Joachim Hellwig

Рождение : 1932-03-31,

Смерть : 2014-07-14


Es begann in Berlin
DEFA documentary in honor of the 750th birthday of the city of Berlin.
Im Land der Adler und der Kreuze
Im Land der Adler und der Kreuze
Werkstatt Zukunft III
В пыли звезд
Creative Producer
Космический корабль с планеты Цинро, получив призыв о помощи, прилетает на планету Тем-4. Хозяева планеты, недовольные вторжением непрошенных гостей, предпринимают все меры, чтобы стереть из памяти экипажа цель их посещения планеты. Но не все космонавты попадают под промывку мозгов. Один из членов команды, желая узнать правду, отправляется в разведывательный полет на зонде. Тут то и выясняется, что местное население порабощено пришельцами. Космонавта захватывают в плен и пытают. В поисках своего товарища, командир звездолета Акала, отправляется на встречу с загадочным Шефом…
Werkstatt Zukunft II
Werkstatt Zukunft I
Wer die Erde liebt
A documentary dedicated to the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students held in East Berlin in the summer of 1973.
Wer die Erde liebt
A documentary dedicated to the 10th World Festival of Youth and Students held in East Berlin in the summer of 1973.
Die Welt der Gespenster
A defa futurum short film.
Die Welt der Gespenster
A defa futurum short film.
Love 2002
The futuristically trendy moderator Chris Wallasch leads the viewer through this program exploring what love might look like in 2002. Passengers at the Berlin-Schönefeld airport are questioned about how they imagine life in thirty years. These interviews are surrounded by a clever and colorful potpourri of flashbacks and flashforwards dealing with the timeless issues of relationships and family.
Love 2002
The futuristically trendy moderator Chris Wallasch leads the viewer through this program exploring what love might look like in 2002. Passengers at the Berlin-Schönefeld airport are questioned about how they imagine life in thirty years. These interviews are surrounded by a clever and colorful potpourri of flashbacks and flashforwards dealing with the timeless issues of relationships and family.
The Black Star
A cinema-verité documentary of Ghana’s five years of independence under President Kwame Nkruma. Striking color images of Africans in modern-day jobs, such as airline pilot and construction worker, predominate, with little voice-over.
The Black Star
A cinema-verité documentary of Ghana’s five years of independence under President Kwame Nkruma. Striking color images of Africans in modern-day jobs, such as airline pilot and construction worker, predominate, with little voice-over.
Ein Tagebuch für Anne Frank
The film documents the well-known story of Anne Frank, whose family hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam. Eventually caught, Frank was sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she later died. The film goes on to explore the concentration camp in detail, the procedures and methods of the camp's commanding officers, and the atrocities the Nazis committed. Shockingly, many of the officers went on to retain their freedom, and lead relatively normal lives, often receiving support from the German government.
Ein Tagebuch für Anne Frank
The film documents the well-known story of Anne Frank, whose family hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam. Eventually caught, Frank was sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where she later died. The film goes on to explore the concentration camp in detail, the procedures and methods of the camp's commanding officers, and the atrocities the Nazis committed. Shockingly, many of the officers went on to retain their freedom, and lead relatively normal lives, often receiving support from the German government.