеру истории с подвесками. Но даже кардинал - еще не беда. Куда страшней разъяренная белокурая тигрица миледи де Винтер. Д«Артаньян встал у нее на пути, и она решает отомстить...
Три мушкетёра: Подвески королевы
Итак, молодой гасконец Д`Артаньян прибывает в столицу на дрянной лошаденке непонятного цвета. Казалось, что может ждать деревенщину в Париже, кроме неприятностей? А вот что: служба в мушкетерском полку, любовь прелестнейшей из придворных дам, знакомство с королевой Анной Австрийской и приключения, приключения, приключения…
Quai Notre-Dame
Eloi is a twenty-year-old secondhand goods dealer who does his job without particular enthusiasm. He has a girlfriend, Nénette, but immature as he is, he feels just as happy in the company of Fortunée, his young sister, whose little girl's games he shares as often as he can. The three of them live with Eloi and Fortunée's grandmother, nicknamed by all the "Queen of the Flea Market". In possession of a mirror of Venice, Eloi decides to present it to Dormoy, an antique dealer who keeps up shop in the fashionable districts of Paris. On that occasion Eloi meets and falls in love at first sight with Dormoy's rich mistress. The latter, half-moved, half-consenting, does not discourage him.
Quai Notre-Dame
Eloi is a twenty-year-old secondhand goods dealer who does his job without particular enthusiasm. He has a girlfriend, Nénette, but immature as he is, he feels just as happy in the company of Fortunée, his young sister, whose little girl's games he shares as often as he can. The three of them live with Eloi and Fortunée's grandmother, nicknamed by all the "Queen of the Flea Market". In possession of a mirror of Venice, Eloi decides to present it to Dormoy, an antique dealer who keeps up shop in the fashionable districts of Paris. On that occasion Eloi meets and falls in love at first sight with Dormoy's rich mistress. The latter, half-moved, half-consenting, does not discourage him.
Кто вы, доктор Зорге?
Serge de Branowski
С 1937 года Рихард Зорге был «своим» в германском посольстве в Токио. Его знали как доктора социологии, не погнушавшегося стать фронтовым корреспондентом, как приятного, эрудированного собеседника, словом, как «истинного арийца». Не знали только одного: за его репортерской деятельностью скрывалась секретная миссия - установление контакта с Москвой через резидента в Гонконге.
Witness in the City
Pierre Verdier
Industrialist Pierre Verdier kills his mistress Jeanne Ancelin by throwing her off a train. Her husband, Ancelin, decides to take revenge on his wife's murderer, who has been acquitted by justice.
Wild Cats on the Beach
Various short stories. Giovanna arrives from Rome with her husband Alberto for a film audition. The journalist Gino comes to interview the great industrial Signore Carsoli. The famous American actress Rita is in search of her umpteenth husband. Leopoldo and Angelina from Sicily are on vacation in Rome where they meet the street smart Nicola.
A Missionary
Père Duval
Native Drums
A team of doctors sets out through a steamy African jungle to check an outbreak of sleeping sickness.
The Beautiful Otero
Jean Chastaing
An Italo-French biopic about one of the most famous women of Belle Époque, Spanish-born dancer and actress, star of Folies-Bèrgere: Carolina Otero.
Le prince Félix Youssoupoff / Youry
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
Владетель Баллантрэ
Capt. Arnaud
Великолепный костюмный приключенческий боевик по одноименному произведению Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона с прекрасным характерным актером Эрролом Флинном в главной роли. Это классика жанра, когда прекрасные женщины ходят в шикарных платьях, блистая драгоценностями и заставляя мужчин добиваться их внимания и улыбки, а кавалеры храбры и великодушны, настолько, что честь их намного превышает ценность самой жизни. Романтичный, захватывающий фильм для всех возрастов
Les deux Monsieur de Madame
Georges Flavien
Adolphe is in serious financial difficulties and the extravagances of his wife do not help to fix things.
Тень и свет
Jacques Barrois
Изабель Лёриц, французская пианистка, возвращается в музыкальный мир после двух лет, проведенных в больнице. Ее менеджер устраивает ей концертный тур по Франции, чтобы зритель вспомнил знаменитую в прошлом виртуозную пианистку, из-за душевной болезни ушедшей со сцены. Кажется, Изабель выздоровела, но что-то не дает ей полностью вернуться к музыке. Вместо того, чтобы ехать в тур, она едет к сводной сестре Кэролайн, где знакомится с Жаком Барроу. «Тень и свет» — французская драма о пианистке, пытающейся вернуться к музыке после длительного лечения.
Maria of the End of the World
Maria is the wife of self-styled naturalist Mathius. Alas, Maria's husband spends more time with his beloved woodland creatures than with her. Yearning for a visit to the Big City, Maria leaves herself wide open for disillusionment and heartbreak.
One Only Loves Once
Jean Monnier
Although they have loved each other since childhood without admitting it, a surgeon and a young woman see their love thwarted by life.
Stolen Affections
Serge Loref
The ordeal of Françoise who, deceived by her husband, sees her dying child. After a few events in the backdrop of a festival, the husband returns, she pushes him away, driving him to suicide. Another man she thinks she loves is already married.
The Sharks of Gibraltar
Lieutenant David Brooks
In order for important British admiralty papers to pass into the hands of the Germans, the spy Gordon has the ingenious idea of ​​transforming a lamentable drunkard into a Lady, haughty but submissive to his orders. Stella's transformation is complete, the success extraordinary. Why must a French officer touching the heart of the former pochard bring down the fragile edifice? A submarine is about to blow up, Gordon is shot down and a confessed Stella returns to her horrible taverns to drown her sorrows in alcohol for good.
Le Bateau à soupe
Donatien Mahu - le second
Hervé is a tough sea captain in command of the "Duchesse Anne", a rum-trading ship. But the sea dog hides a tender heart and he allows Marie-Douce, a poor slum girl who dreams of seeing the wide world,on board. To have her accepted by the crew, he passes her off as his niece. A seasoned master like him, wise enough to ban alcohol use on his ship, should have known better : a beautiful girl on the deck cannot but unleash the savage instincts of all those men without women.
Goodbye Darling
Chérie is a beautiful young woman who works as an escort girl. She meets a young and wealthy man who propose her to be his fictional wife so that his mother won't bother him anymore with this other girl, a rich one, she wants to see her son married to.
As Long As I Live
Following a trivial road accident, Ariane, an international adventuress, falls in love with Bernard Fleuret, a young artist-painter with diseased lungs. Being pursued by the police, she chooses to hide in the sanatorium where the young man is treated. Ariane proves so smitten by love that she finally changes her ways: she decides to let herself be arrested, sure as she is she will be reunited with her loved one later on.
Behold Beatrice
Jacques Richelière
The belated and revolting passion of a famous surgeon for a young orphan whom he once took in. He goes so far as to dishonor her to prevent her marriage to a young man she loves, whom she will however end up marrying. The young girl herself is not without reproach; she has missed a mother's love: in this ordeal, she has no sense of feminine dignity.
Mlle. Desiree
Un conseiller
Julie and Désirée Clary are courted by the brothers Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte. Joseph marries Julie and Napoleon is affianced to Désirée. When Napoleon breaks the engagement and marries Joséphine de Beauharnais, Désirée becomes involved with General Bernadotte.