Sandrine Le Berre

Sandrine Le Berre


Sandrine Le Berre


Coiffure et confidences
Underground Time
After eight years of close collaboration with her supervisor, Mathilde suddenly finds herself inexplicably victim of moral harassment by him. In parallel, Thibault has just split up with his girlfriend after a frustrating two-year relationship where they exchanged very little. Mathilde and Thibault have never met, they are just two figures among millions of others. Two people who may bump into each other or who may merely pass each other by. But one day in September, their paths meet.
Loopdidoo and the Treasure of Captain Nem Bones
Pétunia (voice)
Loopdidoo, the goofy dog, has found the perfect spot to bury his bone. As he starts digging, Loopdidoo uncovers… A treasure chest! Right there! Isn’t he a lucky dog? Not quite… Not only does the treasure chest only contain incomprehensible clues, but the evil pirates, Captain Coco and his sidekicks, have just moored their ship, The Black Egg, off the island, determined to get their hands on the treasure too! Will Loopdidoo and his friends be able to outwit the pirates, rescue Loopdidoo’s cousin and find the treasure?
La fille du résident
When Nénette discovers the identity of her father in a letter, she quickly goes off in search of him. But instead of finding her father, she is met by her half-brother, Paul. Paul, a bitter man who gave up his dream to take over his father’s pharmacy business, is less than thrilled at the arrival of his ‘embarrassing’ half-sister. After refusing to take her in, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine. Under the influence of a potent drug, for one day Paul is generous, happy and sensitive. The next morning, however, once the drug has worn off, his nasty side comes back...
Вишенка на новогоднем торте
Аманда уверена — с мужчинами всегда все слишком сложно! Ее подруга считает, что Аманде пора остепениться и сделать, наконец, окончательный выбор, а психоаналитик ставит ей неутешительный диагноз: «Мадам-катастрофа», которая убивает все свои романы, едва они начинают стремиться к обручальным кольцам. Но даже женщина, которая упорно отказывается стать счастливой, не застрахована от случая. Само провидение ставит точку в ее сомнениях, словно кладет последнюю вишенку на торт.
Loopdidoo’s Zany Christmas
Pétunia (voice)
A snowy fairy-tale setting. A full moon. The house and garden are overflowing with glowing, twinkling Christmas decorations. LOOPDIDOO is busily flattening a long stretch of snow: his landing strip is ready! Now all he has to do is wait… But for whom? Santa, of course! PETUNIA, doubled up with laughter, gently teases him: it’ll never work! But would you know it, PETUNIA’s wrong! All of a sudden, SANTA crosses the moonlit sky in a superb, art-deco-pimped chopper-sleigh. LOOPDIDOO starts dancing around like crazy, waving his fluorescent sticks in the air to grab his attention. But then, distracted by our loopy dog, SANTA loses control of his sleigh… and crashes into the moon! Explosion! In a shower of sparks, the sleigh falls earthbound… and more precisely right into PETUNIA’s garden! As for SANTA, he’s marooned on the moon, with his sack of Christmas gifts! PETUNIA can’t believe her binoculars… Nice one, LOOPDIDOO, now that is a blunder… The blunder of the century!
По ту сторону кровати
«Это невозможно, что ты делаешь целыми днями?! Я не могу все делать за тебя!» - примерно так ругаются некоторые супруги, после нескольких лет прожитых вместе. Ариадна и Хьюго вместе уже 10 лет и их семейная жизнь давно превратилась в рутину и взаимные упреки, но однажды их терпению приходит конец. Они решают поменяться местами. Теперь муж будет вести все домашнее хозяйство и смотреть за детьми, а жена делать карьеру и ездить на деловые встречи. Тут-то и возникает множество забавных и комичных ситуаций, которые станут настоящей проверкой для них. Так ли беззаботна жизнь на другой стороне постели?…
Off and Running
A killer has found a way to kill women without committing the crime. He gets them to fall in love with him, like Isolde falls for Tristan in the epic poem, and then he leaves them. Heartbroken they choose suicide, just like Isolde.
Edith jeune
«Ты такой миленький... Если ты хочешь, ты можешь оставаться в этом доме всю свою жизнь…» Склоненные над младенцем Танги, Поль и Эдит Гец не представляли, до какой степени это признание в любви их младенцу оказалось пророческим. 28 годами позже, Танги всегда в доме родителей. Блистая успехами в изучении китайского языка, очаровав весь мир, соблазняя всех, кого только можно, Танги сидит на шее своих родителей и чувствует себя прекрасно.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
People in Swimsuits Aren't (Necessarily) Shallow
A week on St-Martin with vacationing Parisians. Camille surprises her lover Philippe, who's with his wife and children. Lonely Laurette, a secretary, hopes to meet a man. Aziz brings his enthusiastic brother Rafik because his boss had two tickets he couldn't use. Lovers Pauline and the pregnant, cranky Anita find their vacation complicated by an ex-lover of Pauline's. The playboy Jimmy is the hotel M.C., and Carla, free-spirited and sensual, coaches Laurette in the ways of seduction. She is hot and cold to these wiles, alternately attracting and putting off Aziz, hoping Jimmy will try to seduce her, and afraid he might. By week's end, with the help of Camille's diary, we'll know the outcomes.
Джамиль – серьезный парень, живущий и работающий на окраине Парижа. Однако после того, как его брата Нордина, торговца героином, который и сам «сидит» на своем товаре, по ошибке убивает полиция, Джамиль присоединяется к беспорядкам, устроенным разгневанными друзьями, чтобы отомстить за трагическую смерть Нордина.
The Blue Villa
The Blue Villa is a seedy bordello on a Mediterranean island where the villages are frightened by the ghost-like return of a young man, who mysteriously disappeared after the killing of a young Eurasian woman.