Maika Joseph


Zeit der Störche
Susanne and Christian get to know each other during a wonderful week in summer - and fall in love. This, however, leads to conflicts: up to now, Susanne has been living with Wolfgang, a biologist. This shared life was harmonious and based on mutual trust. Wolfgang is not only resolute and in full command of social situations; he has also always been the stabilizing force in the relationship. This is precisely why Susanne now feels drawn to the unsettled, unsteady and frivolous Christian, the complete opposite of the calm, well-balanced Wolfgang. And Christian, working as a shift boss on a natural gas derrick, has become more aware of his personal and social responsibilities as a result of loving Susanne.
Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa
Tod im Preis inbegriffen
My Girlfriend Sybille
The adventures of three friends from East Germany on the Black Sea.
Oben fährt der große Wagen
Trace of Stones
Bad planning and shortages prevail on an East German construction site. Foreman Hannes Balla uses unconventional methods to overcome the problems. New Socialist Unity Party secretary Werner Horrath is charged with bringing the rough-and-ready builder crew into line. The task seems doomed to fail as the two men compete for the affections of young engineer Kati Klee. But when she gets pregnant by married man Horrath, he is in danger of being expelled from the party, and Balla takes his side...
Spring Takes Time
Was it an act of sabotage or willful negligence? The non-party engineer Heinz Solter is suddenly arrested and accused of approving a defective pipeline that caused a half million loss to his company. At first, the case seems clear-cut for the state prosecutor, but when he probes deeper, he discovers that Solter had acted against his better judgment due to the pressure from his career-driven and authoritarian boss.
Terrible Woman
Film by Jindrich Polák.
Julia lebt
GDR border guard Gunter Rist is a young man from humble homes. During a swimming competition he meets Penny, a professor’s daughter from a good family, and they fall in love. However, their different social backgrounds get in the way of their happiness: Penny’s friends make it obvious that they are not willing to accept Gunter in their group. Although Penny takes Gunter’s side, she doubts if love can overcome all obstacles. In this state, she falls for the advances of her ex-boyfriend Bob and joins him on vacation. In the meantime, Gunter has an accident and is hospitalized. In the hospital, he meets the nurse Li who seems to be perfect for him.
Die Nacht an der Autobahn
Ошибка профессора Хёгера
Сына профессора Хегера во время войны расстреляли гестаповцы. В его смерти был повинен и доктор Брэм. После войны, работая в клинике Хегера, Брэм рассказывает профессору о своей вине. Считая Брэма предателем, Хегер отказывается работать с ним. Брэм бежит в Западную Германию. Вскоре на конгресс в Мюнхен выезжает и профессор, в душе решивший навсегда остаться в ФРГ. Но встреча с Брэмом в Мюнхене, окружающая их действительность рассеяли его иллюзии, и они оба возвращаются на родину.
The Man with the Objective Lens
A humorous and satirical comedy, which places a man from the year 2222 one day in the (then) present day life in GDR, East Germany under Communist regime. Using a crystal for mind reading he uncovers some improprieties and moral weaknesses in the "Beautiful future" professed by VEB ("Volkseigener Betrieb" – "State Owned Holdings").
Urlaub ohne dich
Hannes comes forward with a suggestion on how to make his brigade more efficient. Due to his success, he and all of his colleagues are granted a special leave. They decide to spend their free time in a holiday home. Hannes, however, does not join them. Instead, he pretends that he has to help his wife Irma with the installation of a machine for the agricultural cooperative. While Irma thinks that he spends his holiday with the brigade, Hannes goes on a road trip with the young and pretty Monika who has no idea that he is married.
Новогодний пунш
Coat Check Woman
Музыкальная комедия о том, как молодежь одного химического завода решила интересно и весело встретить Новый год. В фильме показаны выступления художественной и спортивной самодеятельности на катке.
Болотная собака
О том, как два пионера, Клаус и Фрицхен, помогли пограничникам поймать таинственную болотную собаку, которую враги использовали в качестве связного для своей шпионской деятельности.
Verwirrung der Liebe
The film tells the love story of two young couples. According to their social ranks, construction worker Edy is dating employee Siegi, while medical student Dieter is dating art school student Sonja. Rather unintentionally, they exchange partners. During a carnival ball, Dieter makes out with Siegi because he falls for her her fresh and happy girlish manner. Sonja coolly observes this game and sees this intermezzo as a test for their relationship. While Siegi and Dieter vacation at the sea, Sonja falls in love with Edy. Now the die seems to be cast for new constellations. But when both couples stand in front of the registrar’s office, they finally come to their senses.
Claudia is a self-confident girl who spends time in a Young Pioneer camp and wants to prove that she can keep up with the boys in a scouting wide game.
Reifender Sommer
Страницы жизни
sister in the maternity home
Германия в послевоенный период. Как и многие другие женщины, Герда Краузе потеряла мужа на войне и должна в одиночку заботиться о себе и двух своих детях. Она находит работу швеей, но отклоняет предложение начальника Циммерманна о дальнейшей переквалификации. Однажды она встречает подругу Уши, которая много раз помогала ей с работой в школе до войны, и которую она потеряла из виду. Это напомнило Герде её детскую мечту стать учителем. Поэтому, она решает начать учиться и реализовать эту мечту. И она наконец-то понимает, что Циммерман, который всегда ясно демонстрировал свою привязанность к ней, является именно тем мужчиной, который ей нужен.
Einmal ist keinmal
Actually, the Düsseldorf musician and composer Peter Weselin only wanted to spend his placid vacation with his uncle in the Vogtland village of Klingenthal. But in the city famous for its manufacture of musical instruments, the annual music festival is about to start. For the festival, the accordion factory asks Peter for a large composition for the symphonic orchestra. Furthermore, cute Anna asks him to write a pop song for her youth dance band. Thus, Peter finds no rest during his vacation.