Klaus J. Behrendt

Klaus J. Behrendt

Рождение : 1960-02-07, Hamm, Germany


Klaus J. Behrendt


Das Alter der Erde
Tausend & ein Streit
Kommissar Leo Steiner
Das Phallometer
Border Official #2
The phallometric tests were used in the Czech Republic until recently in order to verify the homosexuality of asylum seekers, who reported homosexuality-based persecution in their home country as grounds for asylum. This short tells the story of a young guy whose sexuality will be tested through this method in a satirically way.
Heinz Guderian
В январе 1944 Роммель был назначен командующим группой армий «В» в Северной Франции. Он попытался сделать «Атлантический вал» серьёзным препятствием для противника. Однако из-за стратегических разногласий с командующим всей войсковой группировкой во Франции — фельдмаршалом Рундштедтом, единый план обороны западной границы рейха не был выработан, что и привело к неоперативности и несогласованности действий немецких войск во время высадки союзников в Нормандии 6 июня 1944 года.
Jahr des Drachen
Thomas Eichner
Isenhart: The Hunt Is on for Your Soul
Sydal von Friedberg
In the middle of century XII much of the European territory is ruled by the Holy Roman Empire and violence and cruelty are the order of the day. Several German regions are terrorized by a dangerous murderer who is dedicated to kill young girls. Therefore, Isanhart and Laurin, his faithful companion in arms, will travel from end to end of the old continent to hunt the ruthless criminal.
World Express - Mistery of the Maya
Franz Joseph Anson
David and Philip are distinctive in the work's couriers World Express. Every day, roam the world completing tasks assigned to them by the mysterious head of Anson. Do not give up any adversity and provide dangerous consignment on time. Their current mission is to deliver to Mexico a ransom for the kidnapped girl. In the meantime, it appears that the girl's mother, Corrina, was once associated with David. Just before the start of the task Philip is murdered, and the ransom stolen. To save the girl, David needs to work with Corrina. It begins a dangerous journey through the dense jungle to the mysterious Mayan city.
Wie ein Licht in der Nacht
Horst Keller
Lukas Dorwald
Als sie den Angeklagten Robin Böhme (Simon Licht) zum ersten Mal Auge in Auge sieht, bricht die Staatsanwältin Esther Dorwald (Ann-Kathrin Kramer) unter Schock zusammen. Sie hat in ihm den Mann wieder erkannt, der sie vor etwa zwanzig Jahren im Park überfiel und schwer sexuell demütigte und nötigte. Damals waren die Ermittlungen im Sande verlaufen, jetzt ist der Geschäftsmann wegen Waffenhandel und Mord angeklagt. Die Staatsanwältin will ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen lassen, muss jedoch feststellen, dass die Tat verjährt ist. Der aktuelle Prozess gegen ihn droht ebenfalls zu platzen. Verzweifelt setzt Esther alle Hebel in Bewegung, riskiert den Bruch mit ihrem Mann Lukas (Klaus J. Behrendt) und schreckt auch vor illegalen Maßnahmen nicht zurück, um Robin Böhme dingfest zu machen.
Killer Bees
Hans Bergmann
A man is on the verge of death from a bee sting. His daughter, a fearless young, starts a race against time to find the antidote that may save the life of his father. It counts with the help of an expert on bees is satisfied that, as a kind of unusual, someone has prompted its expansion. Meanwhile, most frequently occurring deaths because of these alarming bites.
Fünf Tage Vollmond
Anton Brunner
Summer 1969: The Americans fly to the moon and Johanna's life gets into turmoil. While her family spends some days in Hamburg, the hostess stays alone on the secluded Hallig to accommodate a guest. The hydraulic engineer Anton Brunner will carry out the necessary investigations so that the Halligs can be supplied with fresh water from the mainland. In these summer days, Anton and Johanna fall in love with each other passionately. When her family comes back, she has to make a decision.
Jakobs Bruder
Jakob Goldt
A Good Boy
After his mother's death, 17-year-old Sven moves in with his dad Achim, a taxi driver, who had divorced his mother several years earlier. It is not easy for Achim to get used to an adolescent around the house, especially since Sven hardly speaks to him. But Sven does well in school, and Achim hopes that time will bring them closer together. It is Achim's girlfriend Julia who first senses that something is wrong with Sven. Why, she wonders, does he always hang around with young boys? Why does not he have any friends his own age? She suspects that he is gay. The truth, however, is somewhat more nuanced - and chilling: Sven has pedophile tendencies. Proof is soon found on videos that shock and sicken Achim. Sven himself is shattered and regrets his actions. Julia suggests therapy, but Achim is convinced that he and Sven can handle this together. But he is wrong. Though Sven practically begs his father to lock him up in his room, Achim has confidence in his son.
Ад в поднебесье
Horst Strasser
Ничто не предвещало трагедии. В этот день все шло как обычно. Смотровая площадка и ресторан, расположенные на телебашне, на высоте более 200 метров, полны посетителей. И вот по дикой, невероятной случайности мирный день превращается в сущий ад. Возникший в ресторане пожар мгновенно набирает огромную силу, огонь отрезает все пути к спасению. Черный резкий дым, летящие обломки, разрушающиеся лестничные переходы, паника среди охваченных ужасом людей — настоящая преисподняя в поднебесье. К месту трагедии стягиваются все возможные силы спасателей и пожарных. Но разбушевавшаяся стихия почти не оставляет шансов на спасение тем, кто оказался в этой огненной ловушке.
Einfache Leute
Bademeister Henrik Bode
A boy has to decide between being gay and being a professional swimmer. He takes the latter, marries and gets a son. 19 years later the whole thing explodes.
Трагедия «Памира»
Acki Lüders
После смерти жены моряк Аки Людрес решает снова вернуться в строй. Он принимает предложение от своего старого друга Эвальда, отправится на торговом судне «Памир» в Буэнос-Айрес. Однако он не подозревает, насколько серьезным испытанием для всей команды окажется этот рейс.
The Canterville Ghost
Jochen Brenner
10 year-old Paul is an average but timid boy, subject to the typical fears of most kids his age. His overprotective mother Mona, believing Paul to be disturbed, sends him off to a psychotherapist.
Die Stunde der Offiziere
Rudolph-Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff
Gestern gibt es nicht
Jan Baumann
Das Wunder von Lengede
Pit Spieker
Coming Home
Jochen Esser
Jochen's life is going well. He has just moved into a new house with his wife and child when suddenly his widowed father accidentally runs into a car and begins to lose his mind. The family take the old man in but tensions arise when the family has to grapple with the old father's worsening Alzheimer's condition.
Johanna, a feisty 17-year-old German girl with dreams of becoming a fashion designer, discovers her biological father is Turkish. Without telling him of their relationship, she gets a job at his elegant restaurant and disaster follows.
Mein Leben gehört mir
Hans-Peter Schmidt
Verratene Freundschaft - Ein Mann wird zur Gefahr
Ulf Danner
Kai Rabe gegen die Vatikankiller
Bernd Krüger
Ferkel Fritz
Appartement für einen Selbstmörder
Ein Vater unter Verdacht
Roman Bach
Das Tor des Feuers
Zwei Leben hat die Liebe
Shortly after Michael and Inga Lehnert and their kids Tommy and Tilly move into their new home in the countryside, Michael causes an accident in which the 20 years old Jule is seriously injured. Tormented by this Michael spends more and more time at the side of her bed in hospital, where she lies in a coma, neglecting his family and job. When Jule finally wakes up, they fall in love. Although her ex-boyfriend warns her that Michael does not realise that Jule is traumatized by a fear of him and will do anything to bind him to her.
Die Spur der roten Fässer
Fähre in den Tod
Polski Crash
Tom Konnitz
Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating without obstacles across borders. One of the more lucrative "businesses" is the trade in luxury cars, stolen in Germany and transferred to Russia by Russia.
Vater Mutter Mörderkind
1993 drama film.
Schulz & Schulz IV: Neue Welten, alte Lasten
In Wales during World War Two, a German airman crash-lands in a wood and is found by 12-year-old Elenya. She decides to keep him a secret and does so for as long as she can until finally the village learns the truth, with tragic consequences.
Leo und Charlotte
Kollege Otto - Die Coop Affäre
Schulz & Schulz II: Aller Anfang ist schwer
Die Kupferfalle
Schulz & Schulz
Ein Treffen mit Rimbaud