Alfred Müller

Alfred Müller

Рождение : 1926-07-04, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 2010-12-02


Alfred Müller


Finanzbeamte küsst man nicht
Portier Friedemann Ellermann
Spuk am Tor der Zeit
Maries Großvater
Linus Bornowski
Hammer für zwei
Die ehrbaren Fünf
Hauptmann Hannes Bergemann
The criminalist Hannes Bergemann tries to blackmail the city where he spent his youth. After many years returning to the familiar places of his childhood, he hopes to meet again his old friends, especially Fred, Helmuth and Richard, with whom he had a close childhood friendship. When confronted with a murder shortly after his arrival and given the task of investigating it, he has the painful experience that his friends are involved in the case.
Based on a story by Anna Seghers.
Your Presence Is Imperative
Elizabeth is an open-minded young person - curious and unbiased. She is sixteen, goes to secondary school and things are really going well, not least because her father, a Party member, occupies a privileged position. But then the father suddenly dies. Elizabeth feels lonely and abandoned, all the more so because her brother has long since severed all ties with his father.
Coded Message for the Boss
Wolf Brandin is in his mid-twenties and lives with his wife and child in East Berlin at the end of the 1950s. In West Berlin, the student of electrical engineering is recruited by the American secret service CIA. But Brandin immediately notifies the State Security of the German Democratic Republic and from then on lives a dangerous life as a double agent. When Brandin reaches the breaking point, his marriage starts to unravel because Brandin is not allowed to tell his family about his double life.
Das Versteck
One year has passed since Max and Wanda got their divorce. Max has come to the realization that he wants his ex-wife back - no matter what the cost! So he concocts a sneaky plan: he asks Wanda to hide him from the police, who are apparently looking for him. At first, Wanda rejects all his attempts to restart their relationship. But she is soon unable to resist Max's convincing promises and even throws her lover out of the house. But then she discovers Max's lie.
Hiev up
Kapitän Odje
The crew of a small Saßnitz fisherman has problems with the "making a cultural socialist life". In order not to lose the competition prize again in the future, they want to show the organizer a collective weekend with all the trimmings. And they really do not mind ...
A Moon for the Misbegotten
A cynical, self-hating, failed actor visits the gruff, earthy daughter of his scheming Irish tenant farmer and passes a soul-baring night of guilt-ridden confessions, tenderness, and absolution.
Виза на Окантрос
Martin Katrup
На островном государстве Окантрос начинаются народные волнения после убийства премьер-министра страны. В это время тут оказывается Мартин Катруп - специалист из ГДР, получивший заказ на монтаж оборудования для типографии. Через некоторое время двое его коллег исчезают без следа, и он пускается на их поиски, сам при этом оказавшись в смертельной опасности.
Das Geheimnis des Ödipus
Hauptmann Dr. Karl Weirauch
Die sieben Affären der Dona Juanita
Der kleine Kommandeur
Major Krause
Florian is the son an army general and very proud of him. When his father has to attend the annual 1st of May demonstration, Florian grabs his teddy bear and tries to follow his father.
And the Bones Came Together
When a graveyard caretaker is fired from his job, his exacts a terrifying supernatural vengeance.
Laut und leise ist die Liebe
Following a training course, the 28-year-old Helga Baumann, a single mother of two children, meets up with her husband Fred again. They had separated a while ago because their ideas of marriage were completely disparate: The conservative Fred advocated the woman′s role of wife and mother, while Helga dreamt about an emancipated partnership between two employed persons. Now, her sister has brought them back together. At first sight, Fred seems to have changed and, once again, Helga cannot resist his advances. But when she meets with difficulties during a fair in Tashkent, Fred yet again proves to be a petty bourgeois by assuring her that they would get along perfectly without her working.
Anflug Alpha 1
Major Thomas Milan
KLK calling PTZ – The Red Orchestra
East German film about the history of Red Orchestra, a real life German pro-Soviet spy ring created after the rise of Hitler that turned into a resistance movement led by a leftist Nazi officer, Harro Schulze-Boysen, and Arvid Harnack.
My Friend Robinson
Vater Gruner
19-year old Peter is working to gain practical experience for his planned medical studies. But his life turns into confusion as he unexpectedly comes a father.
Сигналы - Приключения в космосе
Середина XXI века. После получения таинственного сигнала, исследовательский космический корабль «Икариос» подвергся уничтожению. На Земле созвана международная космическая экспедиция, которая отправляет Группу поиска для исследования космоса в поисках инопланетных цивилизаций. Цель экспедиции - обнаружения места отправки и расшифровка таинственных сигналов и проведения расследования в месте катастрофы в непосредственной близости от Юпитера.
Film by Ralf Kirsten.
Мой нулевой час
Курт Хартунг — исконный берлинец, страдающий на Восточном фронте из-за самодурства майора Штекбека, попадает в русский плен. Не питая никаких симпатий к нацистам, он радуется тому, что война для него закончена. Но не тут-то было, русским срочно требуется язык с той стороны, а обычный ефрейтор для этих целей мало подходит.
Mohr und die Raben von London
Karl Marx
London in 1856. Karl Marx is living in exile in the British capital. One day, "Mohr", as Marx is called by his friends, meets the 13-year old worker′s son Joe. The boy works every day for twelve hours in a spinning mill and even has to work night shifts although that violates current rules. Marx tries to end the illegal activities of the spinning mill owner and one night shows up at the mill together with an inspector. But his foray is undermined by a robbery by the rebellious raven gang that is led by Joe′s brother Billy. The spinning mill owner of course takes this chance to blame his young workers for the theft. But Marx is not let astray and does not stop to fight against child labour. Furthermore, he tries to get the members of the raven gang back on the straight and narrow – with success.
The Seventh Year
Dr. Barbara Heim, a heart surgeon, and Gunter Heim, a well-known actor, have been married for seven years. They have a six-year-old daughter. Both partners are totally taken up by their work which is physically and mentally demanding. So there is little time left for family life and the strained relations worsen and finally plunge Barbara into a crisis - shortly before their seventh wedding anniversary. At this very point a child dies in hospital, prompting Barbara to ask herself in desperation if - and for how long she can put up with the double burden of career and family. On top of this, she notices that Gunter is starting to compare her to other women.
Leben zu zweit
Peter Freund
Karin, who is in her mid-thirties, works as registrar but has been divorced for several years. Together with her 16-year old daughter Nora, she leads a happy and independent life. Then, she finds a new partner in the mathematician Peter, but does not tell her daughter about him. When Peter proposes marriage, Karin always comes up with new excuses why such a step is still too early for her. She mainly fears that Nora would not be able to cope with another marriage of her mother. But when Peter cannot be dissuaded anymore by her excuses and finally wants to marry her, Karin comes up with a bizarre plan.
Turlis Abenteuer
Eselhändler Muriel
The puppet boy Turli, who was only recently been carved from wood by the toymaker Kasimir, suddenly springs to life. Turli has nothing but nonsense on his mind and wreaks chaos everywhere he goes, although he is actually supposed to attend school.
The Banner of Krivoi Rog
Direktor Niedermeyer
In an act of friendship and solidarity between two mining towns in 1929, the locals of Kriwoj Rog, Russia, give their flag as a gift to the locals of Bergstedt, Germany. This quickly takes on a symbolic meaning for the miners in Bergstedt as the Nazi party demands that this Soviet gesture be erased and the flag be replaced with their own. The miner and communist party functionary Otto Brosowski (Erwin Geschonneck) publicly declares it his duty to defend this flag against every danger, and he keeps his promise despite his family being threatened by torment and torture.
Замерзшие молнии
Dr. Grunwald
В цехах Пенемюнде, а позже в подземных штольнях близ Нордхаузена, защищенных от налетов авиации, производилось в конце войны «чудодейственное оружие» нацистов. Используя это оружие против британского и голландского населения, Гитлер надеялся еще выиграть войну. Военнопленные, которых принуждали работать на военную промышленность фашистов, среди них советский летчик офицер Алексей, организуют ожесточенное тайное сопротивление.
The Rabbit Is Me
Paul Deister
The Rabbit Is Me was made in 1965 to encourage discussion of the democratization of East German society. In it, a young student has an affair with a judge who once sentenced her brother for political reasons; she eventually confronts him with his opportunism and hypocrisy. It is a sardonic portrayal of the German Democratic Republic's judicial system and its social implications. The film was banned by officials as an anti-socialist, pessimistic and revisionist attack on the state. It henceforth lent its name to all the banned films of 1965, which became known as the "Rabbit Films." After its release in 1990, The Rabbit Is Me earned critical praise as one of the most important and courageous works ever made in East Germany. It was screened at The Museum of Modern Art in 2005 as part of the film series Rebels with a Cause: The Cinema of East Germany.
Пока я жив
Первый фильм дилогии, посвященный жизни известного немецкого лидера коммунистического движения Карла Либкнехта. Фильм второй - «Несмотря ни на что» (1971).
Совершенно секретно
Внешнеторговая компания «Конкордия» из западногерманского города Вюрцбург служит прикрытием для резидентуры американской разведки. Ее глава, майор Коллинз, получает секретный приказ приступить к реализации плана по дестабилизации обстановки в Восточном Берлине, чтобы вооруженные силы НАТО получили повод для вмешательства. Контрразведка ГДР знает об этом плане лишь в общих чертах. Добыть подлинные документы поручено тайному агенту Лоренцу, который под видом перебежчика из Восточной Германии, уже три года работает в организации Коллинза и постепенно обрел высшую степень доверия от своего босса…
Новогодний пунш
Музыкальная комедия о том, как молодежь одного химического завода решила интересно и весело встретить Новый год. В фильме показаны выступления художественной и спортивной самодеятельности на катке.
Flucht aus der Hölle
Storm of Marrakech
In 1318, in Morocco, a bandit kidnapped the marabout's daughter as a hostage, demanding that the gates of the city be opened to her. The boss, fiance of the young girl, learns that she is safe and sound and organizes the resistance. He puts the bandit and his band to flight and brings back the young girl.