Paul Faßnacht

Paul Faßnacht

Рождение : 1949-01-07, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Paul Faßnacht


Wir wären andere Menschen
Polizist Bäumler
Film by Jan Bonny, also known as "Endlich Leben".
Villa Eva
So weit das Meer
Sven Gratmann
Unser Kind
Katharina became a mother after an artificial insemination when she died in a traffic accident. Although her wife Ellen is the guardian of little Franz, she has custody - unlike in heterosexual marriages - without adoption but not. And not only the biological father of the child, also the parents of the deceased Katharina make claims.
Hermann Brunner
Ivo is a former pro footballer and jailbird with nothing to lose. He is a betting natural and his talent and background attract the interest of Dejan, the leader of a dangerous underworld family.
Verpiss Dich, Schneewittchen
Через года
Отсидевший за убийство преступник по фамилии Беккер пытается сохранить работу в качестве ночного охранника. Но случайная встреча с человеком, чью семью он убил восемнадцать лет назад, полностью нарушает размеренный ход его жизни. Удастся ли Беккеру убежать от призраков прошлого, или они всё-таки настигнут его?
Maximilian and Marie De Bourgogne
Heinrich Sudermann
In 1477 Charles the Bold dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule without a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Mama geht nicht mehr
Freundinnen - Alle für eine
Dr. Terstegen
They once played together in a band called Chix and were inseparable. Today, each of them has their own problems.
Die Truckerin - Eine Frau geht durchs Feuer
Der Traum von Olympia
Edwin Bergmann
Zorn - Wo kein Licht
Der weisse Äthiopier
Vollzugsbeamter Filker
In Ethiopia, Frank Michalka has found a new home and left his criminal past behind. But happiness does not last long and the former offender must go back to Germany. Once there, he immediately falls back into old patterns and robbed a bank.
Götz von Berlichingen
Franz von Sickingen
Alleine war gestern
Harry Markwand
Ein Geschenk der Götter
Be My Baby
Be My Baby "tells the story of Nicole, a confident young woman with Down syndrome who wants to have a boyfriend, get married, have a baby, and just be normal, grew up with neighborhood boy Nick, and as children, they've planned Nick is 15 and wants to be cool, but he is an outsider and constantly under pressure to satisfy everyone, Nicole si of all people, makes him special and gives him what he secretly desires : unconditional love and affection Nicole 's direct and honest nature contrasts with her environment in which all deny their true feelings and become entangled in their "quite normal" abysses.When Nicole expects Nick to have a baby, the openness and tolerance of Families put to the test - a race against sterilization, abortion and deadlocked views and the right to self-determination - a young woman with Down-Sy ndrom.
Die Fischerin
Поселившийся в уютном сельском уголке Эрик надеется на тихую жизнь и спокойную работу в своей мастерской по ремонту мотоциклов. Свободное время он проводит со своей новой подругой Юлией и их маленькой дочкой. Но идеальная жизнь Эрика рушится после появления таинственного незнакомца в капюшоне. Этот человек грубо врывается в жизнь Эрика буквально доводя его до безумия. Но когда еще более зловещие личности начинают угрожать Эрику, ему не остается ничего другого, как довериться незнакомцу...
Wie Tag und Nacht
Die Pastorin
Werner Ehwaldt
Pommes Essen
Heinz Prätorius
Nina Hausen, head of an escort agency, is attacked by a stranger on her nocturnal walk with the dog in the forest. Only with difficulty can she escape him by touching him with her car and seriously injuring him. On the way back she finds in her car a bag of diamonds - apparently the ransom from a case in which a boy was kidnapped. Under pressure from a colleague reports Nina Although the robbery of the police, the diamonds but suppresses them. But that's where their problems really start ...
The Last Employee
Dr. Manz
The lawyer David (Christian Berkel) has taken a job after a long period of unemployment, he can not agree with his conscience. He will liquidate a company and dismissed all employees. Despite his qualms, he does it - for his wife Irina (Jule Ronstedt) and his son Simon. But David's objections seem to be justified: threatened a young woman (Bibiane Beglau), which was denounced by him, and followed him. When he angrily to her home goes to admonish her, he finds her dead body. But that's the nightmare does not end. From then on, David is convinced haunted by her spirit to be.
Der Mann mit dem Fagott
Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.
Die Schäferin
Teneriffa EXIT
The German
You don't play with crocodiles. Two people on a stroll at the end of an night, at the end of the Berlin myth of Prenzlauer Berg: they are sexy, they are young, they are forlorn. It could be a wild summer. There will be two happy days in Berlin. The movie tells the tale of a place, the tale of a love, the tale of longing for a new beginning. More than an extraordinary independent movie, a universal big-city novel which could, without that affectionate local color, take place in every metropolis. Exodus or exitus: 'Tenerife EXIT' plays between and with them both.
Im besten Alter
Klaus Wörlitz
Finally, the right time! After the best friends Klaus and Fred have taken the well-deserved early retirement, they want to dedicate themselves to the beautiful things in life with their wives. However, the big plans quickly give way to a little exciting everyday routine, until Klaus and Fred rescue a young woman in distress on a sailing trip on the Wannsee: the highly pregnant Franziska was left by her boyfriend and does not know where to go. Shortly determined, the two offer her to live on her sailboat for the time being. But the men do not tell their women about it.
380.000 Volt - Der große Stromausfall
Город под тобой
Hermann Josef Esch
Супружеская пара Оливер и Свенья Стив только что переехали во Франкфурт-на-Майне: банковскому служащему Оливеру предложена здесь новая перспективная должность. Оба полны оптимизма и радостных надежд. Однажды на светском приеме Свенья знакомится с высоким боссом Оливера Роландом Кордесом. Вскоре Кордес осознает, что испытывает по отношению к Свенье непреодолимую страсть. Оливеру совершенно для него неожиданно предлагают руководящую должность в Индонезии…
Zwei Herzen und ein Edelweiß
Dr. Steinbach
Der Sonnenhof
Frank Zimmermann
Financial Officer Katharina Kamp has to collect tax debts from the stud owner Carl von Balkhausen. She arranges a local appointment, but the grumpy squire ignores her. When Katharina unexpectedly loses her brother and his wife in an accident, she initially has very different worries. She lovingly takes care of her niece Lara, who survived the accident and now sits in a wheelchair indefinitely. By chance, Carls and Katharina's paths intersect again. He and his horses work wonders for Lara and Katharina.
Beim nächsten Tanz wird alles anders
The mechanic Kobja wants to start a new life in New Zealand. But the necessary money for the overflight is missing.
Allein gegen die Angst
Жизнь других
Onkel Frank Hauser
Восточный Берлин, ноябрь 1984 года. За пять лет до своего низвержения восточно-германское правительство обеспечивает свои притязания на власть беспощадной системой контроля и сыска. Преданный партиец капитан Герд Вислер надеется подняться по служебной лестнице, выполняя работу по сбору улик против драматурга Георга Дрaймана и его подруги - знаменитой театральной актрисы Кристы-Марии Зиланд. Однако он не ожидал, что погружение в мир объекта наблюдения меняет и самого сыскного агента. Погружение в жизнь других - в любовь, литературу, свободу мысли и слова - приводит Вислера к острому осознанию скудости его собственного существования и открывает ему совершенно новый образ жизни, противостоять которому становится всё сложнее. Но когда система уже запущена, она не может быть остановлена. Опасная игра началась…
Die Sturmflut
Vorarbeiter auf der Bohrinsel (uncredited)
Susanne, a meteorologist Hamburg, has detected signs of an incipient sea storm that could devastate the city. Although given the alarm, local authorities do not listen to their warnings. To ensure the magnitude of the tsunami, Susanne decided to move to an oil platform located offshore, which verifies that their dire predictions are to become reality, as the storm will soon reach the coast, threatening the lives of thousands of people.
Ein Toter führt Regie
Kommissar Mannhardt
Love Me!
Kalli, a young girl with a strong character, works in a retirement home with Christel, a transsexual who animates dancing teas. On New Year's Eve, they meet Norman. As Christel tries an approach, he seems to be interested in Kalli .
Adil Geht
Der Junge ohne Eigenschaften
Saniyes Lust
Bauherr Rohwolf
Experiment Bootcamp
Hartmut Roeber
Die Versuchung
Dr. Rolf Brunner
Die Musterknaben 3 - 1000 und eine Nacht
Mutter kommt in Fahrt
As a mother, wife and babysitter, Eva Maria Splitt has an exhausting full-time job. Nevertheless, there is still plenty of time for the stock market news, because for several months Eva Maria participates in the stock market game of a daily newspaper. As she fights the pros in spite of worldwide price falls with their fictitious depot, the enthusiastic son-in-law of the shrewd speculator offers a position in his investment advice. The dream job brings Eva Maria into a serious conflict: her retired man has been looking forward to the European tour with caravans for a long time - although Eva Maria Camping can not stand.
Aus lauter Liebe zu Dir
Klaus Rautenberg
Mit dem Rücken zur Wand
Martin's Father
A 16 years old boy from Germany runs away from a boring birthday party and follows a few graffiti artists to the station. When police arrives he escapes in a train and gets over the border to the Czech Republic. There he meets a wild Czech girl and falls in love with her. Together they try to go to Berlin without having money. A fine road movie about two young people trying to find their way.
Bis dass dein Tod uns scheidet
Love Letters - Liebe per Nachnahme
Siegfried Wohlfahrt
Postal worker Jenny finds and reads the letters that the little girl Lilly sent to her dead mother. Jenny decided to help Lilly and gets involved with her father Matthias.
Tolle Lage
Ralf Skiernitzki
Der Millionär und die Stripperin
Silent Storm
Nora's Father
A silent storm unleashes itself in the soul of Anna, a seemingly quiet girl who lives in a city with a river running through it. Anna lets things wash over her, never joining in, submerged as she is in a lethargy that she'll have to do something about.
Nie mehr zweite Liga
Alphamann: Die Selbstmörderin
Claus Hübner
The blind psychologist Tom Leschek and the therapist Jessica van der Laan are after their first successful mission, a team that is again requested when a suicide wants to plunge from a skyscraper. The young woman was held captive for months in a basement prison by arms dealer Hübner as a slave. Tom tries to convince the desperate not to jump. When she flees again and shoots Hübner, she takes Tom hostage.
Eine Sünde zuviel
Der dreckige Tod
Das ewige Lied
Carl Kreutzer
Assistant Pastor Josef Mohr arrived in Oberndorf in 1818. In a time of political upheaval and economic hardship he writes a Christmas carol together with the teacher Franz Gruber. The main roles in Franz Xaver Bogners fictive history of the most famous Christmas song in the world "Das ewige Lied" play Tobias Moretti, Heio von Stetten and Erwin Steinhauer.
Die Stimme des Mörders
The Invincibles
Simon, the leader of a police special unit, becomes caught up in a complex scheme involving bribery and money-laundering, as well as an affair with the beautiful wife of a government official investigating organized crime and political corruption. After the official is kidnapped, the chase leads to a dramatic conclusion high in the Bavarian Alps.
Das letzte Siegel
German Fried Movie
A series of comedic sketches.
Рискованные гонки
Berties Vater
Берти — прирожденный гонщик. У него есть верные друзья, на которых всегда можно положиться, и любимая девушка Оши. Но настоящая его страсть — Manta В GTE, машина, не знающая себе равных на дороге, шедевр автомобильного производства. Однако жизнь подчас ведет свою игру, и у Берти начинаются серьезные проблемы. Он заключил пари с гонщиком Акселем и поставил на кон деньги, отложенные на покупку квартиры для них с Оши. Но это только начало. По пути на стадион Берти затеял гонку с футбольным фанатом на BMW. Это обходится ему слишком дорого — его автомобиль получил повреждение двигателя и не может участвовать в соревновании с Акселем. Друг Берти, автомеханик Герд, сообщает ему, что Оши крутит роман с жиголо Хельмутом, владельцем роскошного «Феррари». Но Оши все еще любит Берти, ведь она ждет от него ребенка, а Хельмут был нужен ей только для того, чтобы заставить Берти ревновать. Тем временем близится день, на который назначены гонки…