Rafael Thomaseto


The movie follows Fernando, a 16-year-old teenager from the conservative countryside of Sao Paulo as he decides to meet up with an online hook up after being mercilessly teased by his friends for being a virgin. Fernando hides his homosexuality from everyone and ends up meeting his date, an older man, in a remote area of the woods where they are both out of sight. The sexual encounter promises to be a romantic one but ends up being a traumatic episode that will undoubtedly haunt Fernando the rest of his life.
The movie follows Fernando, a 16-year-old teenager from the conservative countryside of Sao Paulo as he decides to meet up with an online hook up after being mercilessly teased by his friends for being a virgin. Fernando hides his homosexuality from everyone and ends up meeting his date, an older man, in a remote area of the woods where they are both out of sight. The sexual encounter promises to be a romantic one but ends up being a traumatic episode that will undoubtedly haunt Fernando the rest of his life.
The movie follows Fernando, a 16-year-old teenager from the conservative countryside of Sao Paulo as he decides to meet up with an online hook up after being mercilessly teased by his friends for being a virgin. Fernando hides his homosexuality from everyone and ends up meeting his date, an older man, in a remote area of the woods where they are both out of sight. The sexual encounter promises to be a romantic one but ends up being a traumatic episode that will undoubtedly haunt Fernando the rest of his life.
Butch Pal for the Straight Gal
Because lesbians can do makeovers, too! In a world where societal pressures often force women to act, dress, and conform to unrealistic feminine stereotypes, five queer women, each with their own specialty, help straight women re-discover their true identity and offer tips on how they can overcome outdated gender roles. With areas of expertise including Fashion, Grooming, Cooking, Design, and Culture, straight women will learn everything from simplifying their morning routine to life skills traditionally attributed to men.
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Production Coordinator
Эротический отпуск принцессы прерывает нападение враждебной инопланетной армии, возглавляемой её заклятым врагом, Арией. Ей и её телохранителю приходится спасаться бегством, после чего они совершают аварийную посадку на ближайшей планете, которой оказывается Земля. Там им предстоит получить совершенно новый и незабываемый опыт с невиданной для них расой - мужчинами.
In a remote mountain cabin, a young man named Ashkan is stalked by a ruthless killer, known for deceiving his victims into sharing their locations on a dating app.