Yun Jong-ho


Best Friend
Executive Producer
Daekwon is the team leader of the surveillance team on the verge of getting a demotion. His mission is to be as an unemployed head of a household and monitor the politician's family who's been house arrested right after arrival from abroad for 24 hours a day with his team. Members of the surveillance team, who have moved into the next door disguised as a neighbor, discover secrets one by one, through monitoring all the sounds and behaviors of suspicious family members, from requests for a radio show to midnight rustling noises…
Executive Producer
Жители небольшого жилого дома узнают, что в их доме живет серийный убийца. Но кто он? Кён-хи, мачеха убитой девочки, чувствует себя виноватой в том, что не смогла предотвратить убийство падчерицы. Женщина решила сделать всё возможное и невозможное, чтобы найти убийцу. Тем временем девушка, которая очень сильно напоминает убитую ранее девочку, становится следующей целью серийного убийцы.
Executive Producer
Детектив Кан, подрабатывает, как частный детектив, специализирующийся на супружеской измене, и дела идут в гору, поскольку он славится своей прозорливостью и проницательностью. Но однажды к нему приходит прекрасная женщина Ким Сучин. Она нанимает его, чтобы он сфотографировал её мужа во время измены. Отчаявшаяся женщина соблазняет детектива в номере мотеля, где предается разврату ее муж… Кан просыпается среди ночи и обнаруживает, что Сучин мертва… так же, как и ее муж.
Family Ties
Executive Producer
A story of three families living different but similar lives. They always fight and quarrel, but love is the common denominator for their relationship, making people think about what families are for.
A Millionaire's First Love
Executive Producer
When a high school diploma becomes the key to unlocking his inheritance, a spoiled teen gets an invaluable lesson in life and love in a rural village.
Executive Producer
Инцидент, изображаемый в картине, произошел в Корее в октябре 1988 года. Тогда 12 заключённых сумели бежать из перевозившего их автозака, захватив с собой оружие с полным боекомплектом. 6 человек вскоре были пойманы полицией, остальные же, включая Чи, сумели ускользнуть от стражей порядка и на протяжении 9 дней, захватив свои собственные семьи в заложники, укрывались в доме одного из заключенных.
Wedding Campaign
Executive Producer
A 38-year-old single man, Hong Man-Taek is a petty farmer still living with his mother. Seeing a neighbor married to an Uzbekistan bride and frightened by the fact that his own grandson will never get married, Man-Taek's grandfather decides to send Man-tek to Uzbekistan to find a bride.
Mr. Socrates
Executive Producer
A low-life scumbag gets kidnapped by a mysterious gang and put through inhumane training to become a mole inside the police force.
Never to Lose
Executive Producer
“Never to Lose” concerns the men of Homicide Unit 3, who are in dire straits at the moment. While Unit 3’s cops are full of ambition and talent, they never seem to crack a case. The team is comprised of Detective Koh, a 15 year veteran, Detective Kim (Min-jun Kim), a rookie eager to make a name for himself, Detective Koh, a married man who spends more time on the job than with his wife, and Detective Ryung ( Sang-mi Nam ), who can’t get taken seriously by her peers because she’s a woman. While at a party with his girlfriend, Kim happens upon information about a drug deal that could get the team the respect they’ve been looking for. But what the team gets into turns out to be not just a big drug bust, but a case that makes Homicide Unit 3 the target of the largest drug lord in Korea .
Another Public Enemy
Line Producer
A criminal psychopath from a wealthy family is confronted with Chul-jung Kang, a former classmate who no longer likes his activities.