The babes are back! And so is everyone’s favorite wish-grantin’, murder-lovin’ mischievous gremlin, the Imp! The Tri-Delta sorority house has seen better days, but the girls are intent on gaining some new recruits! With housemother Mama Spider as their guide, the sexy hi-jinks and hilarity begin. Meanwhile though, the Bowl-O-Rama bowing alley has had a break-in…and a break out! With the escape of the magical and murderous Imp, it’s a no-holes-barred fight for survival, with only one mysterious girl holding the answers to the riddle of the Imp’s wish!
Талантливый фотограф Ник влюбляется в свободолюбивую Тессу, которая погружает его в свой мир высокой моды. Страстные отношения разгораются еще сильнее на топливе наркотиков и безудержного секса, постепенно перерастая в одержимость и безумие.
Kassi's friend takes her to a farm, up in the hills of Northern California, but when all hell breaks loose, she will be put through a gauntlet of terror, and fight to make it off the mountain alive.
Cat Ryan
A student tells her friend a secret. That she has lived before. The same exact existence over and over again.