Mohammad Baradaran


За стеной
Special Effects
Слепой по имени Али пытается покончить жизнь самоубийством, но его останавливает консьерж дома. Консьерж рассказывает Али о том, что в здании прячется беглянка Лейла. Али полон решимости помочь ей.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Akram and Azar two sister lie about the disappearance of their brother by telling everyone he has fled to Germany. In time this "lie" takes a life of its own and leads everyone to dark and mysterious places.
Visual Effects
A wild animal attacks Sasan's pregnant mother, and the villagers believe that if a wild animal attacks a pregnant woman, all the residents of that village will be infected with the rabies virus, and the only way to save everyone is to kill that animal.
Red Panda
Visual Effects Art Director
a driver who has always dreamed of going to Denmark. incidentally, he take a passenger who arrives from Denmark after eight years , after the passenger arrives at the destination, he refuse to go his family and asks the driver .