Marko Jeremić


The Children of Kozara
Based on the novel of Arsen Diklić which describes the horror’s of concentration camp Jasenovac.
Mama's Boy
Mladi tajni agent
Middle-aged cinephile and film projectionist Pera still lives with his mother - and best friend - Mara, in Belgrade. It's 1999 and when NATO bombs start raining down on Serbia, the two of them become refugees. After a surreal journey, they end up in New York, where Pera realizes that he can no longer do the old job he loved so much. While he and Mara were struggling to survive, the new age of digital projection was born. Then Pera stumbles upon some discarded projectors and his new mission in life becomes clear: he will travel around and show people the magic of Real Cinema - the magic that can only be created by celluoid, mechanical projectors, the silver screen and flickering light.
When Day Breaks
Čovek u stanu
The story of a retired music professor, Misha Brankov, who under unusual circumstances discovers his true origins. At the place where once stood a Nazi concentration camp for Jews during World War II, a metal box filled with documents is found. It was buried by an inmate Isaac Weiss in the year 1941. The professor finds out that his real parents, the Weiss's, gave him away to their friends, the Brankovs, just before they were taken into the camp. Inside the box there is an unfinished musical score, called "When day breaks", composed by the inmate Isaac Weiss. Searching for the truth about himself and his origins, Misha discovers the little-known truth about Judenlager Semlin camp, one of the worst Nazi execution sites in the heart of contemporary Belgrade. At the same time, the professor's obsession is to complete the composition, started by his father, and to perform it on the site of the former camp... which he, after many vicissitudes, finally succeeds.
How I Was Stolen by the Germans
How I Was Stolen by the Germans (Serbian: Koko su me ukrali Nemci) is a Serbian movie. Alex (52) is sufficiently renowned writer who is engaged in repairing other people's texts. It is vital, educated, talented but a bit of a misanthrope. One day in his life enters a girl Roma (6). Alex tells her the stories of his childhood ... The movie is a story of the film director childhood.
White Lions
Mrzovoljni mladoženja
The film is about the workers unpaid for six years who decide to lay down the driveway in front of their factory. Oki is an unemployed factory worker and union leader. His son Gruja is a movie director unemployed for ten years, he shoots weddings and funerals in order to survive and save enough money to shoot his first feature film. White, unemployed opera singer and Gruja's girlfriend, is trying to make money by singing opera arias from house to house. The story is about ruined factories and workers without someone to lead them to a better life.
Juliet, a white girl, falls in love with a dark-skinned romeo, a divine trumpet player from the Roma orchestra. But her father Satchmo doesn't accept Romeo. Romeo needs to fight for Juliet at the legendary Festival of the trumpeters in Gucha.
Made in YU
The lives of three brothers who left their small village in Serbia to live in Sweden. The first one escaped from police, while the other two followed his path.
Two girls swear their former boyfriends and sent two demons Strahinja and Lola to take them. Strahinja must deliver the main heroes of this world or, by the decision of the judge of the Dark Vilayet, be returned to the unpleasant state of death. The four stories that make this omnibus film, follow main characters which Lola and Strahinja should pick up. Each of them tries to avoid death. You will see how the sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and kolerik cope with the death officers.
Дыши глубоко
Саша, студентка юридического факультета Белградского университета, говорит своим родителям, что она и ее друг Стефан переезжают в Канаду. Той же ночью Саша и Стефан попадают в автомобильную катастрофу. Саша приходит в себя в больнице и знакомится с очаровательной и умной сестрой Стефана Ланой, фотографом, живущей в Париже. Стефан остается на лечение в госпитале, а Саша обнаруживает, что у ее матери Лилы — роман. Отец отчаянно пытается сохранить семью, а Лана тем временем становится лучшей подругой Саши. И вот в разгар этого семейного хаоса Саша влюбляетя в сестру своего бойфренда.
Si Tu Timazin
A short film about "modern slavery", i.e. human trafficking.
Жизнь как чудо
Главный герой — Лука — немножко сумасшедший железнодорожник, который строит тоннель между Балканами и остальным миром. Жена Луки — Джарданка — певица, сбегает с венгерским музыкантом. Их сын Милош мечтает стать футболистом, однако таланта к игре у него не слишком много. Странная семейка постепенно распадается: жена сбегает, сына забирают в армию, отец всё дальше углубляется в связующий разные культуры тоннель… Разрешится ли сложный, коварный конфликт отцов и детей? Может ли новая женщина отца стать препятствием в отношениях с сыном? Победит ли любовь, или бессильно голодное сердце, алчущее любви, против барьеров, установленных обществом?
Strawberry in the Supermarket
An ex-soldier storms a supermarket and takes all the cashiers captive because one of them insulted his grandmother.
Jedan visok, znaš kakvu guzu ima
Urban comedy, happening during a night in Belgrade. Mare, Pop and Gojko are three friends who grew up together. Mare and Pop have always been musicians, while Gojko (who was harassed by them in school and nicknamed 'Sissy') became a 'guy in suit', boss of his own club and recording studio.
The White Suit
A sergeant officer lives a life of a loner, reads literary classics and dreams about acting. On his journey by train, he madly falls in love with a prostitute, but her pimp - another passenger on a train - is not willing to let her go, which makes their destiny tragic.
Бочка пороха
Что значит человеческая жизнь, когда вокруг бушует война, делающая сердца людей каменными, а умы — безразличными ко всему? Еще недавно цветущая, а ныне — разодранная на куски и обильно орошенная кровью, земля Югославии жестоко мстит за свою боль. Лишь вера в себя помогает молодым героям противостоять мраку, сгустившемуся над пороховой бочкой Европы — Балканами…
Barking at the Stars
Comedy about teachers and students at a high school in a small provincial town. Mihailo tries to win the heart of a girl his brother is also chasing.