Alexander Hörbe

Alexander Hörbe

Рождение : 1968-01-01, Berlin, Germany


Alexander Hörbe


Lehrer kann jeder!
Martin Sorokin
Рабие Курназ против Джорджа Буша
Рабие Курназ - обычная бременская домохозяйка турецкого происхождения. После 11 сентября 2001 года ее сына обвиняют в подготовке теракта и отправляют в лагерь Гуантанамо. Это знаменует начало путешествия решительной женщины на пару со своим адвокатом в сердце мировой политики – вплоть до Верховного суда в Вашингтоне.
Das Leben ist sonnig und schön
The Unbearable Lightness of the Revolution
Horst Blankenstein
East Germany, 1988. 19-year-old Franka doesn't really care for politics. She prefers going to the disco and dreaming about seeing Bruce Springsteen and Michael Jackson live in concert. But beneath her carefree façade, she is scarred by the loss of her baby brother. But then she meets Stefan: He's young, idealistic, and part of an environmental activist group. A mix that makes Franka instantly make fall for him – and his group, which welcomes her with open arms. But this wild, revolutionary influence does not stay unnoticed: Her mother, who's with the Party, is worried about Franka. As Stefan's group loses the support of the church, leaving them vulnerable to the state, Stefan and Franka are soon in the government's line of fire…
Heute stirbt hier Kainer
Rainer Bratsche
Охота на ведьм
В мрачном мире, где царят насилие и ложь, взятый в плен осман освобождает приговоренную к смерти ведьму, чтобы начать с ней новую жизнь.
Полный бред - Криминальнее некуда!
В маленьком немецком городке полицейским Денису, Рокки, Нетти и Хагену почти нечем заняться, так как преступления здесь - большая редкость. Ради экономии ресурсов начальство хочет закрыть участок и для этого направляет в город специального агента. Чтобы спасти свою работу, полицейские решают перейти на другую сторону и начинают сами совершать преступления.
Анна Бронски - преподаватель игры на скрипке в консерватории. Вопреки советам своих коллег, она начинает заниматься с учеником, в котором видит большой талант. Однако Анна слишком увлекается его подготовкой и совершенно забывает про родного сына, тоже скрипача и любителя хоккея, а также начинает отдаляться от мужа.
Ein Fall für Dr. Abel - Zerschunden
Kommissar Markwitz
Angestellter Gauck-Behörde
Музыкальная карьера Герхарда Гундерманна, простого водителя экскаватора, началась в Восточной Германии, когда он стал известен своей умной, часто грустной лирикой, на социальные темы.
Schnabel Wirt
В последние дни Второй мировой войны измученный и голодный 19-летний рядовой похищает капитанский мундир. Прикидываясь офицером, он собирает группу дезертиров и собирается всеми возможными средствами пробивать себе путь сквозь опустошённую нацистскую Германию...
Kai Fröhlich
One house, three apartments and three friendly couples, who have to put their relationships and life concepts to the test. After 20 years of marriage, Anne and Martin are close to separation. Eva and Thomas are freshly in love and want to do everything right. The relationship between Saskia and Kai gets into a crisis when she returns to work and takes care of the daughter.
In Times of Fading Light
Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birthday celebrations of an East German family turn into a tragicomical moment of political and personal breakdown.
Franz Letterer
A mystery thriller directed by Michael Rösel.
Bürgermeister von Prittwitz
An African-German Author loses his memory and is used by a modern National Socialist Party as promotion-figure for more political power over Germany.
Happy Hour
The middle-aged family man Hans-Christian (HC) left by his wife goes to Ireland for a short break with his old friends Wolfgang and Nic. He should win at Guinness bonfires and fishing trips distance to the chaos at home. HC has to learn to say no and need other women, his friends believe, to get rid of his loser habitus. In the already tense situation, old competition fights, outbursts of anger and self-pity quickly come up. And Nic and Wolfgang seem to have needed the time-out almost as much as HC.
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Gold
A journalist bites off more than she can chew investigating a deadly secret.
Don't Call Me Grandpa
Despite being 45, Werner still likes putting on the style and enjoys being a womanizer, who usually ends up in bed with the female guests that stay at the hostel in which he temporarily works. But then, Werner has to learn to take on responsibility. When he was 18, he and his former girlfriend Tine, had a daughter called Julia, who is a mother herself now. Whenever she is in desperate need of a babysitter, she approaches Werner, who then grudgingly accepts. But Werner has discovered that this new "job" is a real godsend, as when he takes his granddaughter to the playground, he is a great hit with the ladies. He especially likes Kathie, who comes there with her little son Finn. Of course, he can't let her know that he is a granddad and so he says that he is Zora's father… and to Julia's surprise - but also joy - he wants to babysit Zora as often as possible.
Beware of People
Günter Olschewski
A story about a notorious liar and case worker.
The Pursuit of Unhappiness
Polizeibeamter 2
Based on the best-selling psychology book by Paul Watzlawick, the film tells the story of Tiffany Blechschmid, a neurotic, moony, superstitious, contradictory and, no surprises here, single young woman in her late-twenties.
Mandy will ans Meer
Andreas Wittmann
Sushi in Suhl
Hans Kremser
Tod einer Polizistin
Rudi Mommertz
Das Geheimnis in Siebenbürgen
Dr. Knut Vögele
Конец одной ночи
Oliver Laum
Из дома богатого предпринимателя Вернера Ламберга в полицию поступает звонок от его перепуганной жены Сандры с просьбой о помощи. Приехавшая по вызову группа обнаруживает в доме кровь, следы борьбы и его жестоко избитую жену, запершуюся в спальне. Вернера сразу же арестовывают по подозрению в совершённом насилии. Но он утверждает, что не виновен. Для судьи Катарины Вайс это будет трудным делом. Истец и ответчик представляют суду совершенно разные версии произошедшего тем вечером.
Marco Müller
Racheengel - Ein eiskalter Plan
Theo Wirth
At the beginning of the weekend, the detective commissioner Tina Campenhausen wanted to spend with her family, she is called to a hotel in Travemünde. Guest Brederstein lies dead in the tub. Everything points to suicide. Tina Campenhausen knows the dead that she keeps secret from her colleague. Tina is caught up in her past when her sister, Jenny Hansen, whom she has not had any contact with for years, is at her door. Does Jenny have something to do with the death of the hotel guest? Tina gets into the biggest conflict of conscience of her life.
Das blaue Licht
Jakob, a soldier mistreated by the king finds in a well a mysterious blue light which turns out to be a stroke of genius. He merely wants to teach the king a lesson by asking him to temporarily stealing whatever the king values most. He doesn't expect to be brought the king's daughter...
Любовь втроем
Ханна и Симон долгие годы живут вместе и вполне счастливы. Но не все в их отношениях идет гладко — безуспешные попытки исправить ошибки молодости, отсутствие детей, романы на стороне. Вместе ими пережито слишком многое, а что впереди? Все меняется, когда в их жизни появляется Адам. Для каждого из них он становится больше, чем другом. Любовный треугольник может оказаться не вполне традиционным.
Run If You Can
An independent tragicomedy, Run If You Can is the debut feature for director Brüggemann who, along with his sister, also wrote the compelling screenplay. Forced to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, Ben is deeply desperate, despite his humor and vivaciousness. When he meets Christian, his new assistant, Ben treats him like every other helper he’s had. Things suddenly change when Christian meets Annika, “the cello player” whom Ben has been observing from his window for years. The three become close friends, putting Annika in the middle of an emotional, and somehow dangerous, ménage à trois. While conquering Annika is nothing very serious for career-focused Christian, Ben’s love for Annika reminds him of his past and forces him to face his most remote fears. A character-driven story, Run If You Can owes much of its power to the actors’ performances, especially Robert Gwisdek’s outstanding interpretation of Ben.
Ein Fall für Fingerhut
Georg Siebenhaffner
Spook Inn
Geist Moritz 'Mops' Bückler
Chef Ralf Dienert from Berlin buys an old inn in Spessart after the death of his wife. When he arrives there he will have to deal with the thieving ghosts Karl, Mops and Clovis.
Sechs Tage Angst
Alexander Borowski
Duell in der Nacht
Herr Naul
Neun Szenen
Im Dunkeln
Two couples driving through the night. As they hit a biker with their car, they have to make a decision.
Das allerbeste Stück
Mario König
Die Datsche
Das beste Stück
Mario König
Mark Demski (Jan Sosniok) discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him and thinks it has happened because of his small penis. Sad, he dumps the girl and promises himself never again to fall in love, but he fails. When he encounters Lara Singer (Doreen Jacobi) he must fight with his own fears.
Planet B - C.I.Angel
Kommandant Jacob
Otto - The Disaster Movie
Der Handymörder
Achim Bornhak
Jonas is in his mid-twenties, still lives with his parents and gets dumped by his girlfriend. He soon gets to know Lena, a tough young woman with ideals, and immediately falls in love with her. However, to prove he is worthy of her love, he has to pass an endurance test.
Landgang für Ringo