Violeta Andrei

Violeta Andrei

Рождение : 1941-03-21, Brasov, Romania


Violeta Andrei
Violeta Andrei


Акробат на Северном полюсе
История необычайных приключений дрессированного медведя Фрама, работающего с семьей знаменитых в начале ХХ века цирковых артистов Марчеллони.
A local Romanian chieftain in 16th century Transylvania discovers a great treasure of Decebalus. He decides to send it for safekeeping in Moldavia, but he has to evade the Transylvanian prince and the king of Hungary, who get wind of it and want it for themselves.
Life Like Laughing
Three youngsters are sent to "re-education through labor" on a hydro dam construction site. They prove in the end to fare much better than some of their colleagues.
Like in Films
An untalented writer attempts to achieve a "lifelike" scenario fail in a dozen policier.
William the Conqueror
William's government blended elements of the English and Norman systems into a new one that laid the foundations of the later medieval English kingdom. How abrupt and far-reaching the changes were is still a matter of debate among historians, with some such as Richard Southern claiming that the Conquest was the single most radical change in European history between the Fall of Rome and the 20th century. Written by jeff davis, III
Mercenaries' Trap
The Countess
The movie is based on a true story from the end of WWI, in Transylvania. A nobleman who owned some land in Transylvania returns home to find a part of his fortune burned to ashes during late 1918 when power was trasfered from AustroHungary to Romania. Looking for revenge, he ordered the killing of innocent Romanian peasants from a neighbouring village, which he suspected to be guilty for the losses he suffered. A Romanian officer from Romanian Transylvanian Volunteers Corp, decides to help the villagers to face the menace of the nobleman
Этот грустный весёлый цирк
О судьбе семьи цирковых артистов. После долгих скитаний героям фильма удается поступить в труппу и отправиться в турне. Из Санкт-Петербурга артисты возвращаются с подаренным белым медвежонком по прозвищу Фрам.
Sing, Cowboy, Sing
Joe and Benny are two cowboys on tour in the Wild West as a singing duo, usually without a penny in their pockets to spare. Joe is a talented rodeo-rider, which fascinates the little girl Susanne and gives her the wish to have him as a father. Her mother Maria, however, is to marry the evil, rich farmer Dave. Susanne wants to stop the wedding, so she sneaks aboard Joe and Benny's wagon to persuade them to intervene. Dave brands them as kidnappers, forcing them to flee as outlaws to one of the families tyrannized by Dave. Together, they strike back at Dave, at which point Maria sees that he's the wrong man for her.
The Pale Light of Sorrow
Союз племени ирокезов
1755 год. Период войны между Англией и Францией за расширение колоний в Южной Америке. Далеко в горы загнаны ирокезы, стойко сохраняющие традиции и быт племени. С семи лет живет среди них английский мальчик Джордж Растер, украденный у родителей и получивший здесь новое имя – Синяя Птица. Много зла и обид причиняют колонизаторы индейцам. Когда после окончания войны Джордж получил возможность вернуться к родителям, он не мог принять мира белых людей и снова, теперь уже навсегда, ушел к ирокезам...
Arms of Afrodite
Ema Pop
A Romanian construction company is contracted to build a sea port in Morocco. In the process they find some roman artifacts.
The Fourth Flock
Film based on a play by Mihail Sebastian. Three guys all fall in love with the same girl. For a month they all forget about the real world, but it all comes to an end.
The Moment
Ruxandra Mărăcineanu
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
Северино, южноамериканский индеец племени манзанеро, возвращается в родную деревню после 10-летнего отсутствия, чтобы забрать с собой своего младшего брата. Он работал у белых, накопил денег и теперь собирается купить земельный участок на Севере, чтобы начать новую жизнь. Но в его родной деревне драматически обострилась ситуация. Кто-то угоняет скот, нападает на индейцев и на белых поселенцев, явно желая натравить их друг на друга. Северино остается, он хочет добиться, чтобы индейцы мирно жили рядом с белыми...
Casa de la miezul nopții
Delia Dragomirescu
In New Year's Eve, Dan, a pilot, picks up a stranded woman at the airport and they head together to his cabin, where they will meet unexpectedly his ex and her new partner.
I, You, and Ovidiu
A witty and cheerful musical comedy made under the Communist regime.
Silvia Buraga
A happily married teacher finds out that a child of hers she believed dead for 10 tears is alive. On the trail of her first lover, she reconnects with her lost daughter.
Aurel Vlaicu
Elena Caragiani Stoenescu
Biography of Aurel Vlaicu, a world wide aviation pioneer.
В пыли звезд
Космический корабль с планеты Цинро, получив призыв о помощи, прилетает на планету Тем-4. Хозяева планеты, недовольные вторжением непрошенных гостей, предпринимают все меры, чтобы стереть из памяти экипажа цель их посещения планеты. Но не все космонавты попадают под промывку мозгов. Один из членов команды, желая узнать правду, отправляется в разведывательный полет на зонде. Тут то и выясняется, что местное население порабощено пришельцами. Космонавта захватывают в плен и пытают. В поисках своего товарища, командир звездолета Акала, отправляется на встречу с загадочным Шефом…
We Do Not Film Just for Fun
Set Production Assistant / comrade Diaconu
This is a comedic meta-movie about making a movie on the Romanian seaside. The movie made is about some low level black market traffickers.
Штефан Великий – 1475 год
Maria of Mangop, Stephen's wife
Турецкий султан Мехмед (Магомет) II, завоеватель Константинополя, воплощает в жизнь свои агрессивные планы дальнейшего завоевания Европы. Его желание - достичь со своей армии Рима, чтобы уничтожить влияние папства навсегда. Для этого ему нужны деньги, запасы продовольствия и спокойствие на границах. Таким образом, султан направляет письмо правителю Молдавии Штефану Великому с указанием об оплате дани и признания над собой Османского покровительства. Штефан отказывается платить дань, зная, что этот отказ повлечет турецкий военный ответ. Но доблестный пример великого господаря Влада III Цепеша, в свое время сорвавшего первую экспансию нечестивого еретика-завоевателя, вдохновляет мужественного Штефана.
Strange Agent
Anda Cernescu
This is a thriller based on a theatre play by Horia Lovinescu - „Omul care şi-a pierdut omenia” (The Man Who Lost His Humanity)
Die Kreuzritter 1475
Three Secret Letters
A director of a shipyard abusively fires a foreman who has opposing ideas.
Beyond the Sands
Bad luck and bad judgment follow two generations of men in this Rumanian tragedy, set in the World War II era. Ion (Dan Nutu) seeks to find out why many years ago his father was falsely accused of being a communist, an accusation which led to his execution. He discovers that his father's mistress, now married to a wealthy man, made the accusation for money, as she was deathly afraid of poverty. Ion's own girlfriend seems to be similarly concerned about issues of livelihood, and abandons him for a richer suitor. Frustrated and angry, he burns down these couple's houses and takes up with some anti-communist arms smugglers.
The Hundred Lei Bill
Arguing with his parents, Petre, a teenager, moves at his bigger brother, Andrei, a successful actor. There he meets Dora, one of his brother's young fans. When Andrei gives the girl his attention, Petre feels abandoned and runs away without even taking the hundred lei bill his brother had given him. A car runs Petre down. When he learns about this tragic accident, Andrei realizes - while watching his own smiling face in a musical on TV - that underneath his glittering success, he lives an empty life.
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
The main characters are two "Don Juans", professional "fiancees", who travel the country in search of desperate women willing to spend money to find their soulmates.
Felix and Otilia
In this monumental Romanian film, a large family and its many generations vie for advantage, seeking to win the inheritance sure to be left behind by a wealthy older man of the clan. This movie is based on a popular novel by George Calinescu, and is similar in some ways to England's BBC television series, The Forsythe Saga, based on Galsworthy's books. Along the way, stories of friendship, love and rivalry emerge. In one story, a poor young man is disappointed in love as his girl chooses lucre over love in selecting a mate.
The Brothers
Family conflicts in the times of communist collectivization.
Six widows demand compensation for the death of their husbands, who were killed during a worker's strike. The women are arrested and taken to the police quarters, where the authorities try to make them retract their statements, but it turns out they're not so easily intimidated.
A World Wihout Sky
A movie about miner strikes in 1292 Jiu Valley. It is made from re-cutting and combining two previous movies, "Lupeni '29" and "Golgota", that were shot much earlier.