Julia A.G. Storm


The Making of an Avant-Garde: The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies 1967-1984
Additional Editing
The Making of an Avant-Garde presents the creation and existence of the IAUS in the architectural, cultural, and political climate of the time, from the anti-War riots, the Women's Movement to the Paris May '68 revolution and the crime ridden and the bankrupt New York City of the 70's, through rich and abundant footage. The Institute, founded in 1967 with close ties to The Museum of Modern Art, made New York the global center for architectural debate and redefined architectural discourse in the United States. A place of immense energy and effervescence, its founders and participants were young and hardly known at the time but would ultimately become some of the most influential figures in the field shaping architectural practice and theory for decades. The Institute became the most significant and energetic crossroad in the path of rethinking architecture and the city and it's influence is still felt today.
The Making of an Avant-Garde: The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies 1967-1984
Additional Writing
The Making of an Avant-Garde presents the creation and existence of the IAUS in the architectural, cultural, and political climate of the time, from the anti-War riots, the Women's Movement to the Paris May '68 revolution and the crime ridden and the bankrupt New York City of the 70's, through rich and abundant footage. The Institute, founded in 1967 with close ties to The Museum of Modern Art, made New York the global center for architectural debate and redefined architectural discourse in the United States. A place of immense energy and effervescence, its founders and participants were young and hardly known at the time but would ultimately become some of the most influential figures in the field shaping architectural practice and theory for decades. The Institute became the most significant and energetic crossroad in the path of rethinking architecture and the city and it's influence is still felt today.
The Making of an Avant-Garde: The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies 1967-1984
The Making of an Avant-Garde presents the creation and existence of the IAUS in the architectural, cultural, and political climate of the time, from the anti-War riots, the Women's Movement to the Paris May '68 revolution and the crime ridden and the bankrupt New York City of the 70's, through rich and abundant footage. The Institute, founded in 1967 with close ties to The Museum of Modern Art, made New York the global center for architectural debate and redefined architectural discourse in the United States. A place of immense energy and effervescence, its founders and participants were young and hardly known at the time but would ultimately become some of the most influential figures in the field shaping architectural practice and theory for decades. The Institute became the most significant and energetic crossroad in the path of rethinking architecture and the city and it's influence is still felt today.
Assistant Editor
Каждую зиму крупные телесети рассматривают сотни сценариев для ТВ-пилоток. Каждую весну только малая часть из этих сценариев превращается в фильмы. Примерно одна четверть из них отбираются и превращаются в полноценные сериалы. Остальные никогда не выйдут в свет. Это история одной пилотки. На каких условиях может реализоваться проект, о котором два продюсера — американская железная леди и вежливый англичанин — пытаются договориться со сценаристом фильма, пытающимся поставить то, что хочется, а не то, что будет популярным?