Assistant Editor
«Герр Бахман и его класс» - это камерный документальный фильм, отражающий связь между учителем начальной школы и его учениками. Нетрадиционные методы Герра Бахмана противоречат сложным социальным и культурным реалиям провинциального немецкого промышленного города, в котором они живут.
Editorial Production Assistant
Everyone needs a favorite person. So Jule and Darius want to try again together. A joint trip to the country should help. However, Jule gets cold feet and as a precaution invites a few friends over. The excursion gets into trouble. The five friends are the classic elephant in a china shop and demonstrate how the search for this one favorite person shouldn't be approached.
This is a story set in the distant past, in the seventeenth century, during the Thirty Years’ War. In the city of Nordhausen, in the Harz Mountains, life is cheap, and the prevailing class divisions and interpersonal relations increasingly intense. The children are taken away from their parents by force, and when they return after many years, they seem to be strangers to them. Yet this is also a story set in modern times where people are still incapable of learning the lessons left for them by the previous generations of cruel divisions. The film is a cinematic experiment dealing with the beauty, fragility, and imperfection of human nature through archetypes and myths.