Ivan Andonov

Ivan Andonov

Рождение : 1934-05-03, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2011-12-29


From Wikipedia Ivan Andonov (3 May 1934 – 29 December 2011) was a Bulgarian film director and actor. He directed more than thirty films.


Ivan Andonov


Vampires, Ghouls
In the spring of 1945 the war is still going on, but in Bulgaria the communists have already seized the power. The new rulers do justice according to their personal interests. This is the beginning of the era of Communism in Bulgaria - spiritual poverty, expropriation, destroying of the intelligentsia. In this chaos the main character, an actress fallen on hard times, wants to preserve her social status with every available means. She claims to be a Communist activist and, in order to gain access to the theater even shows a photo with the Bulgarian communist revolutionary Georgi Dimitrov's dog However, in order to survive, she has to resort to betrayal.
Vampires, Ghouls
In the spring of 1945 the war is still going on, but in Bulgaria the communists have already seized the power. The new rulers do justice according to their personal interests. This is the beginning of the era of Communism in Bulgaria - spiritual poverty, expropriation, destroying of the intelligentsia. In this chaos the main character, an actress fallen on hard times, wants to preserve her social status with every available means. She claims to be a Communist activist and, in order to gain access to the theater even shows a photo with the Bulgarian communist revolutionary Georgi Dimitrov's dog However, in order to survive, she has to resort to betrayal.
Marital Jokes
Six stories about the modern Bulgarian family.
Adio, Rio
Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.
Adio, Rio
Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.
The 1960s was the time of Beatles and Rolling Stones, the time of sexual revolution. These events have their echo in Bulgarian English-learning school. The school order provokes a protest of the students due to the narrow-minded teachers.
The 1960s was the time of Beatles and Rolling Stones, the time of sexual revolution. These events have their echo in Bulgarian English-learning school. The school order provokes a protest of the students due to the narrow-minded teachers.
The action in the film takes place in a remote Bulgarian village. A certain conflict takes place between the new-coming young people and the old villages because of the water.
Forest People
1929. The owners of a roadside hotel-a man and a woman-kill the merchant. To solve the murder, the investigator sends his undercover agent to the hotel. A passionate love begins between the agent and the woman. She confessed to her lover about the murder. The killer managed to escape, and the woman was sent to prison.
Dangerous Charm
Costume Design
He is well educated, charming, and gallant - a dream for each lonely lady. In reality he is a skillful swindler, who robs naive women. Cheating merchants with guilty consciences are his targets as well. This is the elusive protagonist of the movie. He constantly changes his name, stages his own death, and travels from town to town. His exploits are myriad and his life is an endless adventure. Yet, he remains an amiable swindler, an unrealized actor, whose only goal is make his life more interesting.
Dangerous Charm
He is well educated, charming, and gallant - a dream for each lonely lady. In reality he is a skillful swindler, who robs naive women. Cheating merchants with guilty consciences are his targets as well. This is the elusive protagonist of the movie. He constantly changes his name, stages his own death, and travels from town to town. His exploits are myriad and his life is an endless adventure. Yet, he remains an amiable swindler, an unrealized actor, whose only goal is make his life more interesting.
White Magic
Bizarre events happen in an isolated village.
Ladies' Choice
Production Design
A couple of young ladies decide to obtain a driving license. The film is a true comedy of relations, caused between the driving-teacher and the beginner-drivers.
Ladies' Choice
A couple of young ladies decide to obtain a driving license. The film is a true comedy of relations, caused between the driving-teacher and the beginner-drivers.
Cherry Garden
There are essentially two types of people: those who think with their stomachs, and those who think with their hearts.
A Roof
The truck driver Kiril has a dream to build a house for his family. Is this a possible ambition in society of scarcity and envy.
A Middle Aged Patsy
The foreign spy Thomas arrives in Sofia. In order to get his hands on some documents, he decides to use the young man Boyan as his cover. The action takes place at the "Orient Express". A young foreigner-drug addict, the train attendant and the secretary conduct the mission. The train attendant and the drug addict are killed. Boyan is a major suspect. However, Thomas is a very naive man. The Bulgarian counterintelligence discovers the plot.
Dance of the Samodivi
In a small provincial town, an young local artist exhibits his works. One of the paintings, depicting a fairy dance of naked women, provoke the people which discover similarities with a certain lady from the neighbourhood.
A Difficult Love
In a small town, two married people fall in love. What difficulties they will face and how to cope with them.
A Difficult Love
In a small town, two married people fall in love. What difficulties they will face and how to cope with them.
Ivan Kondarev
The film shows Bulgaria after the First World War - different destinies, different turns on both sides of the political barricade. A life full of contradictions and passion.
Daniel Lagny
Земля обеспокоена происшествиями на космической базе «Маргоо». В течении трёх дней бесследно исчезли сразу несколько кораблей с экипажами. Совет института космических исследований принимает решение запретить на время все космические полёты. А в это время на маленьком астероиде в зоне третьего кольца тоскуют по Земле два товарища-космонавта. Старый пилот Кун и капитан Дениэл Ланьи. Пилот ждёт своего сына, которого он не видел много лет и которому хотел бы показать Землю. А Дениэл тяготиться своей работой и мечтает попасть на тёплый остров, где его ждёт любимая девушка. Но их планам не суждено осуществиться.
The Falcons
A young man with an interest in ornithology arrives to study the work of falcons and their human trainers. The head falconer is a cold and heartless man who obstinately demands perfection from everyone around him. His work is his life, and he doesn't care if his girlfriend makes love to other men. The young man observes all he can before leaving behind the potentially inhuman situation for brighter horizons.
Windows of Time
Five social misfits undergo cryogenic suspension. When they awake in the far distant future, they find a world devastated by nuclear war. Yet they discover that each of them has some personal involvement - and responsibility - for the series of the events that ended in the destruction of the world they knew.
Men on a Business Trip
Three separate novels are dealing with the never-ending problem of men's infidelity. How should women behave when men take a fancy to them? The picture ends in funny, sometimes comical, yet wise answer
The Trial
Bistra and Evgeny, first year university students, are in love and inseparable, but slowly with time Bistra becomes infatuated with Evgeny's dad, as she sees him as the embodiment of what her dream lover would be. Shocked and distressed at this revelation, Evgeny hits a pedestrian with his car. Bistra's the only one who can help him in court if she's willing to admit what they talked about before the crash.
On the road one day two people meet again after seventeen years. They'd had a brief, burning affair seventeen years earlier, in their idealistic youth. That had been just after the war, the time of great enthusiasms and faith in the future. Wishing to dedicate themselves to the new society they had chosen to renounced personal happiness, considering their love as an impermissible sidetrack from the requirements of the time.
On the Sidewalk
Dr. Evgeni Hristov
The story of an indecisive young doctor.
Приключение в полночь
Ventzeslav Rashkov
В одном из пограничных районов Болгарии вспыхивает эпидемия сапа. Новейшая вакцина из ГДР не оказывает никакого действия на гибнущий скот. Органы госбезопасности считают, что имела место диверсия одной из иностранных разведок. Расследование происшествия поручают майору госбезопасности Аввакуму Захову.
Инспектор и ночь
eng. Slavov
Убит некто Маринов. Инспектор уголовного розыска начинает расследование, хотя даже члены следственной группы считают, что это - самоубийство...
Золотой зуб
Бывший болгарский офицер Липовский долгое время был в плену, а затем скитался вдали от родины. Одной из иностранных разведок удаётся завербовать его и в качестве шпиона забросить в Болгарию. Здесь Липовский убеждается, что его обманули, что никто не приговаривал его к расстрелу как предателя. И он начинает мстить своим заграничным «хозяевам»…
В ночь на тринадцатое
Engineer Rachev
О борьбе болгарских органов государственной безопасности с диверсантами и шпионами. Инженер Примов, технический директор важных строительных объектов, попадает в автомобильную катастрофу. Следственные органы утверждают, что катастрофа была организована. Расследуя это дело, сотрудники органов безопасности разоблачают группу шпионов и диверсантов, стремившихся завладеть секретными документами, находившимися у Примова.
На маленьком острове
The Student
20-е годы прошлого века. На маленьком острове в Черном море размещены 43 политических заключенных. Кроме них и охраны здесь проживают и двое гражданских – вечно пьяный смотритель маяка с маленькой дочерью. Среди самых свободолюбивых и беспокойных узников медленно, но верно зреет план побега. Окончательно он формируется с прибытием на остров нового коменданта тюрьмы капитана Станева. Жестокий садист, он с удовольствием измывается над заключенными, вызывая ответное чувство ненависти. Из-за трагической случайности побег срывается. Планировавшие его смельчаки гибнут один за другим, и тогда один из них, исполнявший в лагере обязанности доктора, решает поднять узников на бунт.
Годы любви
История семьи доктора Ганевского, который, прожив с женой 20 лет, полюбил другую женщину. О том, как трудно было найти выход Ганевскому и как он поступил после серьезных раздумий.