Corine, la mère
A film in which the director captures the beautiful and accurate qualities of reality when building the energetic portrait of a 16-year-old girl immersed in the macho culture of urban suburban south-west France, just a stone’s throw away from the nearby countryside.
Chloé, Léonie and Pénélope, three friends who have not set eyes on each other for many years, are reunited in a notary’s office. It appears that Chloé’s aunt, with whom they used to spend their summer holidays, has died and bequeathed them her house in the country. The three young women agree to spend the weekend at the house, to clear it out so that they can sell it. As soon as they arrive at the house, old memories come flooding back. It is the beginning of a very long weekend...
Chloé, Léonie and Pénélope, three friends who have not set eyes on each other for many years, are reunited in a notary’s office. It appears that Chloé’s aunt, with whom they used to spend their summer holidays, has died and bequeathed them her house in the country. The three young women agree to spend the weekend at the house, to clear it out so that they can sell it. As soon as they arrive at the house, old memories come flooding back. It is the beginning of a very long weekend...
Chloé, Léonie and Pénélope, three friends who have not set eyes on each other for many years, are reunited in a notary’s office. It appears that Chloé’s aunt, with whom they used to spend their summer holidays, has died and bequeathed them her house in the country. The three young women agree to spend the weekend at the house, to clear it out so that they can sell it. As soon as they arrive at the house, old memories come flooding back. It is the beginning of a very long weekend...
«Это невозможно, что ты делаешь целыми днями?! Я не могу все делать за тебя!» - примерно так ругаются некоторые супруги, после нескольких лет прожитых вместе. Ариадна и Хьюго вместе уже 10 лет и их семейная жизнь давно превратилась в рутину и взаимные упреки, но однажды их терпению приходит конец. Они решают поменяться местами.
Теперь муж будет вести все домашнее хозяйство и смотреть за детьми, а жена делать карьеру и ездить на деловые встречи. Тут-то и возникает множество забавных и комичных ситуаций, которые станут настоящей проверкой для них. Так ли беззаботна жизнь на другой стороне постели?…
Экранизация одноимённого романа Анны Гавальда. Трое совершенно разных, но одинаково неприкаянных людей оказываются соседями по квартире. У каждого из них своя история, свои страхи и разочарования. Но каждый хочет одного - быть счастливым. И то, что они оказались вместе, спасло каждого, сделало мудрее, сильнее и дало шанс раскрыться. Это история о душевных ранах и их исцелении, об одиночестве и дружбе, о том, что от ненависти до любви действительно один шаг!
After an evening of drinking, six men find themselves in front of The God of the Joke. Distressed to find that people aren't laughing anymore, He gives the six friends a mission: to save the world with the Eleven Commandments of the Joke. The men enthusiastically take on their task. They undertake various tests aimed at pushing the limits of stupidity.