Ty Clifton

Ty Clifton


Ty Clifton


The Line
Dinner Patron
Tom, a passionate ‘brother’ of this fraternity, is charmed by the promises of high social status and alumni connections that open doors. But as a classmate outside of his social circle named Annabelle enters his life, his devotion begins to falter. Once the scheduled hazing of new fraternity members comes to a disturbing head, Tom is faced with the decision of a lifetime.
Secret Service Agent
История Рейгана будет показана глазами вымышленного агента КГБ, который следил за Рональдом несколько десятилетий. Ему было поручено не спускать с объекта глаз ещё в бытность последнего президентом Гильдии киноактеров США.