Bryce Zimmerman


Someone Like Me
Additional Photography
After 11 strangers unite to help a gay youth escape life-threatening violence in Uganda, the unexpected pandemic and conflicting opinions over his best interests test the limits of their commitment and jeopardize his fresh start in Canada.
Borrowed from Nature
Borrowed From Nature explores the rich and complex history of Japanese gardens in western Canada. Through the principles and design philosophy of famed Japanese Canadian designer Roy Tomomichi Sumi, we visit Japanese gardens in Lethbridge, AB, Vancouver, BC, and New Denver, BC, revealing hidden testaments to an enduring Japanese influence in our country
Never Better: A Closure Comedy
Director of Photography
Rudi is in her mid-thirties, in between jobs, lives in a run down East Vancouver apartment, oh and is completely in denial of her mental state. After making the decision to break up with her ex, Dave, a new owner of a bed and breakfast in the middle of nowhere B.C., the decision still haunts her. She takes a road trip to reconcile with him but things take an interesting turn.
Дом Юлиев: Тайна Авроры Тигарден
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Аврора Тигарден - молодая и красивая библиотекарь со страстью к раскрытию убийств. После утомительных поисков "идеального дома" она, наконец, покупает дом своей мечты, не подозревая о его мрачной истории. Пока она готовилась к переезду, она узнала, что семья, проживавшая тут до нее, таинственным образом пропала без следа.
Soft-Spoken Weepy Cult Child
Director of Photography
A teenage girl must ingratiate herself into her cult-follower mother's care before her chain-smoking grandmother dies of lung cancer.