Autumn Dea


The Death of My Two Fathers
Additional Editor
After putting it off for twenty years, filmmaker Sol Guy finally confronts the six tapes his father recorded before dying. Using those tapes as a framework, Guy recounts his family’s story—and his own—for his two teenage kids.
Алекс — первокурсник, которому сложно заводить новых друзей. Студенческая жизнь начинает налаживаться, когда на бурной вечеринке он встречает решительную и обаятельную Мэг. Вот только сможет ли красавчик-тихоня завоевать сердце бунтарки?
Were You Gay in High School?
Two queer women recall their awkward, closeted high school days of kissing boys and straight-girl crushes.
You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder
A road trip story of a father driving his daughter to rehab.