Richard Neller


Жил-был мошенник
Admiral at Washington Meeting
В Англии неудалой мошенник, бывший подрывник, отбывающий за чужие и собственные грехи срок - досрочно освобожден, и попадает на производство, где понимает - здесь всё прогнило, особенно хозяева. Обещает - будет всё иначе...
Lease of Life
Member of Congregation (uncredited)
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
The Limping Man
Party Guest (Uncredited)
An American veteran returns to England after WWII to learn that his London lover has become involved with a dangerous spy ring and their search for a limping sniper.
The Franchise Affair
Police Sergeant (Uncredited)
An English country lawyer weighs the case of a schoolgirl who claims she was kidnapped by two women.