Wolfgang Greese

Wolfgang Greese

Рождение : 1926-03-08, Lübz, Germany

Смерть : 2001-05-02


Wolfgang Greese


Albert Einstein
Dr. Flexner
Two part movie about Einstein's escape from Germany in 1932 and his influence in the invention of the nuclear bomb in 1939.
The Dove on the Roof
Forestry Manager
Three people from very different walks of life meet at a large construction site. Young, unmarried, self-confident construction manager Linda Hinrichs dedicates herself completely to her work and enjoys living more independently then most women. Daniel, a student works on the construction site to make money during his summer holiday, and impresses Linda with his spontaneous energy and idealism. Brigadier Böwe, an older, divorced man works his way from one construction site to the other and has lost his own personal happiness on the path to developing what was seen as officially suitable social standards. Both men try to win Linda over, not realizing that they are taking her freedom away from her.
The Architects
Günther Adam
The architect Daniel Brenner is in his late thirties when he receives his first challenging and lucrative commission: to design a cultural center for a satellite town in East-Berlin. He accepts the offer under the condition that he gets to choose who he works with. This way, he reunites with former colleagues and friends - most of them architects or students of architecture who have since chosen a different profession due to personal restraint or economic confinement. Together, they develop a concept which they hope will be more appealing to the public than the conventional and dull constructions common to the German Democratic Republic. However, their ambitious plans are once and again foiled by their conservative supervisors. As frustration grows, Daniel has trouble keeping his career in balance with his family-life: his wife Wanda wants to leave for West-Germany.
Der Drache Daniel
Ich, Thomas Müntzer, Sichel Gottes
Herzog Johann
Blessed Misfortune!
A creature bearing the ominous name "Mishap" is hot in pursuit of an unfortunate lumberjack and eventually decides to live with him. It soon gets bored, however, and asks the lumberjack to hand it over to the rich merchant Habermoos. Habermoos manages to sell Mishap to the king, although he is being attacked by robbers. The king is bankrupt and threatened with war by other countries. Young Michael has to go to war for the king. The creature tries to secretly join him. When Michael gets hold of the situation, he manages to get rid of Mishap once and for all. After all, he has more important things to do. At the last moment, he prevents his girlfriend Kathrin from getting married to the pompous merchant Habermoos.
Die Beteiligten
Richard Sell
Die Weihnachtsklempner
Ernst Thälmann
Direktor Fein
Ach du meine Liebe
Our Best Man
The main character Otto, the "best man", is a copy of the illustrious Mister Bean. He takes on an apprenticeship as a building-worker, which makes him a member of a building brigade. At the same time Otto tries to start a love affair, which he handles even clumsier. Never the less Otto makes progress with the lady in question, a single mother, who apparently doesn't mind. Actually he wanted her sister, but a retired Leninist party member changes his mind. This gives him the courage to persevere in his work, albeit with the helping hand of the obligatory retired party member. And behold, in the end Otto invents a new method of building, which saves the brigade many hours of work.
Martin Luther
Spring Symphony
Presiding Judge
"Spring Symphony" is the story of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck. Both were music entities. Robert Schumann turns out to have been a second tier composer, if that, never rising to the heights of a Beethoven or Mozart. In contrast, Clara Wieck was a master technician in the playing of the piano, a composer (probably not at Schumann's level), and was a child prodigy.
Die lieben Luder
Die Schüsse der Arche Noah
Herr Rosenkranz
Things are not going well for Klaus Wensloff. It is the last year of World War II. At school the boy hears Nazi propaganda, while at home his mother tells him Bible stories and his father explain the world revolution.
Frühstück im Bett
Der entführte Prinz
Mann bei Osladil
Benno macht Geschichten
Richard Fröseke
Benno (Torsten Rennert), a bright boy from Berlin, is not really a problem case, although his parents have enough trouble with him. But that's not just because of Benno, but because no one really has time for him. During a train ride, he meets a pensioner Oskar Schrader (Erwin Geschonneck), who likes to cook, collect watches, master magic tricks and who lives in the middle of nature. Between them they develop a real friendship. Benno is allowed to spend his school holidays with his friend. The grumpy Oskar lives alone in a garden colony - with friendly and unfriendly neighbors. Benno enjoys playing tricks with his buddy Mutz (Thomas Hoffer) on this neighborhood including the cranky animal lover Irma Kalweit (Agnes Krause) and the rude daredevil Ralf Klotz (Henry Hübchen).
My Father Alfons
Erfinder Kieselmeier
Ten years old Ernst and his father Alfons are traveling to the family event on their bikes.
Suturp - eine Liebesgeschichte
Puppen für die Nacht
Max und siebeneinhalb Jungen
Max Stricker, an old anti-fascist, informs a class of eighth graders before their planned visit to the former concentration camp in Buchenwald. But the boys and girls are not very interested in Max′s lecture and instead stop his lecture with their constant interferences. On the trip to Buchenwald, the class roughnecks around wannabe hoodlum King also want to cause trouble. Thus, a small group of pupils secretly leaves the train before it arrives. Max notices the runaways, follows them, and offers them a bet: He challenges them to get to Weimar on their own, with only five Marks left.
Solo für Martina
Kurt Mosler
Ende vom Lied
Verlobung in Hullerbusch
Die blonde Geisha
Addio, piccola mia
Pfarrer Jaegé
Last years in the Life of german Dramatican Georg Büchner. Around the year 1830 he and his fellow students try to initiate a revolution in Germany, but they are not successful. Büchner has to leave the country and seeks exile in France and Switzerland, where he falls ill with typhus.
Red Ties
A group of children are trying to organize a pioneers detachment.
Разбойники поневоле
Юноша Якоб и принцесса Розалинда любят друг друга. Король обещает юноше отдать дочь в жены только в том случае, если Якоб выполнит его задание: он должен отправиться в ад к черту за тремя золотыми волосками. По дороге Якоб видит много страданий и смерть невинных людей. Йоанас, разбойник поневоле, говорит юноше, что причину бедствий народных знает только черт. Якоб возвращается победителем — с тремя золотыми волосками. Теперь он понимает, что причиной страданий людских является король. Якоб женится на принцессе, а злой король справедливо наказан.
Goldene Zeiten - Feine Leute
Camping, Camping
The fully loaded Trabi rolled towards the Baltic Sea and father Detlef is for once in excellent mood. Did he not agreed with his friend Alfred, located immediately each issue back with an urgent telegram from the resort. But as the two then adventurous go stalking in the jungle of the big city, they experience a failure after another. Sullen Detlef longs for marriage Trott and campground. There would be matched and over the years rather bland become married woman Eveline is undergoing a remarkable transformation.
The Island of the Silver Herons
Police Chief
The late summer of 1918. Paul, Willi and Heinrich from an age-old German town are good friends, although there is a great deal that divides them. Heinrich comes from an officer's family with an army tradition and is preparing to enter cadet college. Paul's father and grandfather are workers, and Willi, left to depend on himself, works as a hotel messenger. The last year of the war is hard for everyone, but while Paul and Willi know their own minds and do not hesitate to help the war fugitives Tony and Sepp, for Heinrich everything is more complicated.
Бетховен - дни жизни
Кинобиография великого немецкого композитора Людвика ван Бетховена. В фильме показаны последние тринадцать лет из его жизни, в течение которых он вынужден был бороться с наступающей глухотой.
Sein letzter Fall
Concert for Frying Pan and Orchestra
Ottmar Dohlenei
For the "Festival of good ideas" that is to take place in their residential quarter the musically enthusiastic young Bum wants to rehearse a music show along with his friends. With pans, cans, hooters and other junk they make music. Some adults get angry about that. Others like the second-hand dealer Dohlenei and Mr. Kling from the symphony orchestra help the children to make their fantastic idea come true.
Mein blauer Vogel fliegt
Kommandant Dübel
Based upon a true story, the movie centers on the German communist Robert, a "Kapo" in a concentration camp. When some Polish children are brought to the camp, Robert tries to save them from certain death. Due to his efforts they are being trained as masons and become part of his construction gang. Nevertheless, the boys, and mainly the clever Janusz, are very suspicious of Robert. They have already experienced too much evil and do not want to trust anybody – least of all a German.
Eine Stunde Aufenthalt
Abenteuer mit Blasius
profesor Brockmann
Ten-year-old Frantisek is traveling to Leipzig to visit his German friend Egon. On the train, he shares the compartment with three men. One of them, the bearded, hefty Blasius is polite but at times acts very confused. At the end station the two boys meet, but they must first of all get rid of Blasius, who lifts them up together with their luggage and carries them away. Leipzig is packed with tourists who have gathered for the famous Fair. The eccentric bearded fellow deals effectively with the traffic jam in front of the station. Blasius's fellow travelers from the train - inventors Prantl and Pirwitz, are at the fairground, boasting of their new invention and claiming it to be the greatest surprise of the entire Fair.
Am I Moses?
Herr Mosmann
A story about a young boy nicknamed Moses who lives in Germany Democratic Republic.
Lotte in Weimar
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was the author of Werther, the romantic novel that was transformed into a play during Goethe's lifetime and which initiated the whole German romantic movement. The book's story tells of young love and suicide. In this East German film, based on a book by Thomas Mann, Lotte (Lilli Palmer) was the woman who served as the model for the heroine in the novel Werther. She comes to Goethe's hometown for a visit, and her experiences there eerily re-create episodes from the book. Goethe comes across as a pompous old bore, and his friends as pandering sycophants, in this very proper communist party-sponsored, anti-heroic movie.
Zwischen Nacht und Tag
Film by Horst E. Brandt.
Ein Feigenblatt für Kuhle Wampe
Am Ende der Welt
Fabrikant Herzberger
Film by Hans K.
Красная скрипка
Страницы биографии выдающегося эстонского скрипача Эдуарда Сырмуса, ставшего в годы гражданской войны бойцом Красной Армии. Фильм рассказывает об участии Сырмуса в немецком революционном движении, антифашистской борьбе в 20-30-е годы. Пламенный революционер и талантливый музыкант, он учился в Петербургской консерватории, его ждала блестящая карьера..
Maria und der Paragraph
The Keys
During their holiday in Kraków, a young worker and a student are asked if their love, despite different views on life, will endure.
Orpheus in the Underworld
This musical comedy based on an opera by Jacques Offenbach incorporates a twist on the classic Greek myth: Orpheus, a music teacher at a girls’ school in the ancient Greek city of Thebes, actually does not miss his wife Eurydice that much – until the gods and Offenbach himself pressure him to retrieve her from Hades.
Die eigene Haut
Unterm Birnbaum
Abel Hradscheck, the owner of an inn in the Oderbruch country, faces financial ruin. For this state of affairs, Ursula, his wife and former actress, is by no means free of blame. She is a "newcomer" to the area and even after eleven years in the area, still a "stranger". A Cracow company announces that a money-collector is on his way to the innkeeper. Mr. Szulski arrives and the debts are settled - with money supposedly stemming from an inheritance. The next day, Szulski departs but according to the maid and the stable-boy, behaves in a very strange manner. Soon afterwards, his carriage is discovered in the Oder River, but there is no trace of the drowned man. Hradscheck's neighbor starts casting suspicion on the innkeeper. The Counselor of Justice, who heads the investigations has the spot under the pear tree dug out. A dead body is exhumed...
Земля обеспокоена происшествиями на космической базе «Маргоо». В течении трёх дней бесследно исчезли сразу несколько кораблей с экипажами. Совет института космических исследований принимает решение запретить на время все космические полёты. А в это время на маленьком астероиде в зоне третьего кольца тоскуют по Земле два товарища-космонавта. Старый пилот Кун и капитан Дениэл Ланьи. Пилот ждёт своего сына, которого он не видел много лет и которому хотел бы показать Землю. А Дениэл тяготиться своей работой и мечтает попасть на тёплый остров, где его ждёт любимая девушка. Но их планам не суждено осуществиться.
Северная Америка, начало 19 столетия. Белые перешли к новой тактике изгнания индейцев с их исконных земель. Теперь они заключают с ними договоры о покупке земли и заставляют их переселяться в бесплодные западные области. Самый ненасытный из белых - губернатор Индианы Гаррисон. Чтобы положить конец его проискам, вождь племени шауни Текумзе пытается объединить индейцев. Ему удается создать племенной союз, который объявил индейские земли общинной собственностью, не подлежащей продаже. Вождей, нарушивших это постановление, убивали. В 1811 году Гаррисон нападает на лагерь сторонников Текумзе, воспользовавшись его отсутствием. Оставшиеся в живых бегут в Канаду и участвуют на стороне англичан в так называемой «второй войне за независимость». Однако, проиграв войну, англичане бросают индейцев на произвол судьбы и обрекают их на разгром американцами.
Ein Mann, der sterben muß
Человек, пришедший после бабушки
Гюнтер и Гудрун Пизольд очень заняты своей карьерой телевизионного комика и актрисы, поэтому бабушка берет на себя домашние дела и уход за детьми. Но когда бабушка снова выходит замуж, Пизольды сталкиваются с хаосом в доме и животрепещущим вопросом: кто будет заботиться о домашнем хозяйстве?
KLK calling PTZ – The Red Orchestra
East German film about the history of Red Orchestra, a real life German pro-Soviet spy ring created after the rise of Hitler that turned into a resistance movement led by a leftist Nazi officer, Harro Schulze-Boysen, and Arvid Harnack.
Zwei Briefe an Pospischiel
East German television film.
Dr. med. Sommer II
Oberarzt Dr. Sommer
The story of a young, idealistic doctor and his on-the-job training as a rookie surgeon. Dr. Heiner Sommer moves to a small town in the GDR where he will complete his training under the senior physician, also named Dr. Sommer.
Film by Ralf Kirsten.
Мой нулевой час
Курт Хартунг — исконный берлинец, страдающий на Восточном фронте из-за самодурства майора Штекбека, попадает в русский плен. Не питая никаких симпатий к нацистам, он радуется тому, что война для него закончена. Но не тут-то было, русским срочно требуется язык с той стороны, а обычный ефрейтор для этих целей мало подходит.
He, Du!
Junge Frau von 1914
Time to Live
The communist and resistance fighter Lorenz Reger, who after the war put all his efforts in the creation of a socialist German state, learns that he has only a short time left to live. Nevertheless, he wants to take on one last difficult new task: He wants to restructure a large firm which has run deep into the red numbers. In a short amount of time, Reger manages to establish mutual trust between the employees and the new management. Furthermore, he motivates the employees with his personal interest for their concerns.
Mohr und die Raben von London
London in 1856. Karl Marx is living in exile in the British capital. One day, "Mohr", as Marx is called by his friends, meets the 13-year old worker′s son Joe. The boy works every day for twelve hours in a spinning mill and even has to work night shifts although that violates current rules. Marx tries to end the illegal activities of the spinning mill owner and one night shows up at the mill together with an inspector. But his foray is undermined by a robbery by the rebellious raven gang that is led by Joe′s brother Billy. The spinning mill owner of course takes this chance to blame his young workers for the theft. But Marx is not let astray and does not stop to fight against child labour. Furthermore, he tries to get the members of the raven gang back on the straight and narrow – with success.
В 12 часов придет босс
Фильм, как и многие другие детективы, начинается с дорожного происшествия. В автокатастрофе погибает водитель и сгорает машина. Полиции зацепиться не за что, да и незачем, если бы не одно "но"... На следующий день произошло нападение на охранника автостоянки, куда отбуксировали полусгоревшую машину. Так начинается противостояние полиции с бандой контрабандистов золотом (или, по нашему, с "расхитителями социалистической собственности"), во главе которой стоит неуловимый и хитроумный босс. Немного стрельбы, немного погони, чуток драк. Всё как полагается. Зло будет наказано.
In August of 1914, amidst the public ecstasy surrounding the impending war, Hans Gastl, the young son of a Munich bürger, makes a decision: he will not take part in this war. This resolution signifies a turning point in his life; a farewell to his class and his family.
This East German movie was co-produced with studios in Hungary and Yugoslavia, with many interesting location shots (border checkpoint to West Berlin, the Gellert bath in Budapest, and more). The plot is about French drug dealers, who obtain heroin somewhere in the Middle East, and smuggle it in several steps to East Berlin, and from there to France (or so it appears), killing when necessary. The hero is an officer of East German customs, who with detective work, some masquerade, and occasional violent action ultimately unravels the whole network, of course with the support of the local customs departments.
Мне было девятнадцать
Герой фильма лейтенант Геккер с восьми лет жил и воспитывался в СССР, куда эмигрировала его семья. В апреле 1945 года в возрасте 19 лет он ступил на родную землю как переводчик и агитатор политотдела 45 армии, где служил для ведения звуковещательной пропаганды и работы с военнопленными. Действие фильма заканчивается 3 мая 1945 года. За это время наш герой был комендантом города Бернау, освобождал Заксенхаузен, участвовалв переговорах о капитуляции цитадели Шпандау.
Der Mord, der nie verjährt
Film by Wolfgang Luderer.
Frau Venus und ihr Teufel
Hans Müller finds himself on a trip in Thüringen, accompanied by his loving female friend, Moritz. Hans doesn't understand much about trust, which constantly leads to problems between the two of them. During one of their fights, Lady Venus intervenes and sends the young man back to the Middle Ages - so he can learn the true meaning of love. Disguised as Tannhäuser, he has to stand his ground against a horde of minstrels. At a singing competition, he blunders, without the support of Moritz, who had also been thrown back into the 13th century. And with the help of Frau Venus, his adventure will surely turn out even worse...
Brennende Ruhr
Dr. Grell
The two-piece black and white movie "Brennende Ruhr" portrays the events during the Kapp-Putsch 1920 in a small german town in the Ruhr district. The main protagonist is Ernst Sukrow, a student who sympathises first with the bourgeois forces but finally decided to join the communists in their fight.
Lebende Ware
Rudolf Kastner
In 1944, SS-Obersturmbannführer Becher arrives in Budapest in order to obtain material for the Waffen-SS. At the same time, he starts to gather private property by offering an insidious choice to the corporation′s Jewish majority shareholder, Dr. Chorin: Either Chorin assigns the company to Becker "on his own free will" – thereby obtaining the permission to travel abroad - or he his family will end up in an extermination camp.
Бегство в безмолвие
Во время строительных работ в небольшом городке в Тюрингии было обнаружено захоронение неизвестного в форме СС с огнестрельными ранениями. Учитывая, что никаких боевых действий в этом месте не было, а рядом с телом была обнаружена старинная золотая монета, для расследования необычного происшествия прибывают два инспектора полиции, капитан Штеттер и лейтенант Хоффманн. Вскоре им удается выйти на след таинственного преступления, произошедшего двадцать лет назад, но тот обрывается вместе с убийством владельца земельного участка, на котором был найден труп. Понимая, что новое преступление тесно связано с гибелью неизвестного эсэсовца, полицейские ищут улики в воспоминаниях старожилов и архивных документах.
When You’re Grown Up, Dear Adam
Adam receives a flashlight with special powers: every liar it shines on flies into the air. Production was cancelled in 1965/66 due to the film's political content. Only in 1989/90 could the director reconstruct the film, where missing sounds and images are replaced with script inserts.
Orpheus steigt herab
Verleger Ronkwitz
Федеративная Республика Германии… В больнице умирает журналист Рохманн, тяжело раненный в автомобильной катастрофе. Перед смертью он завещает своему другу, известному писателю Франку Зебургу, неоконченную повесть и просит завершить начатое им дело. Франк Зебург знакомится с материалами, которые собрал Рохманн. Оказывается журналист пытался проникнуть в тайну гибели некоторых должностных лиц ФРГ. По официальной версии, все они покончили жизнь самоубийством. Зебург не смог выполнить поручение своего друга — обнародовать истинные причины их смерти. Борьба с последователями фашизма оказалась ему не под силу.
Lot's Wife
The marriage of Katrin and Richard Lot has become a routine. She has a career and he, as a Marine officer, comes home only once every fourteen days. The children greet him with joy, but she greets him only with anxiety because their marriage is missing its key ingredient: love. She wants a divorce, but he refuses mainly out of comfort as well as due to pressure from the party. Katrin finds a strange solution: she shoplifts and is put on probation for three months. This is enough to force Richard into a divorce because he is concerned about the "moral liability" of his wife.
Минута молчания
По роману О. Готше "Наш маленький трубач" о жизни талантливого немецкого музыканта Фрица Вайнеке, нелегким путем пришедшего в лагерь германского пролетариата и пожертвовавшего жизнью за дело рабочих в 1926 году.