Erich Lange


Еврей Зюсс
В 1733 году герцог Карл Александр Вюртембергский назначает своим финансовым советником зажиточного торговца Зюсса Оппенгеймера. Оппенгеймер вводит таможенные сборы за пользование дорогами и придумывает всё новые налоги, чтобы снабдить герцога деньгами. Постепенно он усиливает влияние на своего покровителя и тот, в итоге, предоставляет ему полную свободу действий. При этом Оппенгеймер действует не только в своих личных интересах. Он добивается от герцога снять запрет на проживание евреев в Вюртемберге.
Маленькая серенада
Как и раньше, молодой, счастливо женатый Моцарт остро нуждается в деньгах. Однажды он получает радостную новость о том, что Пражская опера хочет нанять его в качестве дирижёра для премьеры его последней работы «Дон Жуан». Баронесса фон Вальдштеттен, которая всегда была щедрым покровителем композитора, предоставила ему свою карету для путешествия. Вместе со своей женой Констанцией Моцарт отправляется в Прагу...
Bel Ami
Sound Designer
Shortly after being demobilized, Georges Duroy becomes aware of his power over women in the arms of Rachel, a young singer. Thanks to his good looks and his charming manners and his unabashed cynicism he will rapidly rise to the top by courtesy of women women (Mme Walter, Clotilde, Madeleine), from journalist to member of Parliament to cabinet minister. But it is also the fair sex that will cause his fall in the end.
In 18th century Europe, King Friedrich II of Prussia leads his army through the seven-years-war with neighboring states, and after numerous near defeats, eventually brings a victorious army back to Berlin.
An Ideal Husband
Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and, for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously.
Trenck - Der Roman einer großen Liebe
Here's Berlin
Sound Engineer
Story of a rendezvous in Paris which is prepared through telephone calls between a Berlin telephonist and his female colleague in Paris.
The Upright Sinner
Leopold Pichler is a very orderly and trustworthy chief cashier who is asked by his boss to get a large sum of money from the bank which the boss urgently needs on a trip to Vienna. Due to some circumstances, getting the money takes a little longer than expected and the director leaves for Vienna without it. But Pichler sees himself as a reliable man, and so he and his assistant Wittek follow the director to Vienna with the money kept in a bag. In Vienna, the two provincials however are mistaken for guests of the director and spend an evening at a posh night club. But when it transpires that the director actually won't come to the night club that evening, Pichler and Wittek have to pay the bill with the money from the bank. And their subsequent attempts at reimbursing the money lead to situations of ever-increasing hilariousness...
The Squeeker
Sound Director
Eight Days of Happiness
Musical about a girl typist who leaves Berlin for Venice after winning a contest. A rich bachelor pretending to be poor takes a job with her and competes for her affections with a count and a tenor.