Walker Fairbanks

Walker Fairbanks


Walker Fairbanks can be seen in national ads for Craftsmen F-150 on PBS, On-Star Germany, and a handful of independent films available on Amazon Prime and iTunes. In 2019, three feature films will hit theatres with Walker in poignant supporting roles. Watch for Collective Development's feature film Man's Best Friend aka MBF which premiers in summer 2019. Walker portrays the Mayor's son 'Wyatt Sawyer' who faces a major moral dilemma. Also, keep an eye out for Painted Creek Production's horror Agramon's Gate also due to its premiere in 2019. Walker plays a young version of the lead character 'Young Richie.' Also, set to premiere in 2019, Crooked Limb Studio & Productions' psychological thriller 'Descend' in which Walker portrays principle character 'Joey Townsend.' In the meantime, Walker loves hanging out with his older brother Liam, playing his guitar, running cross country, performing on his middle school Forensics team, participating on his school track team, and playing his clarinet in the school band.


Walker Fairbanks


Джуманджи: первый уровень
Короткометражный фильм, действие которого разворачивается в 1869 году (до событий оригинального фильма 1995 года), и объясняет происхождение проклятой игры: Джуманджи была создана в Африке, где, после резни коренных жителей, захватчики были прокляты и заключены в игре.
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MBF: Man's Best Friend
Wyatt Sawyer
An engaging tale that shows the parallels between the treatment of wounded military veterans and 'last chance' shelter dogs.
Врата Аграмона
Young Richie
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Bennett's Song
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A Horse Called Bear
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Ледниковый период
(double: Dylan)
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