Kathleen Rowell


Video Voyeur: The Susan Wilson Story
A Louisiana woman discovers that a trusted neighbor has installed video surveillance equipment in her home to spy on her family. As a result, the real-life Wilson lobbied for a 1999 state law passed in nine other states since making video voyeurism a felony.
The Spring
A man and his son stumble onto a modern-day fountain of youth while camping in the woods.
Killing Mr. Griffin
The high school students didn't mean to kill Mr. Griffin. They wanted to make him suffer. But when their mean English teacher turns up dead, they have to find out who killed them before the police arrests them all.
Born Into Exile
This is the tale of two young lovers who flee from the miseries of their homelife to make it on there own. Nineteen year old Chris, rejected by his family, hopes to go to college and into forestry once he's out of the Army Reserves. Holly, who is fourteen, lives with her divorced, overprotective mother and her brother. She runs with an older crowd and soon attaches herself to Chris. Holly's mother is dead set against Chris because of his age, and she and Holly are at odd's over him. When she forbids them to see one another, and boots Chris out of her yard, Holly convinces a doubtful Chris to run off to the promises of California. The Trip West, with the couple penniless, avoiding the law, a lecherous trucker and other routine incidents, shows them that life will not be easy.
Смертельные соперницы
Когда-то эти две очаровательные девчушки вместе участвовали во всевозможных шоу и конкурсах. Спустя годы одна из них становится солисткой популярной группы. Другая же, пережив ряд неудач, испытывает постоянный страх перед сценой. И, снедаемая завистью к более удачливой подруге, решает проучить соперницу.
Смертельные соперницы
Когда-то эти две очаровательные девчушки вместе участвовали во всевозможных шоу и конкурсах. Спустя годы одна из них становится солисткой популярной группы. Другая же, пережив ряд неудач, испытывает постоянный страх перед сценой. И, снедаемая завистью к более удачливой подруге, решает проучить соперницу.
What Kind of Mother Are You?
Kelly keeps getting into trouble with the police. Her mother agrees to her going into a juvenile detention center overnight. She is kept there for much longer. During her incarceration, she is assaulted by inmates and abused by the system.
She Cried No
A college freshman is date-raped and tries to press charges.
Her Last Chance
Drug adict teen gets out of rehab only to be accused of her boyfriend's death.
Париж, 1929 год. Мариэль и ее муж Шарль счастливы в браке. Но в результате несчастного случая погибает их маленький сын. Потрясенный горем, Шарль обвиняет во всем Мариэль, и она, пережив нервный срыв, попадает в больницу. Выздоровев, Мариэль разводитсяс мужем и уезжает в Нью-Йорк, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Она знакомится с богатым магнатом Паттерсоном и становится смотрителем его коллекции произведений искусства. Деловые отношения перерастают в любовь. Мариэль выходит замуж за Паттерсона и даритему сына. Она уверена, что ее жизнь наладилась. Но сын внезапно исчезает, и к ней возвращаются мучительные воспоминания, тем более, что все улики указывают на бывшего мужа..
She Led Two Lives
A married woman is reunited with her childhood sweetheart, and marries him too, forcing her to live two lives at once.
Hear No Evil
Jillian Shanahan, a deaf woman, becomes the target of a ruthless and corrupt cop. The cop is looking for a stolen coin, which he plans to keep for himself. A journalist briefly acquires the coin and hides it in Jillian's apartment, then his car explodes, now the cop is after her.
Tainted Blood
After a 17-year-old shoots his parents dead and then turns the gun on himself, an investigative reporter makes a disturbing discovery. The adopted boy was born to a mother who, as a teen, inexplicably murdered her parents as well. Even more alarming is the discovery that the dead boy has a twin, who may also be genetically predisposed to kill.
A Violation of Trust
Single mother Susan Essex admirably picks up the pieces after the split from her husband Matthew, and she can depend upon her daughter Justine for support. When Justine learns that her friend Vicky has been spending time with her own boyfriend, Ryan, Justine confronts Vicky and a fight erupts. Sprawling into the woods behind Justine's house, the fight escalates further and Vicky winds up dead. Justine and her best friend Ashley make a pact to keep the mistake a secret, but will she be able to keep her mother convinced that she wasn't involved?
Joy of Sex
Teenager Leslie Hindenberg, mistakenly believing she has just weeks to live, decides she will lose her virginity before she dies.
Маленький городок в штате Оклахома, 60-е годы. В извечном конфликте противостоят друг другу банды подростков, разделенных по имущественному признаку.