Brydden Fablo Escobar


Сюжет фильма «Гхатоткача» основан на индонезийском национальном фольклоре, который насчитывает почти 700-летнюю историю и уходит корнями в глубокое прошлое. Истории об отважных героях будут перенесены в наше время.
Rio the Survivor
Rio Sudiro has been living with HIV from his birth, and both his parents have died of AIDS. Rio’s father passed away while he was still in his mother’s womb and his mother has recently passed away a year ago. After his mother died, Rio was taken care of by his grandmother. They live by selling fried food in front of the house and also have other stalls in the neighbourhood reselling their fried food.
Christmas in the Jungle
Moving from Latvia to exotic Indonesia has proven to be quite a challenge for Paula’s (10) family. Her Mother has a hard time adapting to the country. Her sister, Kate (14), is entering puberty, and her Father’s workaholic nature is causing tension in the family. Luckily, the local boy Akhim (12) offers a ray of hope by telling Paula about special Shaman living in the jungle who has a superpower to bring Christmas everywhere. That must be Santa Claus himself! Kids join on a joyful adventure to find Christmas in the Jungle!