Robert Kosberg


Murder at the Cannes Film Festival
A comedic murder mystery set in the middle of the Cannes Film Fest. Amidst the bumbling and drama, twists and turns emerge.
Dad's Week Off
Henry Winkler stars as Jack, a stressed-out computer salesman who can't sell his company's defective product and can't take any more noise from his hyperactive children. Jack looks forward to peace and quiet when his wife volunteers to take the kids camping - what he gets is a week that drives him even crazier! Jack's troubles begin when a party animal co-worker introduces him to a beautiful but wildly unpredictable manicurist named Cherice. When Cherice isn't handcuffing Jack to the bed, she's baking cakes in the middle of the night or eluding the police in high speed chases. Cherice turns Jack's dull, ordinary life into a wild non-stop adventure - and a delightfully zany comedy that will keep you laughing from start to finish.
Dad's Week Off
Henry Winkler stars as Jack, a stressed-out computer salesman who can't sell his company's defective product and can't take any more noise from his hyperactive children. Jack looks forward to peace and quiet when his wife volunteers to take the kids camping - what he gets is a week that drives him even crazier! Jack's troubles begin when a party animal co-worker introduces him to a beautiful but wildly unpredictable manicurist named Cherice. When Cherice isn't handcuffing Jack to the bed, she's baking cakes in the middle of the night or eluding the police in high speed chases. Cherice turns Jack's dull, ordinary life into a wild non-stop adventure - and a delightfully zany comedy that will keep you laughing from start to finish.
Face of Evil
Using her girl-next-door looks to her advantage, Darcy Palmer is a calculating thief and murderer. After killing a young college student and taking her identity, Darcy enrolls in the victim's New England school in her place. At the university, Darcy gets to know her new roommate, Jeanelle, and her handsome father, Russell Polk, who soon play into her next scheme. When Darcy has to alter her plans, both Russell and Jeanelle become quite expendable.
12 обезьян
Executive Producer
2035 год... Чудовищный, неизлечимый вирус уничтожил пять миллиардов человек, то есть 99% населения Земли. Оставшиеся в живых люди вынуждены обитать под землёй. Уголовник Джеймс Коул добровольно отправляется в опасное путешествие на машине времени. Он должен попасть в прошлое, чтобы помочь учёным найти источник возникновения этого ужасного вируса и раскрыть загадку таинственных «Двенадцати обезьян»...
Лучший друг человека
Executive Producer
Гепард бегает с умопомрачительной скоростью. Кошка мгновенно залезает на высокое дерево. Хамелеон камуфлирует себя под рельеф окружающей среды. Медведь неимоверно силен. А собака Макс сочетает в себе достоинства разных представителей животного мира. Потому что выведена в секретной лаборатории. И так бы и закончила там дни своей жизни, если бы не вовремя поспевшая тележурналистка, сумевшая тайно проникнуть на территорию фирмы…
Под настроение
История о молодом человеке, который в 1944 году стал героем общенациональных новостей в США. И прославился он романами сразу с несколькими женщинами, чьи мужья ушли на войну. Самому герою на тот момент было всего 15 лет…
You Ruined My Life
Executive Producer
"You Ruined My Life" was a cute TV movie (from the Wonderful World of Disney movies that they show on Saturday or Sunday nights) starring Soleil Moon Frye as Minerva, a spoiled girl who lived in a Las Vegas casino with her Uncle Howie who lets her do whatever she wants. Minerva gets into trouble a lot, and her Aunt Hermione threatens to take her away from Uncle Howie. Paul Reiser plays Dexter, a professor who figures out a way to win every time at blackjack. Dexter gets caught at cheating, and Uncle Howie works out a deal for Dexter to tutor Minerva so she can get into a private school back east. This is easier said than done, because Minerva has never been interested in school.
Associate Producer
Полковник в отставке Джон Матрикс — бывший командир спецотряда, участвовавшего в секретных операциях на Ближнем Востоке, СССР и Центральной Америке. Находясь в отличной физической форме и владея знаниями, которые делают его супер-солдатом, полковник в отставке Джон Матрикс живет под другим именем в большом доме со своей дочерью вдали от города.