Sarah DeLappe


Тела, тела, тела
Executive Producer
Компания модной молодежи отправляется потусить в доме богатенького приятеля. Веселая вечеринка оборачивается кошмаром, когда молодые люди обнаруживают, что кто-то начал сокращать их количество. Нарастают напряжение и каскад взаимных подозрений, всплывают старые обиды.
Тела, тела, тела
Компания модной молодежи отправляется потусить в доме богатенького приятеля. Веселая вечеринка оборачивается кошмаром, когда молодые люди обнаруживают, что кто-то начал сокращать их количество. Нарастают напряжение и каскад взаимных подозрений, всплывают старые обиды.
The Wolves
Left quad. Right quad. Lunge. A girls indoor soccer team warms up. From the safety of their suburban stretch circle, the team navigates big questions and wages tiny battles with all the vim and vigor of a pack of adolescent warriors. The Wolves is a portrait of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for nine American girls who just want to score some goals.
The Wolves
Meet nine young women from a competitive high school soccer team. It’s just a few weeks until nationals and the pressure is on. Relatable and resilient, this pack of adolescent warriors will push and train for their games, while also navigating a growing understanding of their complicated world. From Harry Potter to the Khmer Rouge, from ambition to abortion, The Wolves is about life, love, and loss on and off the Astroturf.
Cassandra at the Wedding
Executive Producer
Follows Cassandra Edwards, a graduate student at Berkeley, who is gay, brilliant, nerve-wracked, and miserable. She drives to her family ranch in the foothills of the Sierras to attend the wedding of her identical twin, Judith, to a young doctor from Connecticut. Cassandra has plans to sabotage the wedding.
Cassandra at the Wedding
Follows Cassandra Edwards, a graduate student at Berkeley, who is gay, brilliant, nerve-wracked, and miserable. She drives to her family ranch in the foothills of the Sierras to attend the wedding of her identical twin, Judith, to a young doctor from Connecticut. Cassandra has plans to sabotage the wedding.