Alan Pauls

Alan Pauls

Рождение : , Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires, Argentina


He is an Argentinian writer, literary critic and screenwriter. An early essay he did on Betrayed by Rita Hayworth by Manuel Puig is said to show his interest in him as an "experimental writer." Although Pauls has expressed skepticism about the avant-garde as any form of program, preferring to see it as a "toolbox." Among his own experimental works is Wasabi from 1994. He also had a longstanding interest in film and his later work El pasado was adapted to film. Among more recent work he wrote a "History of" trilogy with the titles being History of crying, History of hair, and History of money. He has additionally served as a visiting professor at Princeton University.


Alan Pauls


Some Girls
Taking a breather from the crisis of her marriage, a surgeon named Celina visits the country house of an old friend who she hasn't seen since their university days. When she gets there, she realizes that something is going on with Paula, her friend's step daughter. Soon she learns that Paula attempted suicide, but Celina is in no shape to help anyone, because she is fleeing a dark secret of her own and has come to the worst place of all possible places to save herself. In the limbo of this hellish little town, her ghosts are reborn, infecting everyone around her...
Are words, photographs and speeches sufficient means for describing and communicating a complex, harsh, unmanageable reality? These unsolved questions pursue Cassandra during her trip through the impenetrable Chaco as chronicler of a means of communication, her first job after graduating from literature school. The unknown reality of native peoples who live in the Chaco communities, their beautiful and uncomprehensive languages and their dilemmas facing an economy which excludes them, are part of a trip in which Cassandra finds an inhabitable world within her status as foreigner. Her visions start merging with the cosmovision of ancient inhabitants until she becomes part of the enigma herself.
The New Life
Глухие стены
Exnovio Mariana
Марианна и Мартин — люди, страдающие душевно и пытающиеся вернуться к нормальной жизни. Они живут на одной и той же улице, в домах, стоящих друг напротив друга, но никогда не встречались. Он — веб-дизайнер. Она переживает расставание после длительных отношений. Они идут по тем же самым улицам и не замечают друг друга. Разве они не должны встретиться? Однако как это сделать в таком переполненном, хаотичном городе, как Буэнос-Айрес?
София и Римини были влюблены друг в друга с ранней юности. Они поженились и прожили вместе двенадцать лет, и выглядели идеальной парой. По крайней мере, так считали их знакомые и родные. Но оказалось, что и такая красивая история может иметь печальный конец. Пришел день, и Римини понял — он больше не любит Софию. Он захотел начать новую жизнь без нее. Но София не разлюбила Римини. Она не могла допустить, чтобы Римини забыл ее, поэтому она просит его взять с собой часть их общих фотографий. Римини, наоборот, хочет как можно скорее забыть Софию и зажить новой холостой жизнью, старые фото в новой жизни ему не нужны, и он, дав обещание вернуться за фотографиями в ближайшие дни, вприпрыжку сбегает от бывшей супруги вниз по лестнице, в свое новое будущее без нее. Но пока Римини не вернется за фотографиями, как обещал, все в его жизни будет идти наперекосяк.
¿De quién es el portaligas?
Father Juan
The Blonds
In 1977, when she was four years old, Albertina Carri's parents vanished without a trace, victims of Argentina's brutal military junta. In this fresh and politically daring film, the young Argentinian filmmaker attempts to unravel the mystery, piecing together her memories and fantasies in a quest to understand her parents' untimely fate.
The Eyes of the Scissors
Close-up to the man who censored films during the military dictatorship in Argentina, slightly inspired by the infamous Miguel Paulino Tato.
Sinfín (La muerte no es ninguna solución)
Los enemigos