Zephi Alșec

Рождение : 1923-02-22, Bucureşti, Romania

Смерть : 1992-07-08


Attack in the Library
Paul Comnoiu
Andrei Mladin, a young investigative reporter, is set up for two murders by a criminal that he brought to justice earlier.
Duminică în familie
A computer programmer falls in love with an architect, which, after her parents died, is responsible for her 4 younger siblings. He conquers her by first befriending her brothers and sisters.
The Extras
After 1950, when the comunist regime is fully entrenched, some Bourgeois descendants have to make a living being movie extras. Continuation of "On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube"
Un petic de cer
On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube
Iancu Jianu, Outlaw
Iancu Jianu, Tax Collector
The movie details the struggle of Iancu Jianu as he's torn between joining the struggle of the poor peasants from which he came from and being on the other side of the law working for the rich.
Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love
Jon, a young peasant love more "the land" than his engaged girlhood, Florica.Just when Ion thinks he has become master of his own land, he realizes that he has betrayed his heart, and that he is still in love with Florica, not with his wife. It is the curse of love that will be Ion's undoing. Badly mistreated, Ana, his wife, is driven to despair and she hangs herself. Ion, now free and wealthy, believes that the time has come for him to have Florica. Florica's husband, George waylays Ion and savagely murders him with a hoe.
The Man We Need
A concrete expert is torn between his family, who wants to settle in a city, and his work, which requires constant relocating.
Alone Amongst Friends
A motel manager pushes his unmotivated son to get some good positions, greasing in the right places.
Melodii, melodii
Северино, южноамериканский индеец племени манзанеро, возвращается в родную деревню после 10-летнего отсутствия, чтобы забрать с собой своего младшего брата. Он работал у белых, накопил денег и теперь собирается купить земельный участок на Севере, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Но в его родной деревне драматически обострилась ситуация. Кто-то угоняет скот, нападает на индейцев и на белых поселенцев, явно желая натравить их друг на друга. Северино остается, он хочет добиться, чтобы индейцы мирно жили рядом с белыми...
Casa de la miezul nopții
Man with Pipe
In New Year's Eve, Dan, a pilot, picks up a stranded woman at the airport and they head together to his cabin, where they will meet unexpectedly his ex and her new partner.
Brazi director
After he fails to be accepted in college, Vali is questioned by police for participating in various thefts. He needs an alibi and he thinks the best one would be his father in Bucharest. To get there, he steals a motorcycle. In Bucharest he meets store clerk Anișoara, and he invites her to a seaside escapade. Their one day of love and future optimism is ended abruptly by a tragic motorcycle accident.
For Motherland
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Tufă de Veneția
The Redhead
politistul Mitică Burlacu
During the summer of 1944, while Romanians turn weapons against Nazis, Mihai, an orphan teenager whose parents died in a bombing, tries to enlist in order to fight in the front line but he discovers that former police commissioner Potra tortured and beaten prisoners, including his father, who was political detained. Mihai will fight to bring Potra in front of the justice.
В пыли звезд
Космический корабль с планеты Цинро, получив призыв о помощи, прилетает на планету Тем-4. Хозяева планеты, недовольные вторжением непрошенных гостей, предпринимают все меры, чтобы стереть из памяти экипажа цель их посещения планеты. Но не все космонавты попадают под промывку мозгов. Один из членов команды, желая узнать правду, отправляется в разведывательный полет на зонде. Тут то и выясняется, что местное население порабощено пришельцами. Космонавта захватывают в плен и пытают. В поисках своего товарища, командир звездолета Акала, отправляется на встречу с загадочным Шефом…
Hot Days
A war widower with two kids marries a rich tanner. Her greed tears the family apart, resulting in a lot of misfortune. Based on "Hiena" novel by Petru Vintilă.
The City Seen from Above
Maria Sorescu, director of a re-education school, becomes mayor of a town. She tries to improve the predecessors' record.
The Immortals
Count Sarosi
It's the story of a few men that wonder across Europe trying to come home and rebuild what Mihai Viteazul called "Romanian dream".
Strange Agent
This is a thriller based on a theatre play by Horia Lovinescu - „Omul care şi-a pierdut omenia” (The Man Who Lost His Humanity)
О событиях 1948 года в Румынии. После разгрома столичных банд уцелевшие преступники скрылись в горах. Кровавые события разыгрались в одном из небольших селений. В неравную борьбу с бандитами вступил Михай Роман, бывший комиссар полиции, ставший майором госбезопасности...
Long Way to Tipperary
The movie is about the historic moment in which the PNȚ political party has attempted to form a government in exile to counteract the Petru Groza Russian puppet government. Obviously this is seen through the lenses of communist propaganda.
The Conspiracy
A propaganda movie about the confrontation between the communists and secret police, legionaires in Romania.
Saint Teresa and the Devils
Col. Wolf
September, 1944. A group of soldiers and resistance fighters set to blow up a viaduct of strategic value.
Black Sea Adventures
A counterespionage office get a mission to go to the Black Sea shore and catch a spy network that got their hands on a secret fuel formula.
The Power and The Truth
This is a communist propaganda movie that follows the life of an engineer who is in conflict with power hungry apparatchiks.
The Canary and the Blizzard
In the winter of 1933, an illegalist (a communist, member of a political party a party outlawed at the time) assumes the mission of a wounded colleague to transmit a secret message.
Calea Victoriei sau cheia visurilor
Attorney Constantin Lipan (Geo Barton) is tasked to investigate the case of an oil magnate, Iordan Hagi-Iordan (George Calboreanu). This will put pressure on his superiors to drop the case. Based on "Calea Victoriei" novel by Cezar Petrescu.
Династия непокорных
Действие происходит в Румынии в первые годы второй мировой войны. При разгрузке взрывчатки погиб Георге, рабочий завода, на котором выполняются военные заказы. Его дочь Лия и её жених Дима принимают участие в революционном движении румынской молодёжи. Случайно Дима оказался свидетелем того, как в инсцинированной полицией уличной катастрофе погиб Пьетрару, сотрудник рабочей газеты. Спасая Диму от преследования полиции, Лия сама попадает в тюрьму. В это время рабочие завода, не желая подвергаться дальнейшей опасности, объявили забастовку, требуя чтобы взрывчатку вывезли с завода и прекратили выполнять военные заказы.
Отдых у моря
Музыкальная кинокомедия. Группа студентов архитектурного института вместо поездки в горы случайно попала в дом отдыха на берегу моря. Здесь после ряда забавных приключений они с успехом выступают со своим самодеятельным эстрадным оркестром.
Pistruiatul 2: Ascunzișuri
comisar al Siguranței