Director of Photography
After 35 years of military service, Officer Jürgen Drost takes on the job of mayor in the small village where he lived with his mother after World War II. The transition to civilian life comes as more of a shock than he expected, causing him to rethink many aspects of his life.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Начало дилогии о российском императоре Петре Великом. Годы отрочества и юности царя были полны для него смертельной опасности, исходившей и от части боярства, и от бунтующих стрельцов, и от стремящейся к власти царевны Софьи. Однако уже в ту пору Петр выказывает глубокий, ясный ум, волю и целеустремленность, которые помогают обезоружить его явных и тайных врагов…
Director of Photography
Trini avenges the torture of his uncle by a landowner’s son. Trini and his fellow peons destroy the landowner’s home and overpower his guards with the help of Emiliano Zapata. Zapata is killed in a conspiracy before Trini can warn him.
Director of Photography
The film describes the activity of an ABV of the People's Police in its section in East Berlin. A mixture of “positive” characters from the beginning, the extensively staged “owl”, who is introduced as a criminal and over the course of time, especially due to the influence of the ABV, develops into a good citizen, and incorrigible characters, with whom the ABV fails with its extensive attempts at rehabilitation and who are arrested after having committed again offenses.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Чешский турист Елинек решил прокатиться в Берлине на «чертовом колесе», а в результате отстал от поезда, оставшись без вещей и документов.
Eleven years old Lutt Matten lives near Baltic Sea and has only one dream - to go deep sea fishing independently and catch some eels.
Director of Photography
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
Director of Photography