Grégory Noël


The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure
Boom Operator
Largo Winch, devastated by the kidnapping of his son, realizes that if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he'll see his son again.
Les Vengeances de Maître Poutifard
Boom Operator
The tasty story of a retired teacher who decides to make his former students pay for years of heckling and humiliation.
The House
Boom Operator
Emma, a French novelist aged 27, decide to go to Berlin and join a brothel to uncover the prostitution world, the subject of her new book. Such as gonzo journalism, Emma become a prostitute and her experience, which was supposed to last a few weeks, will last two years. Was writing her book an excuse for Emma to live a shameful fantasy ?
Копия верна
Boom Operator
Джеймс — британский писатель, приезжает в Италию на конференцию, посвященную проблеме подлинников и копий в искусстве. Там он знакомится с француженкой, владелицей картинной галереи, которая делает вид, что писатель — это ее частенько отсутствующий муж. Писатель подыгрывает очаровательной женщине, но эта невинная игра вскоре становится опасной.